...So it's been more than a year since I updated this fic. I have no idea where the time went, and I'm so sorry for abandoning it for so long! I just got back into writing and I decided to start again by tying up this loose end. Thank you to everyone who reviewed for last chapter- I hope you're not too mad at me for making you wait for so long! I'm sure the majority of you forgot it existed, but here it goes anyway! I hope you enjoy! Also- please note the rating change!

NOTE: These characters do not belong to me. They belong to L. J. Smith, Julie Plec, and the CW. I'm just borrowing them for this story! Some lines are taken from the show and are not mine, but I decided to put them in my story because I love them too much! Each chapter begins with some lines from the song "Come Home" by OneRepublic, so check it out if you want to see where I got my inspiration for this fic from! Enjoy!

Come home

Come home

Cause I've been waiting for you

For so long

Elena's POV

I am coaxed awake by the sound of chirping birds and a stream of sunlight that seems to have chosen my face as its point of illumination. I grumble softly as I reminisce in my strong distaste of mornings, but sigh happily when I remember the events of the night before and realize where I am.

At some point during the night our positions must have changed, however unlikely considering the size of the couch, and instead of waking up in Damon's arms, as I have countless times, I look down and find him resting in mine. His arms are locked around my waist in a tight embrace and his head is on my chest. My arms are around him, cradling him to me, one hand on his cheek, the other in his messy, black tendrils.

When he sleeps, his face holds the innocence of a small child, all pouty lips and messy hair, yet qualities of the man that he is, from his strong jaw to his taut body and thick eyebrows. I blush a little when I see his naked chest pressed against my clothed one, another thing that must've changed during the night, and pray to anything that'll listen that he won't wake up until it's left my face.

But of course, I'm not that lucky, and I hear him start to chuckle softly.

"What's so funny?" I ask him, hoping that his laughter has something to do with a dream he had and nothing to do with me.

He doesn't even bother to open his eyes as he replies, "You, princess. Why are you blushing?"

I immediately blush harder in response. "How can you possibly know I'm blushing when you haven't even opened your eyes? Plus, you just woke up. There's no way you'd be able to tell."

He chuckles again, amused, and retorts, "I've been up for more than an hour, Elena. Plus, even if I had been asleep, being this close to a human whose blood is rushing to the surface, because of the sight of a sexy, bare-chested, vampire I might add, would wake me up."

I pretend not to be floored by the fact that he could smell my blush and knew exactly why I was doing so and decide to respond to the first part of his answer. "Wait... You were up for an hour?"

Triumphant that he was able to read me like a book, he tilts his head up and grins, finally letting me get a peek at his crystal blue eyes and simply says, "Yes."

"And why is that?"

He seems a bit embarrassed as he sheepishly replies, "I didn't want to wake you up..."

I see a flash of pain in his eyes when he looks at me, which leads me to believe that although it's true, it isn't the full story. His extreme playfulness should have tipped me off that something was wrong. Damon always uses his wit and ability to manipulate any situation to his advantage during times like these, in this case, taunting me about my still-burning cheeks.

"Damon," I admonish, "I know when you're keeping something from me," I pause to stroke his cheek with my thumb, "and you can tell me anything. Why you were awake for so long without telling me?"

He shifts in my arms so that he rests on his elbows above me, his eyes now level with mine, and I can see that they're laced with uncertainty, and maybe even a little guilt.

"Last night, you told me you loved me. We kissed and it was probably the greatest moment of my entire existence, but when I woke up with you, I was worried that you'd regret everything and take it all back," his brow furrows as he continues, "and I thought, fuck, this is the happiest I'll ever be, so I might as well enjoy it while I can-" I interrupt him with a slow, sensual kiss.

When we finally part, I'm breathless and so is he and I smile as I say, "How could I ever regret saying something so true? I don't regret last night, Damon. The only thing I regret is that it didn't happen sooner."

The weight of the world seems to fall off his shoulders and Damon pauses a moment to smile before his lips attack mine.

This kiss is different than any of the others we've shared so far. It's passionate, but not just that, it's steamy. It seems to promise all kinds of naughty things to come and I can feel myself start blushing again as I realize just how badly I want him.

