So I know that Dani comes after TUE but in this one, TUE basically takes the place of Phantom Planet, meaning Phantom Planet never happened. I'll be trying to update within the next week but I can't make many promises. I'm hoping to feel some pressure. PLEASE REVIEW! I'll take any criticism as long as it is constructive.
The Prologue
Amity Park
Dani walked on the streets of Amity Park, having just arrived from London. She'd been traveling the world for the past year and had decided that it was finally time to see her only family. She hadn't heard or seen her cousin in over a year and wished she had tried to keep in contact, but time flies by when you can travel the world without paying the expenses. So, other than a random post card here and there, she hadn't told her cousin, Danny, what she had been up to. Since Dani had moved so much she never had time to receive any letters and never stopped to make an email address for herself.
The town felt off from the moment she had arrived and it didn't take long until Dani realized why. The most haunted town in the US was suddenly like a real ghost town, quiet, with tumbleweeds included. No one was outside, despite the sunny sky. As she started to near the block where the Fentons lived she realized something else too. The normally neon words of FENTON, were no longer bright.
Dani ran to the house, thinking the worse, and when she had finally reached the front door, she knew she would not like what she would find. A gold plaque on the door read-
In Loving Memory of the Fentons and their friends:
Jack, Madison, Jasmine, Daniel, Samantha Manson, Tucker Foley, and Mr. Lancer
She didn't believe it. She opened the door; it wasn't locked, and only found more evidence of the horrible truth.
The once cheery house now had the feel of a museum. Weapons were in glass cases, with little description to the side. Pictures were everywhere, some looking the way she remembered, some from before she had been born. Pictures of the only family she had ever known, not counting Vlad (she never did). Dani picked up a photo set on the coffee table. This one had everyone but Maddie in it. Dani guessed she was the one taking the picture. Sam and Tucker were sitting on the couch and appeared to be in a fight of some sort, with Danny trying to dispute the argument. Jazz was studying a large book. Jack was in the background eating some fudge. Dani could feel tears start to come and she let them. Hugging the picture to her chest, Dani sat on the floor and cried.
How could this have happened? she thought. How could they all be gone?
After what seemed to be a life time, she stood up, still hugging the picture to her chest, her tears starting to slow down but not completely stopping.
It was then that Dani noticed a blown up newspaper incased in glass on the wall. After closer inspection, she discovered it was a few months old and on the front page was a picture of the remains of a burning building.
It read:
The Fenton family, best known for being the town ghost hunters, were killed along with Samantha Manson, Tucker Foley, and Mr. Lancer ,when the Nasty Burger exploded, an explosion caused by the infamous Danny Phantom. Phantom was seen at the Nasty Burger just before the explosion. Another ghost appeared to be working with him, though this one is unknown to the town. Though it was originally believed that Phantom had perished in explosion, some eye witnesses state that they saw Phantom flying away from the scene. The explosion was a reaction of….
Dani stopped reading, suddenly realizing what the article was saying. Danny could be alive. She drops the picture she had been holding in her arms, and heard glass breaking before she ran up stairs. Though the stairs were not blocked, the second floor had not been touched at all, dust and cobwebs all over. Danny must have left some sort of clue, he would have known I'd come back eventually, she thinks. Dani runs to his room but stops in the middle of the hallway to look at a picture hanging on the wall. It was of her and Danny eating at the Nasty Burger making faces as they eat the strange tasting burgers. This picture was slightly less dusty then the rest. She looks at it for a few moments and then takes it off the wall. A piece of paper falls to the ground and Dani can't help but smile through her still tear stained face. It reads:
I am alive. I am currently in Jump City. Once you get this come find me. I own a bookstore called Makeshift in the city. Be careful of the Teen Titans when you fly in
It was all Dani needed to become the happiest person in the world. She didn't quite understand what he meant by be careful of the Teen Titans. She knows who they are, they're heroes. Why would she need to be careful of them? But that didn't matter now. Dani had to hurry to Jump City. She went Ghost and flew through the walls, heading as fast as she could to be with cousin.
Like? Dislike? Wish a flying monkey would come out of no where and throw bananas at people? TELL ME! REVIEW!
Peace out peeps