A/N: And here it is! the final chapter of this tale! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own the Elder Scrolls series. I only own my original ideas.
Chapter 41: Towards a New Future
Journal of Sunders-the-Heart
It has been some time since the Thalmor War officially ended. The combined forces of the Empire and its allies captured the lands of the Summerset Isles. Upon returning to Cyrodiil, Shouts-at-Sun was officially made the Emperor. Our various allies returned to their respective lands, and started working improving their homes. Meanwhile, Vara the Tsaesci slithered off into the night, the last anyone in Tamriel saw of him he was bargaining for passage heading west from Stros M'kai. It can only be assumed he returned to Akavir.
Once we had a moment to speak privately, Shouts-at-Sun confided in me what he had experienced when the Eye lashed out at him. While I cannot come up this any theory as to the Eyes origin, Sun's own interpretation of it being a parasitic entity of some sort seems likely. As to the power that came to him, based what I have witnessed in the past, I believe that Sun was borrowing a miniscule portion of Akatosh's own power. It is good he didn't have to channel more, or he might have ended up repeating the fate of Martin Septim. For is own safely, I've recommended he not attempt to use this ability unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
As for myself, it was back to Winterhold, to the most recent iteration of the Drunken Dragon Inn. If I kept up my work, I'd have locations opened in the major cities of each and every province. It would require much effort, but I was nothing new for me.
Journal of Jociel Laelippe, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
Once the confict in Alinor concluded, Veezara and I returned to my manor near Falkreath to rejoin our fellows. These last few months had been… interesting to say the least. Just like the old Akavirian curse says, 'May you live in interesting times'. In a fairly short time, I've gone from being imprisioned after assassinating the Emperor to conspriring against the Thalmor, to fighting in open warfare, and now this. The new Emperor had seen the use in having spies and agents under his command, and offered us employment. It was rather pleasant of him to not throw me in prison for my hand in setting all this recent conflict into montion, but I guess it was only inevitable that the Thalmor would have inacted their dark designs regardless. Well, that's in the past now, and it would be best to look towards the future.
Journal of Shouts-at-Sun, Emperor of Tamriel
Strange to think how far I've come in these past few years. Not that long ago, I was nothing but an assistant innkeeper in Kvatch. Of course fate had to intervene, initiating the plan I'd set up so along ago. It is said the Dovah seek to dominate all that lay before them, and manipulate others to get their way. In the end, the one I manipulated the most was myself. I still ended up attaining several rather important positions. Harbinger, Archmage, and now even Emperor. Oh, there had been resistance to the idea of an Argonian serving as Emperor, but luckily I had several powerful individuals in my corner, Including General Tullius as well as Paarthurnax. In all honesty, having the founder of the Way of the Voice show up to congratulate me at my official coronation certainly helped the legitimacy of my claim. After being crowned, I set about working to make sure the imperal government would serve its people properly. Included in this was instituting new aid programs for the poor, and creating a new section of the Elder Coucil which would be filled with representatives for each province under Imperial rule. With the threat of the Talmor largely removed, I only can hope to lead the people of Temriel towards a brighter future.
Excerpt from the Teachings of Paarthurnax
Long have we, Faal Dovahhe been seen as destroyers, beasts, and monsters spoken of in hushed tones. But now, we have a chance at a new path, one which we may work towards to become a more productive part of our world. I feel it on the winds, change is on the horizon. We stand of a new era, in all senses of the word. It will not be easy, and I know not all of Dov will agree, but I wish for our race to be seen as something better than what we have in the past. Zaanahstkrein has opened the path, but it is up to us to spread our wings and fly upon it. Tiid bo amatiiv, Time flows ever onwards. And I ask you now my students, what will the future hold for us?
Excerpt from the eplogue of 'An Account of the Second Thalmor War', By Sunders-the Heart, Published 5E 01
Much has been written about various warriors, heroes, and villans. Their triumphs, their failures, their rise and fall. The tale of the Second Thalmor War contains all these things. Some may claim that I have embellished this tale far beyond anything believable, but I have only recorded events as I know them, from the accounts of those around me, as well as my own experiences. Take it from one who's wandered the paths of this world for over two centuries. I have in this time learned just how bizzare things can become on this blue-green orb spinning ever onwards through the void, this world we call Nirn. I know from what I've seen that almost anything one could imagine can easily be reality in this strange journey known as life. In the end all I can say is this: In this world, there are many stories to be told, and seemingly endless variations upon those tales. This has been but one of them.
A/N: And there we are! I hope you've enjoyed this tale I've spun. Thank you for reading!