His lips move to pepper kisses across my face and down my neck and with each stroke of his lips against my skin, I feel myself coming alive. I can't help but moan when he sucks at the pulse point in my neck and suddenly, I can't take it anymore.

"Damon," I say breathily. He moves away from my neck so he can look into my eyes.

"Yes?" he questions, confused.

I bite my lip and feel yet another blush on my cheeks and say, "I want you."

Damon freezes, his hands locking into place around my hips and he just stares at me, dumbfounded.

I feel embarrassed and begin to pull away at his lack of response, but as I move to stand up, he pins me beneath him and huskily murmurs, "Say it again."

I look into his eyes, now black with lust and desire and say, "I want you, Damon. Now."

In a blur, Damon picks me up and before I can even blink, I'm sprawled beneath him in his king-sized bed.

"Why the change in location?" I ask, confused yet somewhat giddy that I'm in his bed with him.

"Did you think my first time with you would be on some couch?" he asks, slightly offended.

"No," I admit, "I always imagined it'd be-" I stop when I see the wicked grin on his face.

"What?" I ask, perplexed.

He smirks like a cat who just ate a canary and responds, "So this is something you've already imagined?"

My eyes grow wide when I realize my slip-up, but I decide to be candid about it to hopefully save myself from hours of him poking and prodding until he gets an answer.

"Countless times, actually." He raises his eyebrows in surprise. I then flip us over so I'm on top of him and whisper in his ear, "Although it usually goes a little more like this."

Then I kiss him. Damon stills for a moment, but before long, he kisses me with a ferocity I never knew he was capable of. I melt under his lips, each kiss setting my skin aflame. I move from his lips to lavish his neck with open-mouth kisses and he purrs. Damon Salvatore freaking purrs. True to his form, before long I find myself underneath him once more, but I get lost in the feeling of his bare back against my fingertips. His muscles ripple as his wandering hands explore my needy body and all I can think is that there is too much clothing between us.

I sit up so Damon can take off my shirt. He tosses it aside without a care in the world and stares unblinkingly at my chest, which is concealed by nothing more than a black, lace bra. I squirm under his fierce gaze and attempt to cover myself up, but he stops me with a quick shake of his head.

"You're beautiful," he says as he cups my breasts in his large hands, "Don't you ever hide from me."

He moves to unhook my bra behind my back and I hold my breath. Noticing, Damon places a sweet kiss on my forehead before allowing his hungry eyes to devour me. His jaw locks instantly and he looks as though he's never seen such a sight. Damon lays me back down on the bed and nearly suffocates me with long, languid kisses. His mouth travels from my lips to my neck to my collarbone, stopping only when he reaches my dusky nipples. I moan in delight when he puts one in his mouth and moves his hand to pinch the other. He lavishes them both with equal intensity then moves up to kiss my lips. I eagerly delve my fingers into his hair and pull him close as I kiss him back with equal intensity. For a while, our mouths explore one another's, battling for dominance.

Damon grinds against me and I shudder, wanting more. He slides his hand down my body, stopping at the zipper of my jeans. He cups my sex in his hand through the fabric and I wantonly rub against it. He looks up at me questioningly, waiting for my nod before he slips my jeans down my long, slender legs. He catches an ankle in his hand and bites it playfully before returning to his position on top of me. I giggle and lightly kiss him a few times in response. Damon nuzzles into my neck, hesitating above my pulse point, which is hammering. His chastely kisses it but moves away quickly, kissing down my body once more, spreading my legs apart once he arrives at the place I want him most. He slides my panties down my legs slowly and I almost shout at him in frustration.

He stands up and gazes at my naked body, shamelessly gawking me. I want him too much to stop now and I watch him watch me with interest.

"You're even more perfect than I imagined," he says, almost to himself.

Before long, his face is between my thighs and I feel his hot breath tickling me. The sight of him between my legs is beyond erotic and I tremble in anticipation of what's to come. Damon kisses me up and down each leg, avoiding the one spot that he knows will drive me crazy.

"Damon," I practically mewl, "Please."

He looks up at me and winks. That fucker actually winks at me while I'm all hot and bothered for him.

