Breathless 1

Breathless - 1

Go on, go on...

Come on leave me breathless

She gasped for air under his tight embrace while he was kissing the base of her neck, making her shiver. She moaned silently, as his thrusts began to become harder and faster. She felt him caressing her and knew that that was all she had been longing for, all her life. He started making his way down, bending his head and kissing every single inch of her soft, sensitive skin, until his lips found one of her nipples, when he started playing with his tongue. She sighed with pleasure, totally abandoned in his arms, almost unconscious, feeling lovely dizzy.

She felt that she was totally under his will. He was the one playing with her, touching, teasing, making her wish more but not willing to let her have everything at once... He was caressing her, only looking for her delight... She moaned once again, louder this time, and entwined her legs with his, giving him a better support for his thrusts. She felt him enter her even more and arched her back. He was nipping her, gently, when she first heard herself crying out. He looked up, not moving his head, still kissing her body hungrily and she saw a sweet smile in his blue eyes. She smiled back, not being able to help her groans any longer. As she somehow realised that he was about to come in her, she pulled him up towards her, until he was face to face with her. Then, she kissed her fiercely, with a hunger none of them had ever known, and saw his blue eyes dancing happily over her body. She closed her eyes and shyly took control. She started to push him further, as her hands were caressing all of his body, passionately exploring and making him breathe harder and harder. He was not passive, either. In fact, even though she was focused on his perfect body, she heard herself crying out loud again in pleasure because of his attentions towards her. She felt her desperation when she realised her hunger had somehow grown. She groaned out loud incapable of keeping her silence, as she felt something new and breathtaking inside her. He kissed her hungrily, making her silent all of a sudden, as she reached her pay-off. With a last thrust and still shocked because of her sensations, she felt him stiffen in her arms, closing his eyes. Her climax started to lower slowly. She looked at him, deeply, lovingly, and kissed every little bit of his face and neck, all she had near enough. He started to kiss back before he opened his eyes, still in that last thrust. Finally, with a moan, his body went limp. She went on kissing his body, making him roll aside and lying on top of him.

She saw him smile and thought of how cute he looked with that sincere smile rather than with the made-in-Vegeta smirk that was always on his face. She smiled back, pressing her lips against his bare shoulder and allowed herself to relax on top of him. She felt his strong arms embrace her gently and found herself in heaven. He kissed her forehead while stroking her shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I couldn't take it any longer..."

She smiled happily, feeling her cheeks red and hot for the effort they had just made.

"Neither could I, sweetie", she groaned.

He took a deep glance at her and leaned over to give her a soft peck.

"You are really very beautiful, Panny. I think I had never told you before"

She shook her head, feeling embarrassed, and decided to answer with a small joke.

"That's right, you had never told me...", she overacted. "Oh, Trunks I – I –! It was great!!"

He nodded, still smiling, looking at her straight in the eye.

"Thank you, Pan-chan. Thanks so much – I – I never thought you – you would – "

She rested her head down, totally tired out, and nodded quietly.

"You're very much welcome, darling. Thanks to you, too. It was just so great!"

He nodded back, convinced.

"Great!!!" exclaimed, not letting way for any doubt.

She yawned silently and kissed him on the cheek.

"Are you tired, my little princess?" he sweetly asked, surprising her with that nickname.

"Yes I am, indeed, my heir prince..! Am I supposed to think that you are not?"

He smiled and kissed her mouth, exploring her a bit with his tongue.

"I am tired, my princess", he said, dramatically, "but I wouldn't mind doing it all again for thee, my lady"

She looked at him in the eye, deeply, and leaned over him to kiss him hungrily, passionately.

"Thou art verily marry, bachelor"

He chuckled.

"Oh, gosh, you are much better than me in this! How came you know ancient English?"

"My, Trunks-chan, you ought to know which my favourite book is!"

"Let me guess", he began, embracing her even tighter and looking at her in the eye, with fake surprise. "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?"

"You're right, Toran-kun –", she nodded thoughtful, staring at him. "Gee... How - how beautiful you are –. You are a masterpiece, a work of art –"

He chuckled again.

"Gee, Panny! Love is driving you crazy! You are already raving!"

She looked at him serious, staring at his eyes.

"It's not love, my love. It's you who is making me crazy." She made a shy smile and forced herself to stand up. "Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed – you know what comes next in the story?"

He shook his head no, getting up with her and trying to get near her again by embracing her tightly and following her around the room.

"Never mind – ", she ended, doubtfully. "I have to go, it's getting late, you know – dad's going to miss me and –. Well, you can guess what would happen. So – see you tomorrow?"

He smiled and nodded, still holding her.

"Don't doubt it!", exclaimed.

He seems very happy, she thought with hope growing in her chest, while getting dressed.

"Come on, T-chan, I must go now. See you tomorrow, then. It's settled...! I take thee at thy word. May I get one last kiss?"

He nodded convincingly and kissed her slowly embracing her even tighter. After that last kiss, she grabbed her remaining clothes, put them on and flew away through the window. He stood by the window, staring at the spot where her figure had disappeared.

"I love thee", he murmured, but there was only the inconstant moon to hear his words.