Author's Note: Hello everyone. The attention whore is back! But don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon enough. My methods of whining and emotionally blackmailing you all are over. Yay! This is the last chapter and it ends as badly as the last chapter did, Guest. Thank you all for your many messages and reviews, the insults, dear Lord the insults, the hate, the shade, the love, the praise. I've enjoyed it all. You have been a wonderful bunch to write for and I love you [all] dearly. Thank you for reading.
I DO NOT OWN the lyrics to "Endless Love" written by Lionel Richie. Used for entertainment purposes only.
Do I dare ask for reviews? I'd better not. But they are hugs.
I bid you all adieu.
Two years later...
Lacey was at her mother's house with Judy, Karen, and Clara. Also in attendance were her bridesmaids Whitney, Tammy, Sonia, Sarita and Phoebe. She was getting ready for her wedding to Danny. When she first met Danny, she never thought in a million years that she'd be marrying him one day. But here she was and she couldn't be happier. Clara, Whitney, Sarita, Sonia, Tammy and Phoebe were all dressed in the same Tiffany blue dress, but Clara had a white sash around hers because she was the Maid of Honor. Tammy's four and six-year-old daughters Kayla and Kyla were dressed in white because they were the flower girls. They were in Clara's bedroom watching cartoons where their mother ordered them to stay so they wouldn't stain their white dresses. Judy was wearing the same color as the bridesmaids since she was the mother of the bride, but her dress was entirely different. Karen had on black and had it accentuated with the Tiffany blue. She was dressed more along the lines of her son, the groom.
Judy and Clara helped Lacey into her mermaid style dress that had ruffled tiers and a blinged out Tiffany blue and swarovski crystal broach that rested just at her small waist. Her huge 2 carat diamond engagement ring was already on her right hand. She looked absolutely breathtaking. All of the women, including Lacey cried and smiled at how beautiful she looked. There was a photographer there snapping many photos and captured that image perfectly.
The makeup artist that she hired then draped her with so much protective gear to do her makeup and not ruin her dress, she looked like she was a tent with a head. Her hair was already done into long, flowing ringlets that framed her pretty face perfectly. All of the bridesmaids had their hair in the same updo and already had their makeup done. Once Lacey's makeup was done, Judy places the veiled Tiara on her head and almost wept uncontrollably at her first-born daughter looking like a princess on her wedding day.
"You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart." Judy says and wipes a tear from her eye.
"You really do. Danny is going to flip when he sees you." Clara says.
"You're the prettiest thing in the room." Sonia offers with a smile.
"Yes, you are." Whitney adds.
"And thank you for not choosing hideous bridesmaid dresses for us." Sarita jokes, though she's serious. That was one requirement when Lacey asked her to be a bridesmaid.
"You should have seen the dress I wore in my cousin's wedding. Ugly with a capital U." Phoebe says.
"Tell me about it." Tammy says. "I've been in more than one wedding where the bridesmaids dresses were ridiculously ugly. I know that some people don't want to be upstaged, but some go too far in seeing that that doesn't happen with the ugliest dress they can find." Tammy says and gets a few laughs from that.
"Yes you look beautiful Lacey. I hope my son can control himself when he sees you." Karen adds and all of the women laugh.
"I hope I can control myself when I see him." Lacey says. The room erupts into a chorus of 'woos' and Lacey glances over at their mother. "Sorry, Mom." Lacey says and smiles at her.
"What?" Judy asks flippantly. "I know you didn't save yourself for marriage but I'm glad you still chose to wear a white dress and not embarrass me." Judy counters honestly.
"Well, you don't have to worry about that with me, Mom. I totally saved myself for marriage." Clara says with a straight face.
Judy and Lacey look at Clara like she has lost her mind. "Yeah right, Sister." Lacey says.
"I wasn't born yesterday, Clara." Judy says and the women all laugh again.
Danny was getting ready for his real wedding to the woman he loved more than anything. He had gotten married before, but that marriage was about as real as a $12 bill. That farce was just a small gathering at his parents' house to a con artist. They didn't even exchange rings. Now, he was at his condo/loft getting ready with all of his groomsmen. He insisted on him and Lacey having a big wedding because of the first one he had. And because Lacey deserved to have the wedding of her dreams. They both did, considering they never thought they would marry each other. They spent years hating each other only to get put on a project together and fall in love.