He tastes me once, savoring it. I hear and feel him moan in response and I begin to pant. His talented tongue does wonders and soon I start to see stars. I'm surprised when Damon shoves one finger inside of me, and starts to pump it slowly in and out of my heated core. I whimper when he inserts another and when his thumb moves to finger my clit, I shatter, calling his name like a prayer.

When my soul finally comes back to my body, Damon stops his ministrations. He quickly rids himself of his pants- he's going commando in his typical-Damon fashion- and moves to climb on top of me, but I stop him. I take my time to simply take in every inch of his sexy body and when I say sexy, I mean sexy. Damon's body is sculpted perfectly and I can't wait to kiss every inch of its perfection. His erect member stands upright against his belly and my eyes slightly widen when I see its size. Damon crosses his arms and looks at me, his ego loving every second of my gawking. He winks at me and I nearly have to fan myself at the sight.

"You are by far the most attractive man on the planet," I pant. He grins back at me.

Damon climbs on top of me and feeling his hardness on my thigh, I move shamelessly against it. He groans in my ear, clearly loving the friction, and I take the opportunity to kiss him in every place my lips can reach. I reach down to stroke him lightly. Damon stills at once while letting out a harsh breathe. I continue my ministrations, growing more and more turned on as I feel his hot, shallow breaths against my neck.

I kiss him slowly, telling him without words how much I want to be with him. He gets the message immediately- Damon has always understood me better than anyone- and he moves to position himself at my entrance.

"Elena," he rasps, "Are you sure this is what you want? We can stop now if-" his words are immediately cut off as I shift my hips to push him inside me. Damon's eyes roll into the back of his head and the sound he makes fills me with womanly pride.

"You're so perfect," he murmurs into my neck, "So fucking perfect."

Damon begins to move inside me, slowly at first, then picking up the pace. His thrusts into me again and again, gazing into my eyes with the most enamoured expression. My hands explore his body, touching him any place they can reach. I delicately place my hands on his face and kiss him so softly, our lips barely touching. It's a stark opposite to the intensity of what's going on below, but I want him to know that he's not just some fuck to me because this, this is everything. My body soars as his hip movements grow more erratic and I know we're both close. Damon hits the right spot in me over and over again as a coil tightens inside me, ready to snap at any moment. I close my eyes in pleasure.

"No," he demands, "I want to look into your eyes when I make you come." I immediately comply.

Nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of his eyes on mine and I watch him as I shatter. I cry out his name as I orgasm, shocks of pleasure coursing through my body violently. Soon after, Damon lets go too, coming while grunting my name.

We lay there for a while, still intimately connected. His body rests entirely on mine, but the pressure is welcome. I wrap my arms around him and kiss the crown of his head. This position reminds me of the one we woke up in this morning and I immediately smile.

Damon rolls off of me, but before I begin to protest, he grabs a blanket from the foot of his bed and throws it over us. I immediately tether myself to him, burying my face in his neck. I breathe him in and grin when I realize he smells like sex and sweat and me.

"That was..." I say, not finding a word that can encompass how amazing I feel.

"I know," Damon responds. He pulls me closer to him and nuzzles his face into my hair.

I move so I can see his face and he lazily smiles at me while stroking my back slowly.

"What's that face?" I ask.

Damon's eyes light up as he responds, "What face?"

"That face," I say while smiling and biting my lip.

He playfully rolls his eyes as his grin widens and says, "I'm happy."

Like magnets, we are pulled together by an indescribable force, and we kiss each other slowly and sweetly, comfortable in the fact that this is how things will be for us now: easy, uncomplicated, full of love.

"I love you," I breathe when we finally part. He looks at me and smiles genuinely.

"I love you too," he whispers, kissing both of my eyelids. Damon moves one hand to stroke my cheek and I close my eyes, relishing his touch.

Resting here, curled against the man I love, I feel so inexplicably happy. This is where I belong. It's where I've always belonged. I smile against Damon's chest as I drift off to sleep, feeling like I've finally come home.

Thank you for reading! If you liked it, feel free to leave a review! This was my first time writing smut so I'm nervous/excited to hear what you all thought! Also, there will be an epilogue coming out (soon, I promise!) so if you enjoyed, please follow me or the story!

Until next time!