
I know how much you guys hate these things. I do too. But it was inevitable…And for that, I'm really, really sorry. I know you might've expected this to be a chapter, but unfortunately, it's not. You have every reason to hate me, after all I did keep you all waiting for such a long time. I made you all wait and now I just crushed you all with a hiatus note...-sigh-

Lately, I've had little motivation to write a new chapter. I've tried and I've gotten inspired – although I just suddenly stop in the middle. My mind blank and I give up after an hour of forcing myself to continue.

The hiatus will be long – well, most likely – but I'll try to make it shorter – if possible. I honestly hope you all understand.

What I am going to tell you – just so my writing style doesn't get super rusty – I'll edit and revise any of your stories! It'll be a great way to get motivation to write AND it will help your writing/stories – so…two birds one stone? So pretty much, I'm offering to be your beta readers.

If you're interested in this offer, please PM me and we'll talk to see how this'll work.

To those who've waited for 'I don't want to be Involved' re-write, I am working on them. I've recently just started fixing up and polishing chapter one. It is, of course, not done, and I will only upload once the 2nd chapter's polishing is done. Which will probably take up part of the reason for the hiatus for ALL stories.

-Bows- Thank you for all the support and encouragements, but I just need to put a hiatus to all my stories.

~ ARandomAuthor14