A/N: Hey everyone! This story will be written by 2 people, Andi and Mimi. We are both fans of the Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf and thought it would be fun to write a story with characters from both shows. The characters are the same with some exceptions. Derek and Damon are considered seniors in the story but are both still a werewolf and vampire. Stefan is a vampire at this stage as well. The rest of the characters are still human at the moment. Also there are two OCs Aria and Olivia :) We will mix the two tv series storylines with ideas of our own. One of our ideas is that there will be many different love triangles going at the same time between the teen wolf and vampire diary characters :)
Also it's rated T just to be safe, I'm quite srue the story will stay manly K+
Teen Wolf Characters: Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, Derek, Allison, Kira, Aiden, Ethan, Isaac
Vampire Diaries Characters: Elena, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Tyler, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie
I hope I remembered everyone :p We will include all characters throughout the story :)
Please let us know if any character becomes to OOC and leave your comments to let us know if we should continue!
Another school year was about to begin. I walked through the doors of Beacon Hills High while sipping my coffee and walked towards my new locker. As I opened it the hinges screeched in a high pitched sound. I shook my head, they really needed to get new lockers. Normally I am never an extremely early person but it was the first day back so I decided to be organised. This year I was a junior and I made myself a promise to at least try and improve on my habits. Of course to see whether they would actually improve was another thing. I looked across the hall and noticed an all too energetic Caroline Forbes. Seriously, I had no clue where her energy came from but she always had an unlimited source of it.
"I'm telling you guys, this is going to be our year!" she said to her two best friends Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennet. Bonnie tried her best to smile encouragingly but when she looked at Elena her smile faded a bit. Elena smiled with them but I could tell she was putting up a front and honestly I didn't blame her. She had lost her parents and everyone knew. The only worse thing was everyone around you pitying you. They mean the best but the different way in which you get treated just makes things worse and makes it even harder to move on.
All of a sudden, I felt someone knock me. I was about to shout at the person until I saw who it was.
"Sorry," Jeremy Gilbert barely told me as he carried on walking. If anyone else did that I would have probably said something but knowing he had just lost his parents, I didn't say anything.
"Scott I'm serious ok? I swear I heard my dad say it was a dead body!" I heard Stiles my best friend say.
"Ok, fine, I believe you," Scott told him.
"No you don't, I can tell. Maybe Aria will actually care," Stiles said turning to face me.
"About dead bodies?" I asked him.
"Don't you find it strange?" he asked.
"No. Generally people die, no one lives forever," I told him.
"How do you really know that?" he challenged.
"Are you serious?" I asked him.
"Don't you guys get it?" he said turning to both Scott and I, "The body they found was in half!"
Scott looked at me and I could tell we both were actually wondering what was going on.
"Wait what do you mean?" Scott asked a bit confused.
"Only half of it was found," Stiles said excitedly.
"This is the stuff that excites you?" I asked him.
"Come on, it is strange," Stiles said to me as I looked at Scott.
"Yeah ok, it is weird but before you ask, there is no way I'm going wandering in the woods with you!" I said before he could ask.
"Oh come on? What is the worse that could happen?" he asked. I glared at him.
"How about my arm could end up fractured again?" I asked thinking back to a time when he convinced me to come with him and I ended up injured.
"I was asking hypothetically ok?" Stiles said as I rolled my eyes.
"Come on Scott, you know you find it strange," Stiles said knowing he was right.
"Fine, I'll go-," Scott said.
"Yes!" Stiles said excitedly.
"If Aria goes," he said looking at me.
"What?!" Both Stiles and I said while Scott looked smug.
"Scott," I said shocked he was dragging me into it.
"Please Aria, please Aria, please Aria," Stiles kept repeating over and over.
"No," I said.
"Please Aria, please Aria," he kept saying repeatedly knowing it would irritate me.
"Ugh! Ok fine! Just shut up ok?" I said eventually while I saw both the boys smile.
"Why am I even friends with you guys?" I said playfully.
"Cause you can't survive without us," Scott said arrogantly joking as I shook my head.
"Hey, look, it's Elena Gilbert," Scott said looking across the hall.
"Yeah, I wonder how she's doing," Stiles said.
"It can't be easy," I said.
