I wrote TWO entirely different versions of this chapter. It was really hard and kind of frustrating, and I've come to the point where I actually have to rewatch certain episodes to hear the characters' actual dialogues and such. I love 5D's but watching certain episodes makes my heart break (maybe that's just the reason why I love it so much). I have also decided that I won't repeat all the goddamn details of the series in this story – too much trouble, and I'm only interested in writing the most ~exciting parts~ *shot *
No warnings this time. ...Huh, this originally had a masturbation scene? (OOPS)
4. Coming to You
The rumbling of the D-Wheel was loud, it could have hurt Yuusei's ears pretty badly if it wasn't for his helmet covering them. The tunnel in which he was driving through echoed the whirring sound of the motorbike, and the screen attached to the bike in front of Yuusei told the driving speed increasing slowly but steadily, hitting the record numbers -
Until there was cough-like sounds, smoke, and Yuusei braked instantly. The vehicle stopped, and he looked at the source of the faint rising smoke. He stood up and lifted himself off of the motorbike, and took off his helmet. A short glance at the damaged engine, then he looked up to the faint rays of sunlight that shone through a crumbled hole in the pavement above the tunnel.
The sky was oddly clear that day.
Was it a sign that he was almost there?
The wheels of the bike creaked quietly as Yuusei pushed it along the tunnel, and soon he heard faint noises which sounded like a person - no, not just one, people, a crowd. A cheerful crowd? Yuusei reached his hideout and understood that the cheers emitted from a tiny, old television. He knew that three of his friends - Taka, Blitz and Nerve - were there watching it but didn't say a word when he pushed his bike in, to its own place next to a tiny table that held his laptop. A familiar voice boomed loud and clear from the TV.
"If the King was serious from the beginnig, the duel would be over in an instant! Dueling must be entertainment for everybody!"
There it was, one sentence hiding an enormous cruel lie. Why was Yuusei fighting by dueling, why did he have to worry for tomorrow and depend on his deck only to protect his life? This wasn't the kind of "entertainment" Jack had talked about. No moment in Yuusei's life had been much of an entertainment.
Now, for Jack, only the entertainment remained.
Because he was the King.
Yuusei's focus was back on his D-Wheel, and he gripped on the other handle, causing a loud roar to emit from the engine. The sound caught the three other men's attention.
"Oh, Yuusei!" The television was switched off immediately by the largest man in group, Taka. "Sorry about that. But this is the only place where the TV gets a connection."
"That duel sure was amazing," commented Blitz. "Jack seems to have gotten even stronger."
At that point, Yuusei was already connecting the wires from his computer to the D-Wheel's engines. He didn't turn around when he calmly asked, "The opponent wasn't tough, was he?"
"Yeah... Jack just played with him during the entire match."
First it seemed like Yuusei hadn't even listened to the reply. Then he quietly said, "I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, then..." After that, he stayed silent as he focused his mind back to his motorbike's engine. He did hear the other men talking to each other but it was all distant voices to him, certain words ringing into his ears clearer than others, especially Jack's name, and his own. He continued fixing the D-Wheel in silence, his eyes unreadable.
Living in Satellite forced one to accept the undying sensation of uncertainty and fear of if there will be tomorrow for you and your loved ones. Yuusei had adapted to it long ago, so escaping from the clutches of Security's helicopters and its officers was not an impossible task. He was, however, approached and trapped by one of Security's men, and as his only way to get out of the situation circulating him, one little part in his motorbike's machinery and the one who had stolen and brought it to him, one young boy called Rally, he had challenged the police officer Ushio to a duel, winning in the end and driving off to the coast after the heated Riding Duel.
The night had fallen over both Satellite and the city that gleamed far from the island. Yuusei stopped to look at the view to Neo Domino, the chilly night wind waving his hair and jacket's hem. Eyebrows furrowed, he stared at the city's blinding lights.
Soon, he'll find his way in to the middle of all that brightness – to the King.
"Just wait for me... Jack..."
The blond had no idea but Yuusei was already preparing to escape from Satellite. What about the time after, if, he succeeds? He had no idea, he only saw Jack in his future.
The red surface of Yuusei's D-Wheel shone brightly as he drove out from the shadows into the light reflected by the full moon, heading to the entrance which led to the city's coast where he could get a clear view to the island in the distance: he had managed to leave Satellite. He suddenly felt warmer, even though the air was freezing due to it being past midnight and the wind from the sea blowing: he knew whom he was about to see.
He drove into a more open area, he could hear the ocean on his other side while on his right stood a tall concrete wall.
And there, on top of the wall, looking down on him, was the young man whom he hadn't seen face to face in two whole years.
Yuusei stopped his motorbike and took his helmet off. His narrowed eyes looked up at the figure above him.
