Hey everyone, this is my Wolf Among Us AU fanfic. It's just a little something I have lingering in my head after getting a few inspiration from playing the game.
As well as much inspiration from music from Sonic Youth, the Pixies, REM, etc.
Not sure where I'm really gonna be going with this, it's just something I wanna do until I'm bored. But I would like to hear from you guys about it, your options if I should go with it and whatnot
Hope you enjoy.
Hi welcome to my fanfic, if you are new to the story I hope you enjoy it! If not than I hope you can take the time to reread it since I'm rewriting the entire story. Not major changes but mostly writing errors and a bit of this and that to make it more enjoyable.
With each new rewrite I'll add the date and a new note like this one.
Hope you enjoy! And if you see any errors I missed or like or dislike, leave a comment!
Thank you for your to read this and I hope you enjoy!
Muse: The Pixies- Monkey Gone To Heaven
Chapter 1
It was September when the cold winds started to blow, announcing the great City of New York that Autumn is around the corner. Stores and restaurants were putting up decorations, showering it with bright shades of orange, reds, and browns, using all the colors of the turning leaves as inspiration. Well, when you see the leaves that is. It's a bit hard to get inspiration with nature living in a urban city.
There within that city sat a girl on the steps of a school church who goes by the nickname of Red, waiting for someone. Her bright green eyes staring blankly at the sky, thinking of nothing in particular, just random things that would pop into her mind to help time pass by. Like what would the city be like if trees would pop out of the streets five seconds, a silly thought that came to her when she was thinking about nature and it's changing leaves.
Man, I could go for some tea right now. Maybe Green tea, No Mate tea Is pretty good too…
Yet another random thought due to the mention of leaves again.
Red's cluttered train of thought soon crashed as she was hit in the head with a paper book, making her squeak out in surprise, she looks up while rubbing her head to see who was the culprit who hit her.
A girl with short black hair and school uniform looked down at her and smirks, "Caught you daydreaming again. " she said to her while popping her gum.
"I wasn't daydreaming! I was just enjoying the weather is all." Red protested.
The other girl just squinted her hazel eyes at her, as if she has the ability to see the truth and lies by doing just that.
"I hate it when you give me that look Kristen." she pouts as she gets up from the steps and dust off her short black ruffled skirt and long red hooded coat, looking everywhere but her friends eyes while her cheeks grow pink of embarrassment.
The girl named Kristen simply laughs as she shifts her book bag to her other shoulder and bumps Red on her shoulder. "Alright, let's get going you air head."
The girls headed towards their usual café shop where they met up with three other people that was waiting for them at an outside table. A girl with blonde hair waved them over while the one of the guys with short brown hair shouted out to get there attention.
"Yo! Kristen, Red over here." he waves his drumsticks around than continues to bang on the table, playing out the beat in his head.
Red smiles at the third man as they make their way towards the table, he looks up from his guitar through long black hair and smiles back at her, happy to see her make it.
"Sorry we're late, a certain someone had detention." Said Red.
"Hey, that perverted teacher got what he deserves." Kristen said out loud as she lights up a cigarette.
"What did he do? Look under your skirt or something?" The brown haired man jokes as he reaches his coffee for a drink.
"Can it Randy! The jerk touched my ass so I punched him in the face."
"It's too bad it wasn't a girl than huh." Said the blonde girl as she laughs.
"Awe leave her alone Cindy, not her fault she gets hit on by 'good Christian boys'. I'm sure you'll find a nice girl in that crazy Jesus loving school of yours." Randy comforted her as he pats her back.
"Not even looking, what's the point anyways? Not gonna let another woman drag me down." Huffed Kristen.
"Well, besides the detention I hope after today he'll leave you alone." Red said to her as she rubs Kristen's arm.
"Fat chance, you're lucky you're home schooled by your grandmother Red, don't have to deal with jerks everyday."
Red simply giggles at that than gets up from her seat and looks back at the entrance of the coffee shop.
"I'm gonna go order some tea, anyone want anything?" she asks as she looks at each one of her friends. Getting a 'no thank you' answer from each of them except the quiet one of the group.
"I'll go join you." Said the black haired man as he puts down his guitar and heads towards the doors with her.
Red couldn't help but smile as he holds the door for her, despite his gruff appearance the man in front of her can be a gentleman at times.
The smell of fresh coffee filled her lungs and the warmth of the room was welcoming to her cold hands, they passed a few people in the crowded cafe and went up to the line while looking at the menu to see what kind of tea they had in special.
After deciding what to get Red took a moment to look at her friend beside her, his leather jacket was worn out but still on good shape, a 5o'clock shadow gracing his sharp jawline and his brown eyes looking passed the menu in front of him, appearing to be deep in thought. Red smiles and playfully bumped his arm to pull him out of his trance, her friend blinked and looked down at her, bumping her back while smirking.
"You didn't have to come with me Travis, I could have just ordered what you wanted for you." Red looks back outside to their friends through the window and back at him.
Travis shrugs and waved his hand, dismissing her words as if it was a pesky fly. "It's okay, I like spending time with you." He replied while he looks down at her, he leans in closer to her and reaches into the pocket of his jacket.
"And I also wanted to give this to you in private" he whispers to her as he slips a small box in her small hand.
Red's fingers traces the edges of the box in her hand, wondering what it could be. "This is very kind of you Travis, you didn't have to."
"I wanted to though."
Red felt a blush coming to her as she feels the warmth of his fingers grabbing ahold of her cold ones. Travis leans further down to her face to kiss her but Red turns away from him, shying away from his lips, Travis however wouldn't give up. He took the opportunity to brush his lips to her ear and kissed it as Red giggles and pushes him away.
"Behave you, people might think that we're dating or something." she said to him as she covers his mouth with her hand to block him from continuing.
"Well, why don't we?" He asks as he pulls her hand away.
Red frowns at his question and looks away, quickly getting to the counter as soon as the person in front of her left. She ordered the cinnamon honey tea while Travis order a capuchin o. Once they moved to the side and waited for their drinks Travis looked at Red, waiting for an answer.
"You know why I don't want to Travis." she replied to him, feeling uneasy with his dark eyes on her.
"I get that it's because you don't wanna be in a relationship right now, but you and I both know there's something here Red, so why deny it and give it a shot?"
"Because I just don't want to." she said to him a little too harsh, he looked away from her, looking hurt. Red felt guilty right away and opened her mouth to apologize until the man behind the counter called out there drinks.
"I'll pay for this, don't worry." Travis said as he walks up to the counter.
Red looked down at the little white box in her hand and starts to unwrap the red ribbon around it. She felt terrible how she spoke to him, it's not that she didn't like him cause she did like him, even if she did say yes to him there was no way it could work out.
Once she removes the lid she and looks down she frowns at it, it was a pendant necklace with the picture of red riding hood hugging a black wolf. It was a beautiful pendant but it only reminded her the reason why she couldn't be in a relationship with Travis, or with any other person.
Because she was a Fable...
well that's it for now, hope you enjoyed and don't forget to leave a review. Thanks