One week later, it's reaping day. I have been dreading this day for months, not just because I'm scared about myself, but because I'm terrified for Prim. She is scared out of her mind. Every night, she crawls into my bed, and snuggles up to me. Then, after she wakes me up, I have to comfort her as the tears stream down her face.

As we're both getting dressed in our best clothes for the reaping, I can see her eyes start to glisten from moisture.

"What's wrong little duck?" I ask, even though I already know exactly what's wrong.

"Katniss, what if they pick me?" she asks, with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Trust me. They won't." I tell her confidently.

I guess she does trust me, because she stays quiet and looks a bit more relaxed.

We start heading out of the house, towards the town square. As we walk, I start to think about Peeta. I haven't had much time to worry about him recently, because of everything else, but now, I'm extremely nervous. Not only do I have myself to worry about, but I have to worry about three other people also. Prim, Peeta, and Gale. Oh, please don't make any of them be reaped. I'd rather myself be reaped then any of them.

We arrive at the square, when Prim starts to hyperventilate. I abruptly stop, which also causes her to stop also, and I pull her to the side. "Calm down" I tell her gently, as I put my hands on her shoulders. "You'll be fine."

"But what about you Katniss?" she questions worriedly.

"I'll be okay too. Listen, after the reaping, how about you, Gale, and I go to the meadow and have a nice, relaxing picnic. Does that sound good?"

"Yes. It sounds great."

"Ok. Now go find the other girls your age, and I'll meet you right back here when this whole nightmare is over." I whisper the last part quietly, so no peacekeepers could overhear.

She slowly turns around and starts walking, while at the same time, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find Gale standing quietly, with a very sad smile on his face.

"Hey" he says

"Hey" I reply.

"How's Prim?"

"Extremely scared."

"Same with Rory."

We then stand in silence, not exactly uncomfortable, but not completely relaxing either. I inform him of the plans Prim and I made a few minutes ago for after the reaping, and he agrees that it would be nice.

We say our goodbyes and walk to our respected sections. As I walk, I can feel my hands start to sweat from nervousness. I quickly wipe them off on my dress, hoping nobody had noticed. I am Katniss Everdeen. I'm not supposed to get nervous.

While we wait for everyone else to get here, my mind automatically goes to Peeta. What would I do if Peeta was reaped? I can't volunteer for him because I'm a girl. Would Gale volunteer instead? I highly doubted that. Gale has his family to protect.

Unexpectedly, it hits me. I would surely fall apart and mentally fade away from the world exactly like my mother, if Peeta were to head for the games. The same goes with Prim. Oh, sweet, innocent Prim. She doesn't deserve to die. She should live a long happy life. Or as happy as she can get in District 12.

I'm suddenly ripped from my thoughts as Effie Trinket, our district's escort, taps the microphone to see if it's on. Her voice comes out loud, clear, and very annoying.

"Welcome. Welcome. Now, the time has come for us to select one courageous man and woman, for the honor, of representing District 12!" She says with her stupid accent.

Gale's eyes meet mine before we mouth the phrase we both know Effie is about to say, in perfect sync. After all, she says it every year.

"May the odds be ever in your favor."

She heads towards the female bowl with every teenage girls name, as my stomach is fluttering from butterflies. Here we go. I think to myself.

Effie reaches in the bowl, pulls out a slip, and walks back towards the microphone to announce the female tribute. She pauses for a long moment to build up the suspense. And when she finally does say the unlucky name, my heart literally stops.
