Life Goes On
Chapter: 6
I don't own the YuruYuri characters Sakurako and Himawari and the others
and since this is a fan fiction site..
You should have already figured that one out, if not..I am very sorry..
you aren't a very bright individual.

I am Delivering my first YuruYuri fic, First and in Full.
I am not the best and certainly not the worst.
I know I won't be the most viewed out there.
However I made people wait on past stories.

Hopefully, this will be a nice addition to this pairing. :)

When each of them arrived at their homes.

Sakurako asked Nadeshiko to cut her hair like her's.

"Are you really sure?" asked Nadeshiko.

Sakurako replied,"Yes."

Nadeshiko took her out to get a hair cut.

"She wants one like mine." mentioned Nadeshiko and then added,"No shorter than mine either."

The hair dresser replied,"How nice you have a beautiful younger sister."

After that was over Sakurako took a shower after she got home and had trouble with her kimono
both Hanako and Nadeshiko helped her fix up. and explained things and walking properly.

Then Nadeshiko put a little cologne on her.

Nadeshiko mentioned,"Don't forget Himawari's fun too.. and taking her to eat and do things you both agree to do."

Sakurako nodded.

Himawari was finishing getting ready and just as she finished a knock was heard at the door.

She was shocked to see Sakurako looking as she did.
Sakurako then said,"Wow.. you certainly look beautiful tonight. Let's go and have fun!"

Himawari nodded and they walked away together.
Sakurako had her arm around Himawari.
Himawari kept looking at Sakurako and sniffing her.

"Hima-Chan! We are almost there!" exclaimed Sakurako happily.

Himawari smiled happily.

When they got there it was a very big festival and Himawari was quite surprised by it and so was Sakurako.

"Let's look at things together! If you want me to try to win you something I will..
or if you want to try something to eat we can. When the fireworks go off I know of a special spot!" said Sakurako happily.

"Let's do that." replied Himawari.

As they walked by Himawari saw a place that had very high priced prizes and felt like it was a scam but looked at the diamond rings.

Sakurako asked,"That ring seems to be what you want.."

Himawari added,"Yes, but this test your strength game has got to be a scam.."

Sakurako replied,"I can at least try to get it for you."

"Step right up and test your strength.." said the man.

"I'm going to prove whether or not this is a scam.." replied Sakurako looking at the man with a penetrating look.

The man waved for the men to not rig it this time.

Sakurako hit it and she won.

The man said nervously,"Please choose your prize."

Sakurako then said,"I want that diamond ring let my girlfriend try it on and see if it's her size."

The man said nervously,"If not we have other sizes."

Himawari tried it on and was in awe and replied,"It fits very well Sakurako."

Sakurako said,"Good, now I got a ring for you!"

Himawari hugged Sakurako tightly and replied,"Thank you so much, Sa-Chan!"

The two tried a few food places.

Akari came over and sat by them and then mentioned,
"Wow, that is a very nice ring, Himawari."

Himawari blushed and replied,"Sakurako won it for me.."

Akari's mouth dropped and said,"That is so cool!"

"It's what Hima-Chan wants so I figured.. win her a ring from me." replied Sakurako.

Soon Kyoko and Ayano walked by and both saw Himawari's ring. Both were surprised over it.

"DON'T TELL ME YOU WERE ABLE TO WIN ONE!" yelled Kyoko and then pouted.

Ayano patted her and then mentioned,"I didn't think it was possible unless you bought it.."

Sakurako stood up and smiled and mentioned,"I won it for Hima-Chan!" and then she added,
"It's our first real date and no scam artist is going to take the money I that I worked hard to make just for this special night!."

Ayano was very surprised with how Sakurako spoke so passionately over the subject.

Himawari added,"I honestly thought it was a scam.. and the way she looked at the man..I believe he was terrified.." and then she laughed.

Kyoko smiled and then asked by pulling at Sakurako's arm.
"Can you please win me one?"

Sakurako was very confused and Ayano pulled Kyoko away.

"You can get your own.." replied Sakurako and added,"I am here with Hima-Chan.. I'm sure there are other things you both can do besides that."

Kyoko tried giving her puppy dog eyes.

Sakurako rolled her eyes and asked,"Are you ready to play some games, Hima-Chan?"

Himawari nodded and smiled

The two continued on walking.

Ayano gave Kyoko her hand and the two continued walking together.

Akari just sighed knowing she was all alone.

There was many games that the two of them played and both had a lot of fun.
Sometimes they won and of course lost.

While each looked at certain things the other ended up sneaking away long enough the buy the other a gift at the vending stalls.

Sakurako put bracelet on Himawari's wrist

"Thank you, Sa-Chan.. and I bought a gift for you also." said,"Himawari.

"REALLY?!" asked Sakurako in excitement and gets embarrassed and then asks again,"Really?" in a not so childish tone.

Himawari laughed and then Sakurako found herself laughing and then Himawari put a necklace around her neck.
Then she kissed her cheek,"It's for you, to remember tonight... the fun we had.."
Sakurako was extremely happy and was just had to let out her emotions.

"I will keep this necklace, Hima-Chan!.. I love it! It's so pretty and so are you! I had so much! I love you!" Sakurako was so happy that she cried.