It felt almost unreal. There was no way he could have mistaken the person, he recognised the blond hair and the tall, broad body clothed in a white, tight riding-suit he had seen many, many times on TV. Yet Yuusei felt like this Jack Atlas wasn't the same he had known months ago, the Jack he had lived with in Satellite.
And there Jack Atlas stood, smiling, tall and proud. He let out a low, loud chuckle.
"Long time no see... Yuusei."
Yuusei's eyes were on Jack, but no words came out of his mouth. Jack looked back at him for a short while until he closed his eyes, uttering out a low 'hmph' before he opened his eyes again to look over Yuusei, over the wall separating the concrete surface from the ocean, his stare focusing on the dim lights and distant shadow of Satellite, the floating island full of garbage, his old home, and the full moon above it.
"When I saw that moon, I had the feeling you're coming." It was weird, this mental connection between the two. It still remained? "How long has it been?" Yuusei didn't blink, nor moved the slightest.
"Two years."
"Two years... huh?" The blond young man sounded genuinely surprised. The time had flown without him noticing its pace. He looked back at Yuusei - and the motorbike under him.
"You've built quite a D-Wheel. That isn't surprising." Yuusei's expression hadn't changed at all, and it still didn't - but his voice had a hint old bitter coldness as he finally spoke again.
"You did ride off with the one I built back then."
A small, smug smile came back to Jack's lips, along with another 'hmph'.
"King never lets a chance slip by." As he said that, Jack was looking back at the night sky above them, the smile never fading. Not even when he said the thing Yuusei wouldn't have expected him to say... "I took my chance to get that kiss from you, too."
Not exactly visibly, Yuusei's eyes narrowed. It was difficult to notice for the lack of proper light but suddenly his cheeks had a tint of pink over them.
"Why did you take it? What happened to it?" Yuusei's voice was strong, demanding, just like the gaze in his eyes. Jack was quiet for a short moment until he lowered his stare back to Yuusei, asking loud and clear,
"The D-wheel or the kiss?"
"You know which," Yuusei growled. Jack took his time to consider how to reply, then he said almost painfully lightly,
"Obviously it broke a long time ago."
Wasted months, useless effort, forgotten work – Yuusei's hand gripped into a fist.
"And my card?" That he wouldn't be able to forgive-
"Stardust Dragon, right?" And soon, there it was, between Jack' slender fingers: Yuusei couldn't have mistaken about the card with the silvery background, the majestic creature, his old friend, in the centre. He still managed to maintain his stoic face, even though his voice did have a hint of sadness and the memory of the past as he continued speaking.
"That was part of our dream..." The blond young man lowered his hand, Yuusei's ace still resting in his hold.
"Us two... and our friends in Satellite." They both remembered but neither of them elaborated – it was too late for that as Jack said in a mocking tone,
"Are you still going on about that childish nonsense? Now that I'm the King, this card has no meaning to me!" Again, the blond young man lifted the arm that held Yuusei's ace and sent it through air to Yuusei, "You can have it back!"
Yuusei caught the card, then looked at it closely, silently, closing his eyes slowly. Jack stared at him.
"What's wrong? Put it back into your deck."
Jack obviously didn't expect to have the card thrown back to him but he did catch it back between his fingers, a perplexed look on his face. Yuusei left the seat of his D-Wheel and stood up, facing Jack.
"I'll win it back in a duel!" Yuusei's blue eyes held stern determination as he stared at Jack. "I'm sure you had the same thing in mind."
Jack smiled.
"Hmph. Fine then. ...This Riding Duel sure will be interesting!"
The stars above them were faintly twinkling in the night sky but the gleam in the two past friends' eyes sparkled in a way they hadn't in the longest time. Two souls were to clash in a duel which was to determine their future, in a way none of them had expected.
Loud noises, sirens screaming, lights nearly blinding him, he was surrounded by a group of Security officers - and somewhere behind them, in the middle of the brightness, stood Jack, holding his right arm, his helmet on and face hidden.
Yuusei was taken away. What exactly happened during the few hours after that, after a restless night and flashbacks of bright red light and an enormous, flaming creature hovering above him and Jack in the sky -
What had that been? What had caused it to appear? And this mark, the one which had gleamed in his right arm, only to appear a while after he had been captured... Jack had had one too.
Jack. You had a reason to leave Satellite and come here to Neo Domino City. I won't bring that up, it was your choice - no one would have been able to stop you. But this mark... And that monster... It all happened because we dueled, there is no other possible explanation. But what does this mean? Who can help us? Only we know about this... ... ...Jack, I need to see you again, as soon as possible...!
"I am the King! You can't expect me to just forget about this duel! Where is he?! WHERE IS HE NOW?!"