"Yeah I mean-," Scott said stopping mid-sentence.
I instantly knew Allison Argent must have walked in the school and with Stiles facial expression it seems Lydia was with her too.
"Are you guys done gawking?" I asked chuckling while leaning against the locker.
"Why don't you actually try saying hi this year Scott?" I said from behind him as they walked by.
"You're right," he said, "This year I should-,"
"Lydia!" Stiles said loudly, "How have you been?"
Lydia gave him a confused look.
"Who are you?" she asked confused as she walked past.
"I'm Stiles but you're already walking away and you are not listening to a word I say," Stiles said disappointedly watching as she greeted Jackson.
"I don't get why you guys get so caught up over one girl," I said shaking my head.
"Oh and you're just Miss Perfect huh?" Stiles said. I smiled.
"Well you don't see me-," I said as I spun around and knocked someone.
"Sorry," I said bending down and picking up my books.
"It's ok," I heard a voice say. I froze. It wasn't just anyone, it was Stefan Salvatore. I have had a crush on him for longer that I can remember.
"Um, sorry, I, I don't, um," I said getting flustered and picking up my things.
"Really, it's no problem," he said giving me a charming smile. I barely managed to nod at him as I stood up.
"Oh, you dropped this too," he said handing me a book.
I tried to say thanks but nothing came out and I just watched as he walked off.
"Oh my god, look at me, I'm a helpless fool," Stiles mocked me in a high pitched voice.
"I was not that bad," I said defensively but I just saw Scott laughing.
"You were baaaaaaad," Scott said as he carried on laughing.
"Why do we choose the people we can't have?" I asked as we all looked at the people we longed for.
"You know why? Because life sucks, that's why," Stiles said simply.
"Yeah it does for losers doesn't it?" Tyler Lockwood said. He was such a jerk and none of us could stand him.
"Tyler just leave it," Matt Honeycutt his best friend said. Honestly I didn't get how they were best friends, they were basically opposites.
"Sucks when you're nothing huh?" Tyler said arrogantly to us and ignoring Matt.
"Or, when you have nothing," Tyler said looking at Allison, Lydia, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie.
"Wow, sounds like you're speaking from sexual experience," I said before I could stop myself. I could hear everyone gasping. I would have never said something like that before but I told myself new year, new person. Stiles and Scott burst out laughing.
"What did you say?" Tyler asked me but just then Derek Hale walked in the school. All the girls simply froze and stared at him. Tyler looked at him, then at me and just walked away.
"And it sucks more, ladies and gentleman, here comes Derek Hale. The male who shows us males what we lack," Stiles said as I laughed.
"I don't know, I don't get the hype," I said looking at Derek. Sure he was good looking and he had that whole bad boy persona going on but to me it just seemed like there wasn't much of a personality there. Or at least I hadn't seen much of it.
There was tons of "Hi Derek"s everywhere.
"Ok let's head to class," I told them trying my best to leave in time before-
"Aria," Derek said from behind and I could feel every pair of eyes on me including Scott and Stiles. I squeezed my eyes shut and cringed inwardly while Derek walked in front of me.
"Nice seeing you again," he said with a smile while leaning against the locker.
"Yeah," I said simply nodding to him and I just knew I was now hated by most girls if not every girl in the school.
"See you around," he said to me with a smile and then he carried on walking.
"What the hell was that?!" Stiles asked his eyes wide.
"What?" I asked him innocently pretending nothing had just happened.
"How the hell does Derek Hale know your name?" Scott said protectively.
"Relax, it's really not that big a deal," I said shrugging it off.
"Really then why is everyone staring at you?" Stiles asked and he was right, everyone was.
"What?" I asked everyone and they went back to doing whatever they were doing.
"You owe us an explanation!" Stiles said as I began to run off and ended up bumping into someone else.
"Sorry," I said catching my books just in time.
"Its fine," I heard a voice say. It was Issac Lahey, one of the many loners of the school. I gave him a small smile and carried on walking fast.
"Hey! You owe me an explanation!" Stiles said chasing me from behind. I quickly sat down and hoped someone would sit next to me before Stiles did so I didn't have to talk to him. It turned out someone else did and it was Tyler. I groaned.
This class was going to suck.
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