"Sa-Chan? Are you okay?" asked Himawari in concern.

Sakurako hugged her and said,"I have tried to be mature for you..
and do everything I can but right now I'M SO DAMN HAPPY I WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU!"

Himawari was surprised and then Sakurako started to dance around and sing,
"I got a necklace from Hima-Chan, I got a necklace from Hima-Chan and I will treasure it forever!"

Himawari couldn't help but to laugh and soon Sakurako was pulling her into one of her silly dances.

"Alright, I'll be silly and dance with you I know you've went through a lot of changes so far into the year." mentioned Himawari.

"I got to see Sa-Chan naked, I got to see Sa-Chan naked and she's got a nice butt." sang Himawari and gave a wink.

Sakurako looked at her and replied," Ha! Your boobs are nicer than my butt!"

Himawari sighed and said,"I rather look at your butt instead of dealing with my boobs."

"You can look at my butt while I play with your boobs." replied Sakurako.

Himawari sweatdropped and mentioned" would be in the front of me..I wouldn't be able to see it."

The Sakurako laughed,"Oh, yeah!"

Himawari smiled and so did Sakurako.

When it was time for the fireworks Himawari and Sakurako found a very good spot to see them and Himawari noticed they were alone. She didn't question it.
She knew Sakurako was amazed with the fireworks and so was she but there were fireworks going off inside of each other and both kept looking at one another.

Himawari wasn't sure how to approach the situation or speak.
She then felt Sakurako's hands on the one that bared the new ring.
The hand was brought to Sakurako's lips and Himawari blushed and looked into her girlfriend's eyes.

Sakurako placed her lips upon Himawari's and Himawari kissed her back.
Sakurako began kissing down her girlfriend's neck.
Himawari loosened her Kimono and Sakurako began to continue kissing down her girlfriend's body and undid her kimono.

"Sa-Chan! Mmmm" said Himawari in her cries.

Sakurako realized Himawari had already undid her Kimono.

"Hima-Chan.. I can't stop myself.. so.. hit me.." replied Sakurako.

Himawari kissed her and they continued.

"I don't want Sa-Chan to stop!"

"She is taking the initiative.. and this is right!"

The two kissing and making love together.

"Hima-Chan is alright with me behaving like this.."

"I have learned a lot... this year.. so far..."

"I learned why I get so jealous.. of others being around her.. let alone KISSING HER!"

"I learned that I love her and Hima-Chan loves me."

"I learned how hard it is to go to school and work."

"I listened to at least some of Nadeshiko Onee-Chan's advice.. even though I saw a bit too much of her own love life.."

"I'm doing my best to no longer be as selfish..."

"The reason why..."

Sakurako's eyes opened wide not only due to the fact that both her and Himawari were nearing the reach of an orgasm.

"Hima-Chan.. is my partner and not my rival!"


She looked at her partner and thought more.

"I don't have to be jealous of her either.. she shares her boobs with me."

"SA-CHAN!" cried out Himawari and then panted in their sixty-nine position.

Sakurako layed her body lower to go down on Himawari to help her and Himawari continued on Sakurako also.

"HIMA-CHAN.. I cant.. hold back.." replied Sakurako whom tried to continue.

Himawari cried,"OHHHH SA-CHAN!"

After it was finished two bodies layed close together, out of breath and continued seeking warmth from the other.

Sakurako was happy to feel Himawari clung to her happily by her waist.
She felt so different inside now. A lot of this year consisted of new and old feelings and change.

Usually Sakurako didn't like change but knowing that Himawari was involved in her personal change.. made her excepting to the future.

Years later after college and having their own careers.
The two are married with twin daughters.

Himawari is preparing dinner for her daughters and awaiting for Sakurako to return home.

"I can't believe Saku-Mama is late again!" mentioned a feisty 6 year old girl.

Himawari sweatdropped.

"Yasu.. Himawari-mama made dinner.. we should help her." mentioned the other 6 year old.

Then Yasu replied,"I will only listen to Hima-Mama if I have to do anything, Aika."

Himawari replied,"Yasu, Aika.. you are both in charge of setting the table.. I know Sakurako is on her way."

Sakurako came in the door and her family ran up to her.

"Sorry.. it was a very long practice.. The girls I am working with are all in need of practice." mentioned Sakurako.

Himawari kissed her cheek,"I'm glad that you are home now."

"Me too.." Sakurako kisses her back and hugs her daughters.

Yasu mentions,"You are a coach because you like pretty women." and then crosses her arms and nods.

Himawari's eyes opened wide and she covered her own mouth.

Sakurako eyes narrowed a bit and then smiled a bit,"I will say I like a pretty "woman" and that's why I am married."
and then she continued,"I used to play women's soccer and decided to coach it instead of taking my chance to become a pro."

Yasu's eyes opened wide and asked,"Why are you just a coach..?"

Sakurako replied,"My plans to have a future with Himawari and the two of you.. would not of happened now if I had chose to go pro."

Yasu was confused and Aika tried to help her understand.
"She chose to have all of us sooner and still make money."