Danny was with his still rowdy groomsmen that were having a serious time calming down from his wild bachelor party the night before. They had pretty much turned his place into a strip club, and Danny was glad that he and Lacey wouldn't be returning there before they left for their honeymoon in Antigua. He could safely and honestly say that he didn't participate in the festivities that his groomsmen did the night before. Neither did Rico, though they all had a good time. Rico was still in his on again/off again relationship with Clara. Right now they were on. They were crazy about each other, but sometimes they needed breaks. Rico often wondered how that would work in the long run. He saw a future with Clara and he knew that them breaking up to make up wouldn't work forever.
Most of the groomsmen, Cole, Scott, Dave, Tyler, and his cousin Charlie were up in the game area killing time before they had to leave. They were all dressed in black tuxes with black shirts and Tiffany blue ties and handkerchiefs. Danny was the only one in a white shirt to match Lacey. His boutineer was made from the same flowers in her bouquet. Of course his hair was out because he knew Lacey loved his hair. His Best Man, Rico was in the living room with him. He picked Rico because he had helped him tremendously with his Regina problem and because they became a lot closer since he started dating Clara.
"Are you ready?" Rico asks suddenly.
"Yes." Danny answers truthfully. "I wanted to marry her years ago." He says and then grins at Rico.
"Yeah, I know. Just making sure you don't have cold feet." Rico replies.
"Nope, no cold feel here. You do have the rings, right?" Danny asks.
Rico pats his pants pocket and then his breast pocket and looks frightened. He starts to nervously check for the rings again. Danny is looking at him with huge eyes. He's still going to marry Lacey, with or without those rings. Then Rico pulls out the box and laughs. "Of course I have the rings. You really thought I lost them?" Rico asks in an incredulous tone.
"No, I know how responsible you are. I was just making sure." Danny answers. Suddenly, there's a buzz at the front door. The limo must have arrived. Danny stands and puts his tuxedo jacket on. "Guys! Guys! The limo is here. Let's go." Danny says excitedly. The guys all finish up with their video games and make their way down the stairs and to the elevator. They all rustle Danny up in the elevator as they head out to the black stretch Rolls Royce. Danny was happy that he was doing this wedding right. He was glad that the first one didn't work out. If it did, he wouldn't be marrying Lacey today.
While Danny was in the limo, he pulled out his phone to call Lacey. He felt like he hadn't talked to her in a while. He saw her the night before at the rehearsal dinner, but they have been living apart to prepare for the wedding. He couldn't wait to see her again and hold her in his arms. He just had to hear her voice. He was a little perturbed when Clara answered the phone instead of Lacey.
"Hello?" Lacey says once she gets on the line. He can hear how happy she is in her voice.
"Hello, beautiful wife." Danny says cheerfully.
Lacey giggles. "I'm not your wife yet. I still have time to change my mind. I could always leave you at the altar." Lacey jokes.
"You're not leaving me at the altar." Danny says surely.
"How do you know that?" Lacey asks in an amused tone.
"Because I know you can't even fathom leaving me at the altar. You love me too much." He says as he smiles and hears her smile through the phone.
"You sound awfully cocky, hubby." Lacey says.
Danny chuckles. "No, I'm confident. There is a difference." He says.
"I know. I kind of like your cocky side. I kind of have to since I'm agreeing to put up with it forever." Lacey answers and chuckles lightly.
Danny smiles to himself. "Are you sure about forever? That's a long time from now." He says as he mindlessly plays with his tie.
"I'm absolutely sure about forever. What about you?" Lacey asks as she grins while looking around at everyone in the limo with her.
"I'm sure about forever plus a few more years after that. I can't wait to see you. I'm trying to picture how incredible you look." Danny says as he starts to get overtly excited. They've just pulled up in front of the church.
"I can't wait to see you either. And here's a hint. I'm wearing a black dress." Lacey jokes.
"Black? Are you serious?" Danny asks in shock.
"Yes. There's no way I can walk down the aisle to you in a white dress. Any chance of that happening went out the window when I earned my Girl Scout badges." Lacey jokes and then notices that all eyes in the limo are looking at her.
"What Girl Scout badges? You were never a Girl Scout." Clara says loudly. She notices the look Lacey is giving her and she gets it. She whispers, "So that's what that Girl Scout costume I found in your closet was for."
Lacey makes a face and then winks at her. "I've gotta go. I've got to marry this woman that I'm nuts about." Danny says and then hangs up.
