A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner. I have been busy taking a summer class… that is still have not finished. Oh well here's to a new chapter.


Damian only slept for a little bit before he decided he was ready to go.

"You ready to go get some new things for you," I asked.

"Wet's go shop'n daddy," Damian responded excitedly.

"Do you mind if the rest of us tag along, I want to go to the bookstore, Jason wants to go to the weapons shop, and Bruce wants to go for some other reason," Tim asked. I looked at Damian in confirmation.

"Timeh come too," Dami declared. I nodded in agreement and smiled at how sweet Damian was being. We all got ready and went to meet Alfie down stairs.

-At the Mall-

The mall was its usual loud self which was good because that meant the group was less likely to be recognized and they could shop as a family.

"Hey Dick let me take the kid for a bit," Tim ordered. Smiling I handed the child over and watched as Timmy put him on his shoulders.

Damian's little hands immediately grabbed onto Tim's hair and patted his head with childish delight. Everyone, including Tim, chuckled at these actions.

"How about we shop together," Bruce offered.

I was happy that we were spending time as a family. I was kind of sad though because I wouldn't get to tuck my baby in tonight.

"Jason I heard you wanted to go to the gun shop we'll go with you but we are not going in. I don't want to introduce any of this kind of stuff to Dami," I said. Jason nodded and no one argued. We headed to where Jay wanted to go and waited for him while he got what he wanted.

The next thing we did was go to the children's store. As soon as we got there I headed towards the clothing section. The first thing we all grabbed were different shirts.

"Okay," I said after everyone picked out a whole bunch of different clothes. "I think we should ask Dami if he likes them and if he says yes we get it if he doesn't like it we'll put it back."

The first clothes that they showed the child was a green t-shirt that had a monster on it. Damian shook his head and made a face. His tiny button nose scrunched up in distaste. The boys all laughed at the expression and held up the next outfit.

This one was a plaid blue and black button up. The tyke nodded his head and the adults all looked at each other. The kid may have been reverted back to a toddler but his taste in nice clothing had not changing.

They picked out a few more outfits that Damian liked, a few of which were exactly what a normal child his age would wear. When it had come to pajamas they grabbed a pair of batman ones and cute cat one that was really more of a cat suit. For shorts they picked out jeans, khakis, and regular shorts. For shoes they picked out a pair of black and red converse and a pair of tennis shoes.

The next thing they decided the tyke needed was a small bed that he wouldn't roll off of so they got him one of those starter bed for children.


I was happy we were finally done shopping for the necessities that Damian was going to need. Now I could tell all of them about the party that we were all supposed attend.

"The reason I wanted to come with you guys is because that there is a charity event that I need all of you to come with me for," I said after we had paid for all the items. The boys looked at me in question.

"I need all of you to be fitted for a new tux and that includes, my grandchild," I said looking at the child who usually hated being paraded around.

"I have an appointment set up so we should go and do that before we go to Timmy's book store," I stated. The boys all sighed except for Dick who pouted.

We all walked toward the tailor where we were greeted by some overly friendly people who immediately took a liking to our youngest member.

Damian squirmed as the ladies made a big fuss over him.

"Excuse me but we are here for our appointment," I said saving the little raven.

"Come here baby," Dick called. As soon as those words were spoken Damian ran over to his father hugging him happily.

"Daddy I no wanna weaw a suit," the toddler whined. I watched as Dick sighed and tried to reason with him. Now he would know how I felt when I was trying to get him to wear this type of clothing for important events.

"Hey buddy how about we all try suits on and you tell if it's good or not? This is very important Dami and we need your help," I said in mock seriously. Damian nodded his head completely serious about what I had just said. The boys all chuckled at this and headed off to grab the suit that they thought they would look best in.

I watched Dick grab a bright white dress shirt and a black single breasted suit with a dark blue tie to go with it. Tim grabbed a black dress shirt and a black double breasted suit with a yellow tie. Jason stood there for a second studying all the types of suits before deciding on a light gray lounge suit and white dress shirt with a crimson tie.

I decide to go with a whit dress shirt and a black dinner jacket with a black bow tie. After we had modelled our choices and got the stamp of approval from Damian.

"Alright, baby, your turn," Dick said grinning evilly. The child's eyes widened and he tried to make a break for it. He would have probably made it too if he was older and his legs were longer. Unfortunately Jason grabbed him from behind.

For Damian we each grabbed a different style. Tim grabbed a linen suspender knicker set. Jason grabbed a boys seersucker suspender shorts set. I grabbed a I grabbed a blue undershirt that matched Dick's tie and a black vest with matching pants, to top it off I grabbed a black tie. Dick chose a dark grey vest set with a green shirt and a plain black tie.

"Go on buddy go try the first one on," Tim encouraged handing the child his outfit.

"If you wouldn't mind, Mr. Wayne I could help him try these on and then he could come out and model for all of you," a blonde offered. I took the offer and she went in to help the child change.

"Dami are you done?" Tim asked. Tim looked like he was just about to go and grab him when they saw the blonde walk out with a very tiny form following her from behind.

"Well," we all asked. Slowly, the child walked out from behind the woman and put his hands behind his back shuffling nervously.

"Aww," some customers cooed. We all looked at him and then shook our heads, this was not something that fit Damian right. The kid repeated the process and had the same results until they got to Dicks.

"I like it," Jason said studying Damian.

"I think we should take the shirt Bruce had and use it for Damian," Tim suggested. They did that and the result was marvelous it looked amazing and Damian looked absolutely adorable.

"We'll take it," I said.


After we had paid for everything we decided to go back to the car and go home for Alfred's food. I had decided to carry my baby instead of making him walk. I could tell he was tired how he was stumbling around. When we reached the car I could feel Dami rest his head fully on the crook of my neck, a few seconds later the toddler was completely out. I smiled, it was times like this I wish I could always have with my little baby.

A/N: So what did you think? Read and Review Please!