Neal rolled over uncomfortably, ignoring the ache in his neck and back as his eyes fluttered open and landed upon a still sleeping Emma in the back seat of the bug.

She might only be 18, but she was wise and mature well beyond her years. She'd done more living and gone through more pain and crap than most people twice her age and she always came out kicking and stronger for it.

And yet, despite this, she still looked sweet and innocent as she slept. Her long blonde curls covered half her face, and still, to Neal, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever had the privilege of laying eyes on. She always would be.

The sunlight streamed through the windows of the bright yellow bug, the rays illuminating Emma as she slept. Making her look even more heavenly and angelic than she did on any average day.

Emma stirred slightly in her sleep, but didn't wake. Instead, she hugged her bag, which she was currently using as a pillow, closer to her. Neal couldn't help but smile.

Everything was finally falling together.

He glanced at his watch, noting that they'd slept almost an hour longer than they usually did.

Probably because they no longer had to worry. Their plan had worked, and in less than two hours, they would be 20 thousand dollars richer.

There was movement out of the corner of Neal's eye, and he painfully took his eyes away from his sleeping girlfriend and turned in the direction of the movement, missing the sight of Emma instantly.

He smiled and waved at the guy who was stood outside the back door of the swimming centre, tapping his watch.

They'd been sneaking in there to shower for weeks before they got caught. Thankfully though, the caretaker took pity on them and instead of turning them into his boss, he gave them 10 minutes a morning to shower whilst he had a cigarette.

"Em, Em wake up" Neal shook Emma gently.

Once again, Emma stirred but didn't wake. Neal would have just left her all day if she didn't have to go and collect the reward money in 2 hours.

"Em, sweetie" Neal shook her a little harder.

"... Five more minutes" Emma mumbled sleepily, rolling over in her sleep and away from the thing that was tearing her from it.

"Em, its already gone 8" Neal sighed.

Emma stayed stationary for a few moments before she shot up, banging her head on the roof as she did.

"Ow!" She pouted, rubbing the throbbing spot on the back of her head. "I was out like a light" Emma yawned, collecting her belongings as Neal made to get up and hold her door open for her.


Neal waited in the bug a few blocks away as Emma waited in a cafe to collect the reward money.

He tapped the steering wheel nervously. He didn't like Emma to be on her own. Sure, he knew that she could look after herself, but he didn't want her to ever have to.

He vowed that for as long as he was alive and breathing, Emma Swan would never spend another moment alone. He loved her more than anything. She'd changed him and his life for the better. She was his constant, the one thing that kept him grounded. She was his Northern Star, giving him light and direction on the deepest and darkest of times, always guiding him home safely.

It didn't matter where he was, or what circumstances he found himself in, as long as he was with Emma, he would be happy. They could be millionaires or spend the rest of their days living in the bug, and he would be happy, as long as he got to wake up next to Emma everyday. Emma Swan was his home and his happiness.

Once they had the money, he was going to legalise the bug, and then they'd head to Tallahasee and start their lives over. They'd get a little house together and they'd both get jobs and start their happily ever after.

Neal sipped the rapidly cooling coffee they'd bought with the last of their small change, his eyes scanning the crowded streets frantically. Emma had been gone almost an hour now, and Neal was starting to seriously worry.

A wave of relief washed over him when he saw a flash of blonde. Emma beamed widely and waved before she climbed into the passenger seat.

"We did it!" She exclaimed, fishing out a thick envelope full of cash from her bag.

"No, you did it!" Neal smiled back, proudly before placing a quick, yet loving kiss on Emma's soft lips. "I'm so incredibly proud of you, babe! I knew you'd do it!"

"I was so nervous" Emma sighed and Neal cupped her cheek with his hand, his thumb ghosting over her cheek. "I was sat there for almost 45 minutes before the guy showed! I drank three cups of coffee. The waitress almost had a heart attack when I paid with a $100 bill and told her to 'keep the change'"

It was only then that Neal noticed Emma's hands were trembling. Although, he didn't know if it was down to the three coffees, nerves or excitement. Probably a mixture of all three.

"I love you so much, you know that, right?" Neal laughed, a smile spreading across his countenance.

"I know" Emma smiled cheekily, biting her lip as she tried to stifle her giggles. "I love you too" Emma said seriously, leaning into Neal's touch before taking his hand away from her cheek, kissing his knuckles and interlocking his fingers with her own. "Now c'mon, let's go start our happily ever after"

This was just a little something I had an idea for, i've already wrote a few more chapters and if people like it then I will upload them! Please let me know what you thought, thanks.

Gina xxx