"It is true that those who come from Satellite are kept isolated. He is no exception. He should be off in a detention centre around now..."
"I'm going to see him."
"No, you will not! Please take your position as King into consideration! Do you not want to learn of the meaning behind the People of the Stars and the Signers? Learn of who you truly are?"
Jack remembered the conversation between him and Godwin crystal clear - however, everything else seemed much hazier to him.
He reached his deck on the table in front of him and drew the first card, placing it face up on the table. His ace monster, Red Demon's Dragon, greeted him with its flaming, majestic figure, yet it made no difference in Jack's sour expression on his face. He heard familiar foot steps approaching behind him.
"What is it?"
"I've received the data of your challenger for tomorrow's duel. It would be appreciated if you read through it."
"...how do I look now?" Jack's voice was low, not really quiet but still calmer than usually, yet it still held certain kind of bitterness to it, as if it hurt him to ask such a thing from Mikage, his personal manager. The woman began,
"Without a doubt, like the King of Duelists shou-"
"No!" Jack shouted, standing up from the couch, turning to look at the blue-haired woman who gasped in surprise. His fingers held his ace card tightly between them as he continued, "The tale of my undefeated record is over! I lost to him! I am no King!" Jack threw his card back on the table, glaring at it furiously. Mikage was clearly scared of this sudden outburst but said, trying to reassure the young man,
"No, I think you should be the King, Atlas-sama." The blond turned to look over his shoulder back at Mikage.
"'Should be'?" Jack turned to face her properly again before yelling, "You can't expect me to duel in that frame of mind!" The manager woman didn't move but even Jack could see how anxious she was to see him all restless and angry. That didn't make Jack much calmer though: he let out a frustrated grunt before he turned around and walked to the window wall. The crescent moon glowed high in the sky.
'When I saw that moon, I had the feeling you're coming.'
That's what he had said to Yuusei... What he hadn't expected was for their duel to end that way. Yuusei had no idea but Jack knew, now he knew, that the dark-haired and tanned young man had come to him... and won him. It was impossible... Jack had promised to himself to forget all about his previous life in the isolated island of Satellite. What did King have to do with his past as he had all the glory and fame to lighten his future?
And now, a very different kind of future had opened both for Jack and Yuusei, the bearers of two different Signer marks. Not only had a part - a very big, important, irreplaceable part of Jack's past come to haunt him, ruin him, now Jack was forced to accept this new, still unclear path.
"...Am I the clown after all...?"
Yuusei hardly heard the loud snoring of Yanagi's over his deep thoughts. Thanks to the old man, he knew that the mark on his arm was the doing of the shrieking creature that had appeared right above the stadium which had indeed been a dragon, a god of the legend of Signers. What it exactly meant, of that neither of them had no idea, but Yuusei was sure it meant something bigger, deeper. Apparently there were other people who were aware of this legend and these marks but, as it had already disappeared from his arm, they had had no other choices but to keep him a prisoner for the time being. It didn't help Yuusei at all, he needed answers.
...was Jack thinking of all this, too? As Yuusei lied on his bed, he raised his other arm up to look at it. The Signer mark - his own and the one which had glowed in Jack's arm... Yuusei could feel a tingling sensation on his right arm, all the while a stinging feeling burned the skin under his fresh criminal mark on his cheek.
It seemed like it was all according to some unknown plan for them to meet face to face again. Yuusei had gotten Jack back into his life, his conjecture of his future had become reality.
Another question: what will happen next?
I really don't want this story to become a review or a recap of the series but I've got a feeling that I can't skip a few certain points of the series, even if they aren't so romantic or don't have any potential to be turned into romantic scenes (ROMANCE EVERYWHERE MWAHAHAHAHAcoughcoughHAHAHAHA). Ah well... Should I have added that masturbation scene somewhere after all? X'''D (Also, I'm taking a bit of 'writer's freedom' with all the dialogue and such, I try to follow the Japanese version as well as I can but my Japanese skills are sadly limited.)
I might have mentioned about this somewhere a few times but I absolutely love all the symbolism in 5D's. I find it strangely fitting for Jack to have that as his first name because, really, he IS the King, he deserves and enjoys having the title, yet he still somehow is lower to Yuusei in a sense - or then perfectly equal to him, I don't know... Also, has anyone else noticed how fitting their Signer marks are? Yuusei has the head, as he is the genius and the "head" of the series, while Jack has the mark of wing, as he reaches for the sky, for ultimate prices. Ffffffff- I have been a fan of 5D's for about 5 years now and I haven't gotten tired of it. (I love Yugioh and all the series in general but 5D's is my ultimate favourite o/o)
Ghahh, fangirling again...! I try to write more as soon as possible but, believe it or not, I'm studying comic art and animation and it takes my entire time and energy... (Also tumblr ahem)