A/n: And I'm back! Sorry for the long wait. Here's the last chapter. I actually listened to the song "God gave me you" by Bryan White and "Forever and a day" by Micheal learns to rock while typing the rest of this chap. It inspired me a lot. Enjoy reading!

Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.



It's four in the morning but I was already wide awake. I spent most of the time staring at the ceiling and tossing and turning on the bed, not able to go back to sleep again. I sighed as I lied on my side and stared at my phone, contemplating whether to call or text him or not. It's been a couple of weeks since we last saw each other and I never heard about him again. All I knew was that I left Tokyo with victory since we were able to compromise after all the troubles. Aunt Noriko continued to communicate with me, trying to update me about Naoki but it was not enough. I wanted to hear his voice, I wanted him to talk to me, to ask me how I am doing so far but no, he never did it. I know I shouldn't expect too much knowing that he's never the type to do that.

"Oh, Naoki what should I do with you?" I mumbled before putting down my phone and covered my face with the blanket.


"Kotoko, how's your morning?"

"Fine Keita! Goodbye!" I ran past him, well, I tried actually but before I can do it, he caught the loop on the top of my backpack and held me steady.

"Now, that's not the right way to greet a friend." I gave him a puppy face.

"Running late, aren't we?"

"Keita, I really need to go or else I'll be late. I don't want to face another long lecture about punctuality." I groaned, imagining what happened to me the last week.

"Free lunch later?" I never hesitated to nod and my answer came abruptly.

"Sure." He beamed at me and pushed me as I went for a run towards the nurses' station.

I checked my phone for any messages and scowled at the screen. Two texts from dad and five from aunt Noriko; none from him. I don't know how long will he keep this game up. I sighed before turning my attention back to the meal I have.

"What's with the long face." Keita asked, while chewing his food.

"Boyfriend disappearance." Motoki replied and winked at me before they snickered.

"Maybe he's just busy you know. He's a doctor and besides he's famous. You can never expect him to have time for love." Marina said after she finished her meal.

"Wow. thanks for rubbing that to my face." I rolled my eyes.

"But you never know what 's up in his sleeves. I mean, maybe he's doing this on purpose so that you'll miss him and be the one to make the first move." She shrugged and added "Just a thought anyway but he's kind of really hard to read."

"I agree with that." Motoki said while patting me in the back.

"But you have to trust him. I know that you're new to this relationship thingy but you'll get use to this soon."

"Yeah, but it really impresses me as to how cool was Keita with all these things. I mean, you guys have a thing for each other right and if Naoki never came back, it should've been-"

"Why yes you have a really delicious drink out there huh, Marina? Mind if I take a sip?" Motoki intervened loudly to cut Marina off. Way to make things awkward. She just settled a glare at Motoki as he finished her drink. Keita just stayed quiet but chokes on his food at some point. If not for the blush he had, I would have thought that he wasn't affected anymore. Oh, how wrong I was but I heard that he and Tomoko got back already and I was happy for them. It's just about time for us to find our real happiness.

"Break's almost over. Better hurry up." I finished my meal in one go and brought my orange juice with me as we slowly walked back towards our station. Marina and Motoki bid goodbye soon and that left me with Keita.

"Don't worry too much about him." I turned my attention to Keita only for him to send a smile to me. I smiled back and nodded.

"I know but-"

"No buts." Keita stated firmly and continued.

"Just trust him. I didn't give up on you just because I want to. He's trustworthy and if ever I have to give you up for another man, he's certainly the best candidate. You're in good hands and I don't think he's the type to cheat or to lose your trust with a snap of fingers. He's a keeper but you got to give him time to adjust."

"Keita-" I looked at him and he sent a grin before opening his arms for me. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back.

"I love you" I stiffened and was about to reply when he chuckled.

"as a friend" he continued and I just have to pinch his ear for that.

"You better be."

"What? You actually believed me?" He laughed at me before putting his hands up in surrender.

"Come on, I may haven't gotten over you yet but I have Tomoko to shower this affection for." I smiled at that.

"And I think I'm beginning to like her again."

"Oh Keita."

Forgotten the awkwardness about me and Keita, my thoughts drifted back to him once more. What should I really do with him?


I came back home tired and kissed my father on the cheek when he opened the door for me with spatula in hand. He's cooking for dinner.

"You're home early today Dad." I stated and held his arms.

"Someone paid me a visit and I just thought that maybe he wants to talk about something privately so I left the restaurant to your uncle Kouji." I raised my brow at him and he just stared at me before pushing me towards the living room.

"That someone is there, waiting for you. So go now and talk with him. I'll be in the kitchen." I gave him a confused look before I stepped into the living room.

And he was there.

Sipping a coffee and sat with his leg over the other. He still looked the same as the last time I saw him in Tokyo. I stared at him for quite a while, didn't know what to do. Should I walk towards him or should I run and hug him tightly? But I stood still, not doing anything but just to take time and appreciate the view but he ruined my moment when he glanced at me and smiled.

"Hi." He greeted almost inaudibly. It took a lot of effort not to swoon right then and there.

"Hello." I replied meekly and strutted towards him when he patted the empty side of the couch beside him.

