Authors note: Here cometh the end of this fic! Who knows there might be a sequel in the DISTANT future, as for now this is all I could churn out. For some reason I have lost interest in this fic.. Don't know why.. Always remember: More reviews = more likely there is to be a sequel!!!!

Here goes.

Chap 11

The world had stopped.

Buffy looked around her in a state of panic. What did he just say? He wants to marry me? She looked back down at him, his expressions showed his anticipation. This was too many shocks for one day. Angel squeezed her hand lightly with his in an effort to comfort her: Obviously this had been a shock.

The phone rang.

Angel sighed and broke the gaze between them.

"I-I'll get that." Buffy turned away and walked to the phone. "Hello? Yes this is Buffy summers. Yeah, yeah, so that's it? He's gone for good? Thank you officer, I will, goodbye. " Buffy hung up the phone.

Angel was back on his feet and was now pacing the living room floor. "That was the police. Spike's gone for good. They arrested him this morning although he can't leave hospital yet."

Angel turned and smiled. "That's good." He sat down on the settee and an uncomfortable silence soon followed.

"So." Buffy sat down next to him slowly; her side still ached from the wound that was healing.

"So." Angel replied, turning to face her. "You going to answer me, or am I going to have to wait forever in this intolerable silence?"

Buffy looked down into her lap and twiddled her thumbs. "Yes." She muttered quietly.

"Was that a yes angel I'll marry you? Or was that a yes I'm going to have to wait forever for an answer?" Angel dipped his head slightly to try to make eye contact with his girl.

"That was a yes angel, how could you not think that I couldn't marry you." She looked up and smiled wide, revealing her sparkling white teeth.

It was Angel's turn to be stunned. Then he smiled and bent down to catch her lips in a smouldering kiss.

"Can we come in now?" A muffled voice sounded behind the front door. Buffy broke the kiss and took one last look at Angel before rising from her seat and walking to the front door. There stood her best friends: Willow, Xander, Giles, Oz and Cordelia. She smiled at them all.

"So how big is this diamond??" Cordelia pushed past Willow.

Buffy cast a glance at Angel. "As big as she wants it to be. We'll go get it tomorrow." He replied.

Cordelia gave a squeak of delight and marched into the living room. "Congrats Buff." Xander smiled, she knew he didn't approve, but there was no man he would ever approve of.

Willow grabbed hold of her friend and squeezed her tight. "We are going to have so much fun planning this wedding!" She could hardly contain her excitement. Willow followed Xander into the room.

"Nice one Buff." Oz smiled sheepishly. Buffy smiled in return and hugged him.

Buffy closed the door behind Oz and looked in on the living room. There sat her love, Angel sat in the corner deep in conversation with Oz no doubt about Oz's band. Xander was sat with Willow and Cordelia, both the girls describing the type of wedding dresses that could be chosen. This was it, this was perfect happiness. That was apart from one thing.

"Guys, while we are on the subject of announcements, I have another one." Buffy felt her heart beat quicken as the room fell silent. Angel looked at her quizzically and she looked back, her eyes locked with his.

"I'm pregnant."

More stunned silence followed. Angel opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish gulping for air. Whereas the others just looked blankly back at Buffy each of them thinking about what she had just said.

"Really?" Angel managed to just about form words.

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