Chapter 11

Wally soaked in the sun's rays. He wasn't cold in the slightest but the warmth of the sun's rays felt good on his tired body. The speedster had been training on how to deal with a life with out his speed. So far he was doing good. Wally only took the inhibitor bracelet off for a few moments at a time for fear of his powers going crazy.

Barry let out a sigh as he watched his nephew who was more like a son to him bathe in the sunlight from a short distance away. For some reason which the blond had no idea why Wally like the sun so much considering that the young speedster always would get sun burnt due to his pale skin. But if it helped the younger speedster stay calm with dealing with his powers than Barry was all for it (as long as they had sunscreen handy).

When he was told what may have caused Wally's powers to go haywire, Barry knew what was going on. Wally had reached a new level of his powers when the mental block had been removed due to the so called death of Artemis in the simulation. Barry knew that his nephew's powers would not be like his due to the fact that Wally had gotten his powers at a young age and his powers would grow, where about Barry had gotten his powers when he was full grown.

Barry missed the happiness that Wally used to have but had not seen since the Failsafe simulation. Barry couldn't blame Artemis or M'gann for what happened as it was neither one of their faults what had happened to his son. Iris and Barry had given up having any children due to Barry's powers but Wally was their son and would always be.

Barry also figured out that his nephew had feelings for Artemis and vice versa. Wally shouldn't have reacted that way he did in the simulation if he didn't have feelings for the female archer. Maybe Artemis also had feelings for Wally judging by that fact that Barry had a feeling the the young archer would be trying to find them but the this training place was hard to find. But that didn't stop Barry from telling his wife where they would be at and knowing Iris, she would tell Artemis if she came to the house looking for Wally which Barry knew would happen.

Barry was right about Iris telling Artemis where they were at as he saw a long figure walk toward them about a mile from where they were located at thanks to the goggles that Barry had on. The figure was female and was a little shorter that Wally with blond hair stick out of the scarf she had on to cover her head from the heat of the sun. Barry let out a sigh as he watch the female figure which he knew to be Artemis walk toward them. This was not going to be fun in the slightest.

Barry told Wally that he would be back in a few moments which Wally didn't say anything other than nod to his uncle and went back to bathing in the sun.

Barry ran up to the figure which he had figure was Artemis dressed in her hero outfit who looked a little worse for wear. "What are you doing here Artemis?" Barry asked as he watch the teen take a sip of her nearly empty water bottle.

"I came to help. Look Flash. I was told about the lighting rod situation by your wife and thought that maybe I could be that for Kid Flash. If it works that would be great but if it doesn't than maybe we could find another way to help Kid Flash control his powers." Artemis told the older speedster using the hero name since Barry was in his Flash outfit.

"Artemis, the lighting rod has to be someone that is very important to a speedster. I'm not saying that you aren't important but you may not be important enough for this to work." Barry told the young archer. He knew that Artemis meant a lot to Wally but did she mean enough to Wally for him to be able to stay out of the Speed Force. Barry hoped so.

A loud scream caught both of the heroes. Both turned to see Wally starting to fade in out of reality. Barry knew what was going on. The inhibitor bracelet that Wally wore must have malfunctioned.

Barry wasted no time. He picked up Artemis and head to where his son was at in hope of saving him. Artemis was thinking the same thing as Flash as she held on tight to the older speedster praying that they weren't to late. The archer wasn't going to lose Wally.

Wally screamed as he felt his body be pulled into a million pieces. The inhibitor bracelet had failed and now he was being pulled into the Speed Force. To say that he was was scared would be a lie. Wally was terrified. But at least he wasn't going to hurt anyone if he went into the Speed Force.

"Kid Flash!"

Wally turned his head to see his uncle and what looked like Artemis coming towards him at a fast speed. Why would they come towards him? He was a danger to them.

Wally started to take a few steps back away from his uncle and teammate in an attempt to protect them only to have Artemis jump out of Flash's arms and grab on to his arm.

"Artemis, what are you doing? Let go!" Wally yelled as he tried to get shake the Archer off of his arm.

"I won't let go Wally. You mean to much to me to lose you." Artemis screamed as she felt herself be pulled into the Speed Force with Wally. Even if she wasn't the Lighting Rod for Wally she still wasn't going to let go of the speedster or let him face the Speed Force alone.

Wally let the words that Artemis had just said sink in. Did he just hear that Artemis cared about him. Sure the young speedster cared about the archer but never in a million years did Wally think that Artemis care about him.

"You have to let go! I don't want you to get sucked into the Speed Force like me." Wally yelled as he tried once again to get Artemis to let go of his arm.

"Forget it Baywatch. I'm not letting go. We are teammates and teammates stay together no matter what the situation and like I said you mean to much to me to lose you. You have to come back and not be afraid of who you are. You are a kind and gentle person that would never hurt a soul. You have family that care about you and with training we can help you control your powers." Artemis yelled as she pulled with all her might to get Wally out of the Speed Force.

Wally once again let the words that Artemis said sink in. He didn't know what it was but something snapped inside of him and with a scream latched on to Artemis's arm and began pulling with her to get out of the Speed Force. He wasn't going to let the Speed Force win no matter what.

It seemed like forever for Barry but he knew that he shouldn't interfere unless he needed to. Wally was coming out of the Speed Force with the help of Artemis. It did look like that Artemis was indeed Wally's Lighting Rod.

With a scream, Artemis pulled Wally out of the Speed Force and caught him as he fell into her arms sobbing his eyes out.

Artemis wrapped her arms around Wally and just let him cry. It had seemed that she was his Lighting Rod after all. Wally was alive and Artemis was never going to let anything happen to him no matter what anyone thought would happen. Wally had beaten the Speed Force and was going to be alright.

Well everyone this MAY be the last chapter as I can't think of anything else to write for the this story. When I started this story, I only wanted to have so that Wally comes to terms with his new powers and gets together with Artemis. I may do another chapter in the later future. So please no hate reviews as like I said this may NOT be the last chapter. It just the last chapter for a while. Thanks for all the support.