Another AU!

Don't worry I'm still working on the Pet!AU.

Unbetaed so all mistakes are mine~ but please do enjoy this teaser!

Through the Sparks Prologue

Elsa was working on her nth hour in the office. She couldn't be so sure, but he knew that the sun had already set for the day, but work was work and she couldn't afford to fall behind now. Not since the next pile of work for tomorrow- er I mean later today would add on to the pile she was currently working on now.

It was going to be one of those long nights in the office by herself (not counting the security that has to be there at all costs). But it was fine anyways, she was always on edge during the morning, it was better to work at night. At least no one was watching/

"That's my 73rd transcript tonight… another 73 to go…" She mumbled to herself, rubbing her eyes to push back the fatigue. "And another set of contracts to go over and writing this month's upcoming meeting."

Leaning back in her chair, she stretched; groaning out loud when she heard her spine pop up and down the base of her spine. She glanced at the time and saw that it was nearly 2 AM in the morning. She swore under her breath, not liking that most of her time was spent in this dingy cubicle that she has.

Elsa breathe...gotta breathe. The faster you get this done, the faster you can go home.

She rolled her eyes and flipped her bangs back, "And then repeat it all over again. How lovely."

Definitely stayed sitting for so long, maybe I should get something to eat. Definitely forgotten to refill my coffee mug too.

Just as she rose to stand, the greatest thing on the plane that could've happened at the very moment.


"Great…just great." She sighed as she wandered off.

Power's out.