Ok, this is another story that I'm working on. If you hate it, you hate it. Remember my rule now. As always I own no one! Now on to the disclaimers.



DISCLAIMER- No one except the newbie characters.


SUMMARY- Amber McKenzie has just found out that she's the long lost sister of Amy Dumas known as Lita to the WWE family. She's 23 and has no where to go until Amy's mom sends her to live with Amy. She's pretty mad and doesn't want to see anyone at the moment. But she goes along anyway. She hates her adopted parents and the only one she can trust is her good friend Jason. When she arrives at the airport she can't believe how rude people can be. There she meets Amy, Matt, and Jeff. She, Matt, and Amy become fast friends but she can't seem to get along with Jeff. So there they are. Jeff and Amber can't get along until Amy finally gets tired of them fighting and puts them in a room to share. And on that night they finally get the real deal of friendship and maybe even more.
"Well, look at what you guys did!" Trish yelled at the normal meeting that everyone had before RAW began.

"What did we do? It's not our fault. She left." Shane M. yelled from the back.

"No, she left because you people were acting like a bunch of no good assholes. She's trying to find herself on her own but you guys just continue to make the decisions yourself."

"Well, she can find herself back home." Amy said.

"What is up with you. You're just jealous."

"Of what? She fucked up her life not mine."

"Just forget it, when you see her death notice in the paper don't come crying to me!" Trish yelled walking out the room.
"Hey baby?" Jason smiled as he picked me up from the airport.


"Ready?" I nodded yeah. He walked me to the van put my things in the trunk and pulled off onto the highway.

"What's up girl? Why you so quiet?"

"No reason."

"Alright then."

"Jeff stop." The laughter of the girl said as she was sitting on the couch with him flirting while Jeff just ate it up.

"Jessie?" Jeff asked.


"Do you really love me?"

"Of course."

"There was Jessie. The exact match for Jeff, she dyed her hair so many colors like he, had her nose and belly pierced, two tattoos, and had the coolest personality. She reminded me of Amy." Trish thought.

"Yo Trish!" Jessie yelled motioning to come over here.


"Who is this girl Jeff keeps reminding me of, saying she left him while he was in love with her." Jessie asked.

"Don't answer her." Jeff said half-kidding half-serious.

"Well that girl was Amber. Everyone made her feel like shit including Jeff and she went back home to Florida." Trish said giving Jeff the mean stare and walked away.

"What was that about?" Jessie asked squeezing Jeff's hand tighter.

"I know." Jeff said.

"Why am I going back to Amy? She doesn't want me there as you can clearly see." I pleaded with my REAL mom.

"Exactly, you two need to work out you're differences."

"We don't have differences. We just hate each other."

"You're going on that plane no matter what."

"Ugh!" I sighed, knowing I was going to the next city with them no matter what and went to my apartment that I shared with Jason and his roommate.

"So Amb." Josh his roommate said while dragging his girlfriend out the front door.

"Hey." I said even though they were clearly gone. I shook my head in humor as I saw Jason sitting on the couch watching Johnny Bravo.

"Hey baby." Jason said after the show was going off. "How long you been here?"

"About 15 minutes."

"Oh, my bad, I didn't her you."

"Yea." I said flopping on the couch as we cuddled up and he turned the tv off.

As we sat there, I just thought about what was going to happen when I met Amy again. Was it going to be a nightmare or will she apologize, and how will Jeff be doing? Will he be with someone else? Ugh, life sucks.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked me hinting that something was wrong.

"Nothing, just going back to Amy."

"So you really are going huh?"

"Yep, that's what it looks like."

"I'm going to miss you."

"Me too."

Ok, I know what you guys are thinking. You're thinking that me and Jason are back together, but we're not! We just live together.

"Well, I guess I should go pack." I said giving Jason a peck on the lips and walked to my room.