

It can't be, she can't really be here. It's impossible, I saw her die!

"Well, are you just going to lay there looking dumb or are you going to start with your non-stop, stupid questions?" I look up at her with a blank stare. She reaches out her hand to help me up and I accept.

"What happened with Uriah? He had no idea that you were you and then constantly starting fights with Tris, running away from me and blurting out spurts of information that you shouldn't know anything about? Who are you?" I try to slow down but I'm now realizing how angry I am at her.

"What about you, Amy? It has been four years and you never once tried to contact me! How did you even know Uriah and Tris were dead, why didn't you let me know when you found out and HOW THE HELL ARE YOU NOT DEAD?! Answer me!"

"Well, first of all, I had no use for Uriah anymore so I made him forget all about me. I guess I got bored, that happens sometimes. I was manipulating you and Tris and that was why I was constantly starting fights about small issues, I would run away from you because I didn't want to tell you anything, I know everything and that's just something you'll have to deal with, I'm Amelia Carrenta, a divergent that was born in abnegation. I never tried to contact you because I didn't feel like it, as I mentioned before, I know everything and I'm not dead because I didn't die." Her answers just make me more enraged and I end up punching a wall.

She audibly lets out an enormous sigh of exasperation and pulls me into a hall and into another room. It looks like a giant simulation room, Amy should know by now that I'm self-aware in simulations and if not, where has she been? Oh yeah, everywhere, apparently.

She leads me to a small desk in the center of the room where I find a glass of pink liquid, a syringe and a picture of Tris.

"What am I supposed to with these?" I ask, annoyed.

"Oh, those aren't for you." She almost laughs.

"Then why did you lead me here?" This time she actually laughs and I find myself extremely annoyed, what the actual hell is going on?

"Come with me." She turned on her heel and started walking through another connected hallway; the walls were lined with weapons, knives, swords, guns, bows, clubs and more. I was even more confused with every word she said and every step I took.

While I half-hoped that when we finally got to where we were going, I would finally understand but I already knew that I would never fully understand and that really pissed me off. But I guess I was learning that Amy could do that to a person.

I'm starting to get the feeling that she is getting me worked up on purpose, like she used to do with Tris. I can tell that whatever is going to happen won't be good.

Amy's POV

Jesus! I can practically hear him droning on and on in his head, he is so ridiculously stupid! I don't know why he hates me so much. In fact, I don't even know why he's the slightest bit upset. I thought he would have been happy to see me but I guess not.

I honestly don't know why I did any of what I did, maybe I just wanted to confuse everyone or mess around with everyone's minds. I really do miss her, Tris, she was one of my best friends and I did care about Uriah but with the war coming I didn't want him to be distracted by me when it all happened. And I know everything because when I was barely three years old they discovered that I was divergent and instead of killing me, they experimented on me relentlessly until I was four.

Nobody knows what they did except me, they programmed a computer chip that was buried deep in my skull that is updated every two seconds from a computer somewhere outside of Chicago, I wouldn't call myself special and I don't have superpowers or any crap like that but I can access any information, any old broken down security camera or any classified file from before the faction system even existed. For what reason, I have no idea but that computer chip is my prime suspect, I guess.

Whether Tobias knows it or not, he is my last lifeline. I have to get him back to the Tobias I met in abnegation all those years ago but having Tris gone won't help. I guess I'll have to find her the same way I found myself back when I threw myself over the rail at Dauntless. I've never tried to get her back before but thanks to today's technology, I might just get my way for once. They say that a person isn't really dead if you just keep the memory of their life alive; I was just as surprised as he will be when he realizes just how true that saying really is.

And cliff hanger because I wasn't a bad enough person already for not updating in over a year, I have no excuse and no apologies, big or small, can convey how sorry I really am. Please don't hunt me down and kill me if any of you guys are still out there waiting for another update or if you've all given up on me by now. Once again, I'm so sorry and please don't hate me, Enjoy! :P