A/N: Thank you so much for reviewing, reading and for your continuous support.

Back in the car, Kate could see Rick was angry. His grip tightened on the steering wheel every minute, showing the whites of his knuckles. Even his face had grown more screwed every passing minute, and it wasn't making her feel any better.

"Can you just stop, Rick? You're making me nervous."

Her voice seemed to have some sort of effect on him, as he loosened his grip on the wheel slightly and sat up in his seat a little bit more.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I really shouldn't have taken you in there. I knew Gina wouldn't be in the best mood, I put you in the line of fire. It's my fault and she…" he trailed off,

"Rick, I know that what Gina said was hurtful but it wasn't your fault that she said it. And it was sweet of you to stand up for me."

His face brightened at this and she saw his grip loosen significantly.

"Romantic, even, you could say?" he said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at her, making her laugh.

"Yes, Rick. I guess you could say it was romantic," she said, turning her head to face him, both of them staring staring in to each others eyes for who knows how long.

The sound of a horn jerks them back in to reality, as Rick had drifted the car dangerously close to a car in the left hand lane.

"Sorry!" he yells, putting up his hand to apologise to the driver, wincing slightly.

They arrived at Kate's hotel a short time later. Rick had parked the car in the garage of the hotel but both of them had been reluctant to get out of the car.

"So Kate," he began, reaching out for her hand, intertwining their fingers together, "I've been thinking…about us…"

"About us?" she laughed, "You only just met me this afternoon!"

"And I have done nothing but think about you since we met. Our chance meeting doesn't have to end like this. You leaving and me never seeing you again. I know I've only known you for a few hours, but I really like you. I want to give us a chance."

"Wait…what exactly are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is…I would like to take this further than just an afternoon together. I just feel this amazing connection between us and I don't want to lose what we have."

Kate began to withdraw her fingers from his grasp and folds her arms.

"Rick, I know that you think we have this amazing connection and whatever, but the truth is, it would never work between the two of us. You are a world famous actor and I'm just a girl from New York. You could have any girl in the world and I don't think you want me."

"What are you talking about, of course I want you, you're just an ordinary girl!"

Kate's mouth dropped and she looked like she had been slapped in the face.

"I have to go now," she mumbled, fumbling for her bag on the floor, grasping for the door handle.

"Kate, wait…what just happened?" asked Rick,

"You tell me!" she challenged, tears brimming in her eyes, "One minute we have this amazing connection, and then I'm just an ordinary girl!"

"I just meant you're not famous and…"

"Oh, so because I'm not famous I'm not good enough for you!?"

"No! I just meant…you're normal and grounded, and I want you to stay that way."

"Whatever, Rick. I hope you have a nice life, because I never want to see you again!"

She opened the door and grabbed her bag as quickly as she could, stepping out of the car and closing the door as quickly as she could, and ran towards the lobby, not looking back.

"There you are!" Audrey said as she entered their hotel room, "I was beginning to wonder what happened to you! How long have you been in here?"

"Umm, I'm not too sure, a couple of hours maybe?".

"And you've been reading all this time?, she asks, motioning to the book in Kate's hands, "Ugh, how am I even related to you, I swear, you must have something wrong with you."

"For reading a book?"

"Obvi!" said Audrey, scoffing.

"So how was Rick- I mean, Richard Castle hunting today?" asked Kate, turning attention away from her.

"Ugh, don't even talk to me about it! It was a total bust! I hung around for an HOUR after his meeting was supposed to have ended but he never came out of the building. Then I went to Santa Monica where he usually goes after his meetings, but he wasn't even there! I can't believe it. I had his day all mapped out and then he just didn't do anything he was supposed to do. I swear, this could only have happened to me. Tomorrow we're going to look for him again."

"What do you mean "We?! We're only here a few more days and I haven't looked at any colleges yet!"

"Ugh, boring little sister. How about we go look at colleges tomorrow morning and in the evening we'll go out. Have some fun."

Kate considered the offer for a few seconds. "That actually sounds pretty decent. Thanks Audrey! You're a pretty good big sister."

"You're the worst big sister ever."

"But you still love me right?!"

"Not at the moment."

Their day had been pretty good up until this point. They had gone to look at campuses as Audrey had promised, had lunch at a nice bistro in mid-town, and even went sight seeing for a little while in the afternoon. It was only when Kate started getting ready to go out that she suspected something was off. Audrey had suggested that they go clubbing to an under 21 night club uptown that she had been eager to go to for years. Kate startled for a little at this because Audrey had only ever been to LA a few times in her life, and the last time she had been here, he was a child at the time, so she wasn't sure when she had decided she wanted to go there.

When they got to the club at around 9pm, it was hard to even get in to the club because the entrance, which was situated at the end of a large alley way, was surrounded by paparazzi.

"Why is it so crowded here?" asked Kate,

"Oh, probably because this is where Richard Castle spends most of his time on weekends, partying, living it up, you know, normal LA things." responded Audrey,

Kate's heart skipped a beat and her cheeks started to turn red. Luckily it was dark and Audrey couldn't see.

"Are you serious, Audrey, we're going on another Richard Castle hunt?!"

