With no particular destination in mind, Killua ran until he felt his lungs burning. The feeling of adrenaline coursing through him had been enough to keep him almost at a full sprint since they left the suite.

He stopped in front of a large tree, and attempted to catch his breath. Damnit, why was he so exhausted already?

Killua didn't realise that he was still holding Gon's hand until he felt the tan hand twitch in confusion. "Killua? Are you okay?" Gon asked, concern evident in his voice.

'I'm not weak, dammit' he thought. "Of course you're not weak, you're Killua." Gon smiled at him brightly. Crap, did he say that out loud? "You're my friend so I'm just worried about you." Gon squeezed his hand. Killua turned to look at Gon in confusion.

Gon definitely had one of the brightest smiles in existence, there was no doubting that.

"What do you wanna do now?" Killua asked as he tried to mask his uneasiness. His tan friend thought for a moment before smiling widely. "I know, we can go to an arcade, and then we can go eat cake!"

Killua smirked at "cake". "Ohohoho, I'm in the mood for chocolate cake." He said happily. Gon looked around for a moment before saying "Oh, this way! I remember where the arcades are!" He began to march along the footpath.

Still holding hands, Killua followed next to him.

Being with Gon felt nice, it always did, but this time he felt lighter. Just the feeling of Gon's warm hand intertwined with his was enough to have his face heat up a bit. 'Why hasn't he let go yet?' He asked himself.

Killua was glad that at least Gon was treating him relatively normal, unlike Kurapika and Leorio. Didn't they know that he was fine? He didn't need any of that therapy bullshit, he just needs a little time to get himself together.

Everything ends eventually, right?

Before Killua knew it, Gon had lead him all the way to an arcade. Gon was humming a song as he pulled Killua inside with him.

Killua looked around and accidentally made eye contact with the guy fixing one of the games. Instantly feeling overly-self conscious, he wriggled his hand out of Gon's grasp.

As his hand retreated to it's usual place in his pockets, he avoided eye contact with his dark haired friend and swiftly made his way over to one of the car racing games.

Before Gon could say anything, Killua pointed at the game and said "I'll race ya, loser has to pay for dinner."

A smile grew on Gon's face. "You're on!" Both boys jumped onto a seat next to each other and pushed a token into the machine.

Killua excitedly gripped the steering wheel and smirked. The numbers counted down on the screen. "I hope you've hidden your butt." He said as he turned to Gon. Gon frowned. "Why?" He asked.

"Because I'm gOING TO KICK IT SO HARD!" He shouted as he slammed down on the pedal.

The tires on his virtual car screeched as he was instantly in 1st place. He giggled like a Japanese school girl as Gon panicked. The tan boy was startled, but he instinctively turned his steering wheel and started doing donuts on the starting line.

Killua stared at the screen and continued to laugh. 'I'm definitely going to win this!' He thought to himself.

His race car screeched around a sharp corner, but he remained in 1st place.

He glanced at the map and saw that Gon finally got his shit together and stopped doing donuts in panic and confusion. He was, however, making good time.

Gon was already in 6th place, but Killua wasn't worried, he had 2 laps to go and the car in 2nd place is pretty far behind him.

'I can win this, I'm nearly finished the 2nd lap, I got this. There's no way he's going to catch up' Killua thought, his laughter dying down.

His face went neutral and he focused more on the distance between him and the car in second pl-

"2nd Place!" The game next to him shouted. What- How did Gon already make it to 2nd?

His heart rate picked up and he felt a sickness in his stomach. He pressed his foot down harder on the pedal and focused intensely on the screen in front of him.

Killua could feel the sweat on his forehead, and his legs felt like jelly.

Why are there so many people here?

Why did everyone have a sudden interest in him?

Why was everyone staring at him?

A lump grew in Killua's throat, and his hands shook uncontrollably. He no longer had any control over his body.

"You have to beat him." Was the only thing Killua could hear.

"You have to win." His breathing sped up and he nodded, but when he looked at the screen, he couldn't move.

His mind went black, and his body shook.

Everyone was staring at him, and he knew it.

Everyone wanted him to beat Gon.

Killua couldn't breathe properly.


He hyperventilated and covered his ears.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." He wanted to scream and drown out the crowd of people surrounding him.

He couldn't breathe, he tried, but he couldn't. Thankfully, the sound of his desperate breaths were loud enough he could no longer hear the crowd.

Killua slowly attempted to focus on his breathing. It started working, everything around him went silent, and he felt better. 'Calm down' he thought to himself.


Killua froze in panic.

Everything went dark.

He couldn't breathe and all he saw was darkness.

"Just breathe, you're okay Killua." He heard. Killua obeyed and tried his best to breathe.

"Just like that, just breathe." Came Gon's voice.

"I can't." He gasped out.

"Yes, you can. You're doing it now." Gon said calmly. He felt the lump in his throat disappear, and breathing started to get much easier. He felt warm, and the sound of Gon's voice soothed him.

Killua opened his eyes as he slowly started breathing normally again. He was looking at the carpet of the arcade.

That's right, he was just at the arcade with Gon, and they were playing a game.

He felt Gon's gentle hand rub soothing circles on his back. He was able to breathe better now, but his hands still shook, and his legs still felt weak.

Turning his head, he saw Gon smiling softly at him. "Do you feel better now?" He asked calmly. Killua stared at him blankly before asking "What happened?"

Gon smiled, but Killua could see the concern behind it.

"After I got into 2nd place, your car stopped moving. I was gonna ask you why you stopped playing but you started shaking and screaming."

Killua looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

"I was scared, Killua. You looked like you were in pain. You looked like you were suffocating." Gon frowned as he looked at his best friend. "Anyone would feel suffocated with a room full of people around them." Killua said.

"Killua." Gon's voice was full of concern. "It's just been us in here."

A/N: I hope the length of this chapter makes up for my absence. (Probably not but oh well.) Anyway, since it's been 2 years, I thought I'd start thinking of some fresh ideas. I will now start taking suggestions from people.

So, if you think you have a good idea for this fanfiction, please do not hesitate to send me a message.

No idea is a bad idea, however, if I do not use your idea, don't feel bad. I am quite meticulous with my fanfictions.

That's just my style, I've never really planned out a fanfiction, I just write whatever pops into my head.

I do look forward to seeing what you guys thought of this chapter, since it may be quite different from all the previous chapters.

Anyway guys, thanks for reading. (⌒▽⌒)

Feel free to message me!