Lacey's white stretch Rolls Royce pulled up a little behind schedule, but she wanted to be fashionably late. Besides, the wedding wouldn't start without her. She was helped out of the limo with a white-gloved hand as many pictures were snapped. She was handed off to her father, Samuel who looked near tears at giving his first-born daughter away.
"You look like I imagined you would as a little girl." Samuel says as he kisses her cheek.
"Thanks, Dad." Lacey says and beams at her father.
They make their way inside of the church after many more pictures were taken. The wedding coordinator, Ellen took over and had all the bridesmaids line up. She had everyone matched up perfectly by height. Rico walked Judy and Karen down the aisle. They hated to sit on different sides, but they loved that their children were getting married and easily became best friends through Danny and Lacey's relationship. They started to play the music and they descended down the aisle. Clara actually gave Rico a wink when she got at the end. The flower girls walked down after they rolled out the white carpet for Lacey. When they opened the doors for her and Samuel, there was a collective gasp. Lacey looked that beautiful. Danny lost it when he saw her and desperately tried to pull it back together by the time she made it to his side.
When she took his hand, she saw how emotional he was. She was just as emotional, but seeing Danny in that state threw her for a complete loop. "You're not going to pass out are you?" Lacey asks in a low whisper. She was seriously joking, but she really hoped he didn't pass out.
"I might. I've never seen you look more beautiful." Danny says and goes to kiss her.
"You have to get married first." The minister says and the audience laughs. He begins the ceremony and Lacey and Danny each speak their own handwritten vows.
"Danny, today I become your wife and you become my husband. I will strive to give you the best of myself, while accepting you the way you are. I promise to respect you as a whole person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you in to my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change, keeping our relationship alive and exciting. And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how - completely and forever." Lacey says as a tear escapes her eye.
"Lacey, today I take you for my wife. I never thought I'd be saying those words to you, considering you hated my guts when we first met. I'm glad you changed your mind about that. You really didn't have a choice considering how charming I am. (laughter) I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind, body, and spirit, always be your friend and partner, walk beside you hand in hand, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Danny manages to choke out. They're both a complete wreck after that. They're even more emotional as they exchange their rings. By the time the minister announced they were husband and wife, they were practically all over each other. They exited the church floating on cloud nine.
At their reception, the huge party got under way. The announcing of the wedding party was fun with Clara and Rico practically acting like they got married. Lacey and Danny shocked their guests when they announced their first dance. They started to dance and then suddenly broke apart and walked away. Danny and Lacey went to sit at the piano.
"What the hell." Clara says a little loud and she isn't the only one feeling that way. Everyone in the room is wondering what's going on.
Danny shocks the crowd when he starts to play and he and Lacey start to sing. Nobody in the room knew Danny could sing except for Karen and Lacey. He and Lacey started to sing, "Endless Love" together at the piano.
My love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright
My first love, you're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
And I, I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Oh yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
Forever, I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love, oh love
I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind
'Cause you, you mean the world to me
Oh, I know, I know I've found
I've found in you
My endless love
Ohh, and love, oh, love
I'll be that fool for you, I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind
And yes, you'll be the only one
'Cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love, my love, my love
My endless love
They were met with applause to their different approach to their first dance. Many couldn't believe they sounded that good singing together. Then came the speeches from the Best Man and Maid of Honor, Rico and Clara.
"When Danny told me he wanted to get married. I was, quite frankly, shocked. I never thought Danny would settle down in that way. Then I met Lacey, and I see why he wanted to. You two are perfect together and I wish you a lifetime of happiness." Rico says.
Clara goes next. "When my big sister brought Danny to my mom's house, my first thought was, 'Does he have a brother?' He didn't but he became my brother. Everybody knows that I love my sister dearly and she's the specialest person I know. I wish you more happiness than you can bear. Make beautiful babies and then grow old together. I love you both." Clara says.
Danny got pretty frisky when it came time to remove Lacey's garter. He actually stayed under her dress longer than he needed to. He tossed it to Rico, the only guy that wanted it. Clara knocked people out of the way to catch the bouquet. Danny and Lacey finally settled down and had their first dance.
"You know, just because I married you doesn't mean that I like you now." Lacey jokes.
"I know." Danny says and then chuckles. "I hate you, Lacey." He says as he stares into his wife's eyes.
"I hate you too." Lacey says as she settles into her husband's arms.
The End