"We are going everyday while we are in LA to try and find him until he signs an autograph, I get a picture with him, and he proposes."

"Yeah, like that's going to happen", muttered Kate.

She kept thinking back to the last time she saw him, as he dropped her off at her hotel, asking to give them a shot, whatever that meant. It infuriated her that he had called her ordinary after all the nice things he had done for her that day, and all the things they had talked about. It just didn't seem real. And hopefully she could move on and try to forget that it ever happened.

Being at a club where he was spotted regularly didn't seem like the best way to get over him.

"You know what, I'm actually not feeling to well, I think I'm gonna head back to the hotel," said Kate, touching her fingers to her forehead lightly for emphasis.

"Are you sure!? This is a seriously happening place tonight, it is so hard to get in and we are almost at the door!"

"Yeah, I'm sure, I'm just not feeling too well and I don't really want to be here, so I'm just gonna head back."

Audrey shrugged, "Okay, fine, do whatever you want. Just text me when you get back to the hotel. Love ya!", she said, and blew a fake kiss in my direction.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned to walk toward the end of the line and back out to the street. Deciding not to take a taxi back to the hotel straight away, Kate decided she need to walk to clear her head. This whole Richard Castle thing was driving her insane.

"Get it together Kate, it's obvious that you like him and he was in to you when you guys were together"

"Yeah but he called me ordinary," she muttered to herself and kicked a lonesome Coke can that lay in her path.

"But what you have together is incredible, you guys would make a great couple"

"But I'm not famous," she muttered, once again.

Looking up at a street sign to see where she was going, she realised that she had gone in half a circle, and was now at the back of the club her sister was so desperately trying to get in to. Sighing, Kate sat down on the stairs, outside the back door to the club. Is this what her life had become? Beating herself up about liking a person she had just met? And a celebrity at that. This wasn't the life that she wanted to lead. She was going to come here to college in the fall and she was going to become a lawyer, and she wasn't going to let some big headed celebrity who thought she, Kate "Bad Ass" Beckett, was ordinary.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard scuffling behind the door, and it opened abruptly without warning, hitting her sharply in the side,

"OUCH!", she screamed, clasping her hand over her arm where the brunt of the impact hit. "You need to be more careful opening doors…." she started, looking up in to the face of her "attacker", and she saw those diamond like blue eyes and almost felt like screaming.


It was Richard Castle. He looked at her on the ground, confused, completely oblivious to the pain she was in.

"We have got to stop meeting like this," she said, half jokingly, half serious, "My medical bills will be at an all time high if this keeps happening."

He smiled quickly at her, and then looked puzzled, "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Sneaking out the back door of a club."

"When you reach a certain, uh, status, I guess you could say, the back door is the only door. You know how those fans can get sometimes around celebrities!"

"Aaaaaand now I remember why I never wanted to see you again, I'm going now." she said, standing up and made her way down the street, looking for a passing taxi that she could hail.

"Kate, wait!"

She groaned, forcing herself to turn around. As much as he infuriated her, there was something about her that wanted to talk to him.

"What do you want?"

"Kate, I realise that things ended badly between us, and it was all my fault. I really want to apologise and tell you that I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Anything."

"Well, luck you, I don't want you to make it up to me. You are free to see whoever you want without having to worry about breaking my poor pathetic little heart," she said sarcastically, "Because I think you've made it quite clear that you wouldn't want to date anyone ordinary," she said, hissing the last word as if it were poison, turning hotly on her heels, walking as far away as possible from him.

"Kate please, wait up!" he called after her. She refused to turn around this time. She'd said all she needed to say, and in a week or two he would forget all about her.

Then why did she still feel like she was sad?

"Kate, please!" called Rick, who had jogged to catch up to her and stand in front of her so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Rick, for God's sake, what do you want!?"

"You," he breathed, taking her by the waist and pulling her closer to him, her arms wrapping around his lower back automatically, "I just want you!"

He dipped his head down to meet hers and pressed their lips together gently. At first, Kate didn't respond, she was too shocked to know what was happening, and too angry at him by what he had said to her only 24 hours ago. Then it hit her. She was kissing Richard Castle! Someone who until a minute ago, she had loathed, but this kiss…it felt like there was something there between them, and there was no denying it now, there was definently chemistry.

She surrendered herself to the kiss and deepened it, her arms stretching up to reach around his neck, his hands moving through her hair like it was silk, perfectly in sync the entire time.

When they broke apart they rested their foreheads together and gasped for breath.

"That was incredible," he whispered.

"I know,"

A/N: Okay so there it is! Obviously I am not done by a long shot, and I probably won't be updating until mid June, probably even later, but I thought I'd give you guys something to squee about until then :) I wasn't planning that at all but it was 11pm when I wrote it and I was tired so yep! As always I feel obliged to say that I am in no ways a good fanfic writer and I am trying my best to improve my writing and story telling all the time. Constructive feedback is awesome and if you have any suggestions for the story, do not hesitate to send me a review! I have an idea of where I want this story to finish but if you guys have any suggestions on things you want to see, please tell me.

So in summary: I won't be updating for a while, tell me what you thought of the chapter/story so far, give some constrictive feedback and let me know if there is something you'd like to see in here. Thanks!