Himawari mentioned,"It's Sakurako's job and she likes teaching people how to play it."

"Also, I find kicking a ball helps with not being as angry." smiled Sakurako and then she pulls a soccer ball out of her bag for Yasu and pats her on the head.

Yasu blushes and then kicks it around.

Aika pours the drinks for everyone.

"Thank you, all of you have done such a nice job." mentioned Sakurako.

Aika smiles happily and Himawari mentions,"We didn't want you to come home hungry."

Sakurako pats Aika on the head and mentions,"Your hair is growing long, Aika-Chan." and then asks," Do you want to grow your hair longer?"

Aika blushes and replies,"Only to my shoulders, Sakurako-mama."

"Alright, let's get Yasu-Kun back in here.. and let's wash our hands.. I really think it's best to do right now." mentioned Sakurako.

Yasu kept running around very quickly kicking the soccer ball with an overwhelming amount of energy.
Sakurako waited until she could pick her up and she knew Aika would be very willing to listen.

"It's time to eat, Yasu-Kun that is why we should wash our hands now." Said Sakurako.

Aika washed her hands with the soap and water.

Yasu noticed how cleanly her sister was and crossed her arms,"You don't expect me to be sparkling clean like, Aika..
she is no fun and hates to get dirty and play.." then she grumbles.

Sakurako ran her fingers through her tomboy daughter's short aquamarine hair.

"I know that you do get more dirtier than her in a day and of course you have a lot more to wash off..
but even so it's needed.. to be honest, Yasu-Kun.. you remind me in ways of myself but different of course." mentioned Sakurako.

"Okay.. I'll wash up." mentioned Yasu and sighed.

Sakurako smiled and walked over and washed her hands.

The three were eating and Yasu came out to join them.

Everyone noticed she put on gloves that Himawari uses when making meals.

"What are you doing?" asked Himawari.

"I'm using these, Hima-mama since you handle things often and don't get your hands dirty!"

Aika laughed but continued to eat.

Sakurako tried not to and be serious.

"Himawari changes her gloves often.. and don't get into her gloves without her permission." mentioned Sakurako.

Himawari chuckled,"This is coming from the mama who would of done the same thing long ago."

Yasu pointed at Sakurako,"One day I'll find my own Hima-Mama of my own! I will also catch frogs for her
and build her the best sand castles and make her the best mud pies."

Sakurako looked like a zombie for a moment.

Yasu ran outside.

Himawari mentioned,"Well, that was.. interesting.." and sweatdropped.

Then Aika ran up squeezed Sakurako's leg.

"I know what I want.. I want someone like you, Sakurako-Mama that is brave.. strong.. kind.. and caring." said Aika
and then let go and smiled and then skipped to go play with her dolls.

Himawari is now in shock and Sakurako looks at her and says,"She's not talking about me is she? I was a bitch to you until I realized you cared..."

"Umm and what about Yasu wanting a girl like me?" mentioned Himawari.

"I think I'm worried about the future of our sanity..." replied Sakurako grabbing each side of her head and eyes becoming huge.

Himawari started to laugh and then she laughed as well.

"Life goes on." Said Akari in her Akkarin moment.

"Shut the hell up, Akari.. you weren't even in this much.." Mentioned Sakurako.

"Actually I.. was watching you two and I am the one who married Chizuru.." sweatdropped Akari

Both of them looked at her funny.

"We both have three wonderful-CATS!" replied Akari.

"Yeah, that's nice.. we are going to eventually have a pet one day too.." mentioned Himawari.

"You don't understand.. THEY ARE OUR BABIES AND I'M THEIR MOMMA AND CHIZURU IS THEIR PAPA-" Akari was cut off.

Sakurako pats her on the back and gives her a hug,"It's okay Akari.. it's okay you can have your moment."


"HI! I was barely in this since the story mainly focused on Sakurako and Himawari's life." mentioned Akari.

Then she flashes over to her daily life.

Here is Chizuru at her desk in the office room of our home.

"Here is our oldest baby girl Kazue whom is laying on her Chizuru-Papa's
shoulder as she works on her next book." mentioned Akari and then adds,"She wears a green studded collar"

Then a loud AWWWWWWWWWWW is heard.

"Then we have Emi our second oldest baby girl.. she is in our yard trying to catch a butterfly and she wears a red collar with rinestones on it."

Another loud AWWWWWWWWWW is heard.

Akari then mentions,"Last but not least.. the youngest baby..
Takara and here she is in her light pink heart collar..playing with me.. she often likes to pulls my shoes strings and trip me until I play!"

Another loud AWWWWWWWWWW is heard.

"Now you know what has happened to me." said Akari.

"What about me?" mentioned Yui fuming.

"Me too!?" added Chinatsu.

"Yeah.. aren't you still a bit selfish to not include your friends, Sakurako?" asked Kyoko and pouted.

"Yeah.. We all have our own stories!" Said Ayano.

"I own the biggest yuri collection... and lesbian porn collection.." mentioned Chitose about ready to take off her glasses.

As more people start to add up.

Sakurako sweatdrops and Himawari does too.

Then Yasu kicks the words

~FIN~ and Aika straightens it up neatly.