Breathless - 5

Breathless - 5

"Good morning, little Panny...", he whispered, awaking her.

"Good morning... Trunks? Is it... really you??"

"Of course it is, my beloved Panny... It's been a week, hasn't it...?"

She nodded sleepy with a happy smile.

"Welcome back..."

"I'm happy to be here again..."

"So am I!"

"How are you, my little...? Has it been naughty...?"

"No, it's not... It has behaved quite well... Missed you, though...!! Have you found what – what you were looking for - yet...?"

"Yes, I have, sweetie. I'm no longer any prince. I'm finally myself"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That is supposed to mean that I'm not hurting us both any longer. And – it will be difficult for me, for us both, but – I need you to help me. I needed time to think, to get used to the fact that – that I was hurting you. I need to explain you how I feel. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course I want – but – but I need you -. I've missed you so much! God, Trunks, I – I –"

"Say it", he whispered, smiling reassuringly. "I've known of every single time you've been on the edge of saying it and you didn't dare because of me. Say it. You are not going to spoil it – "

"I love you", she ended, smiling shyly and looking at his eyes.

"I love you too, Panny"

"You -?"

"I do. I do. And I won't let anything split us apart. I love you. So much! And I am going to shout it out loud! I love you!!! The prince is dead. You need a man who is always by your side, in and outside the bedroom. And I want to be that man. I need to be that man. I couldn't bear seeing – anyone else –. Look, I – I was grown so alone and hurt –. You know me –."

"Trunks – ", she interrupted him. "You need to explain nothing at all –"

"I need. It's me who needs, my Panny. I need to explain you who I was to – to kill – to kill my old self, the one who was hurting you, my beautiful Panny ---. As I was saying, you know me. You know how I was grown. My parents –. Well, my father would never show me any signal of love, he would never say he was proud of me – I was so alone. All the time. I had Goten. But he had a brother. A father who cared, or at least more than mine. I was jealous of Goten and his family. I had nothing of the sort. Little by little, I started hating everyone – no one cared about me, only my mother, but I didn't think much of her. So – I made myself believe I needed no one to care for me, anyway. I grew up not caring about the others, either, nor about their feelings, nothing at all. I was sure no one would ever love me, so I was even more angry and denied any chance of love for me." He made a soft pause. "But, my little Panny, that was before I got to know you. You were so – sweet and – stubborn ---. You would be my friend even if I told you to get lost or I started fighting. You even wanted to spar with me, if I asked you to, whenever I did it. You – Panny, I have very strong feelings about you. I've had them for very long. At the beginning it would make me more – violent, angrier, for you frustrated me, I wanted you so badly, and I didn't believe it possible that you – that you – um – wanted me, too. When you began showing you did – I – I could not believe it. That night, those very five nights are the best that has ever come to my life. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know I did. It has been also very hard for me, wanting you but not being able to – exteriorise my feelings. I knew I was hurting you when I acted as if you didn't give a damn, but – I'm sorry. I never intended to. It's just that I could not find any other way to be around you without being exposed to harm. For you were so powerful – you had my life in your hands, you could have destroyed me just by mocking or – or saying bad things from me –. I'm so sorry – so sorry! Will you ever forgive me? I've changed, I promise, I am now – and I am going to keep being – the man who is completely in love with his girlfriend, with his wife, if you want to!, and I'm going to be that man all the time. I love you. Please, believe me. It's not for the sake of sex. It's for the sake of our love. Or for our child's sake. Will you – will you marry me?"

She looked at him, smiling, impressed at his long speech, and even more deeply in love with him if possible.

"Of course I will. You know, there was no need – I mean, I like knowing of your feelings, I'm glad to see you love me, but – you were not going to lose me. Trunks, I love you. And I would love you the same if you were my knight in the shining armour or if you were a crocodile. I love you. It's something I will never get rid of! And I had decided to stay with you. I couldn't leave. You had not to convince me –"

"But – the fact is – well – I – I am not changing for not losing you. I'm changing because I hate to hurt you and all I want is you to be happy. I wouldn't mind if you abandoned me, you both – as long as you are happy"

"Come on", she muttered, smiling brightly. "You won. Now...go on... and leave me breathless...!"

He smiled back and kissed her hungrily.

"No doubt I will, my darling!", he exclaimed happily, biting her so softly. "Hum!! I love you!! By the way, now that the Trunks-inside-the bedroom is going to stay..."

"Hmm!!", she sighed, chuckling softly and smiling brightly. "Can you imagine what will all be like...?!! That sweet and caressing Trunks all the time!!!"

He nodded and kissed her even hungrier.

I can't wait to tell everybody I'm marrying the best girl ever!! Now you are mine, and I will have everyone shown!!"

"I bet you will!", she answered happily.

"No doubt!!!"

She chuckled again and kissed his cheek. He looked to the ground for a moment and then back at her, serious.

"Panny...", he started, frowning, a bit worried. "Help me, will you? It's not easy being totally different from what you used to be... I want to be, you know I want, but – I – I won't be able without you..."

"I will. Don't worry. I will. I love you too"