He rubbed his hands together, making me think that maybe he's nervous or he's about to say something serious I mean, even me do it unconsciously.

"Hey, what's up? When did you arrive here?" I started as I put my things beside me.

"Nothing much, just missed you. I arrived here just this morning. " I nodded before staring at the coffee table. I don't know but it seems like I have a bad feeling about this meeting with him.

"So, have you eaten your dinner?" He asked as he shifted closer to me and wrapped my small hand into his big ones. I relaxed a little.

" I haven't. Actually I'm so depleted and famished already but dad is still preparing a dinner." I pouted and he chuckled a little before leaning in to kiss me.

"Me too, but that can wait." I nodded and smiled at him as a pregnant pause followed shortly after.

"So, what brings you here?" I glanced at him just to see him looking so serious. My fear kicked in once more.

"I hate to say this but I have a bad feeling Naoki. Do you have something to say?" He turned to me, face devoid of any cold Naoki is back.

"I want to break up with you." He said before he released my hand in his grip and stood up.

"Goodbye Kotoko." I was too surprised to utter something. I just saw him walked out the door, his back facing me and never turned back even when I found my voice and uttered his name.

"Naoki! Naoki! Naoki!" I tried to run after him but it seems he run a mile with every step I take. I tried and tried but I was not able to reach him as my voice also started to fade away. I stumbled and got my knee scraped. I hissed a little, averting my gaze but when I looked back, he was gone.

"Naoki! Naoki!" All I can hear was my loud cry all over the street. No, this can't be!

"Kotoko! Kotoko! Hey, I'm here. " Someone shook me hard as I heard myself screaming for his name. I was about to scream again when suddenly his soothing voice came in. He's back!

"Naoki! Naoki!"

"Kotoko, you're just dreaming. Wake up." I was shook once more but stronger this time so I woke up with a jolt.

"Kotoko, I'm here." I opened my groggy eyes and stared up at him.

"I'm here." He repeated as he pushed away the hair strands on my face lovingly.

"Naoki?"I asked my voice tired. He nodded and smiled. Oh my! Before I knew, tears ran down my face and I sobbed. He hushed me and hugged me tightly and I returned it.

"Just a dream. It's just a dream." I chanted quietly as I felt him nod. We stayed like that for a while until I calmed down. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table to see that it was still three-thirty in the morning. I closed my eyes again and enjoyed the comfort when it hit me.

"What are you doing here?" I pushed him away and stared at him wide-eyed. He scratched the back of his neck and sighed. I raised my brow at him despite of the darkness in my room.

"I'm waiting."

"Impatient, aren't we?"


"Yeah, yeah I just arrived-" He yawned for a while before continuing. "a couple of hours ago straight from Tokyo."

"Are you stupid?"

"No, I'm genius." He yawned once more before turning on the lamp.

"Of all the time that you could book for a flight, why around this time?"

"I thought it was romantic." he shrugged and continued "You know, like doing this kind of thing for you and surprise you when you wake up in the morning. You know you want to give me credits and I should have a reward for doing this but for now-" He took off his wrist watch and plaid shirt then put his wallet and phone on the bedside table, leaving him with his white sleeveless shirt and black pants on.

"I need to rest, so save all those compliments for tomorrow." I glared at him while he just made himself comfortable beside me after taking off his socks.

"Get out Naoki." I sighed at him when he reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.


"You do know that it is not a good sight to see two unmarried couple sharing the bed together."

"What's wrong with that? It's not that we're doing something that married couples do. Wait, we really do like sleeping, hugging and kissing but no more than that."I sighed exasperatedly.

"You know that-Ow!" He pulled me on top of him and hugged me tightly.


"Naoki,my father will not like it if-" I wriggled out of his hold and was able to succeed only to find him snoring lightly, his breathing uneven. I just stared at him for a while, smiling to myself.

"You must be so tired. Good night." I mumbled before I dozed off.


"Oh, you're up!" I said as I put the groceries on the table.

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"Well, it's almost twelve at noon." I said as I busied myself of arranging the vegetables on the fridge.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're fast asleep and I know you're tired. Besides, you don't have to go to work for today,right?"

"No, I don't." I turned to him and sighed.

"So, there's no problem to that I presume?"

"I guess so." I raised my brow at him and stood in front of him.

"So, tell me. Are you angry at me for not waking you up?"



"Kotoko, I said no. Doesn't really matter but for now I have some errands to do so I may not be home until seven or eight." I stared at him and nodded weakly. I was actually hoping that we could spend the day together as a couple since it's also my day off.I just missed him so much. A couple of weeks with no communication whatsoever was not a joke.

"Okay." I forced out a smile as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Don't be sad, I promise to return home as early as possible." I nodded.

"I understand, don't worry about me."

"I'll prepare now." He said and left me in the kitchen alone.

"Well I guess I just need to busy myself with the household chores." I mumbled and continued arranging the stuffs.

That was what I have been doing until the day ended. We were eating silently, both me and my father, focused on savoring the good dinner that we were having.

"Naoki's been here last night, no?" I stared at my dad and nodded.

"Where's he?"

"Said he had to do some errands and won't be home until seven." Dad checked the time on his wristwatch and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You sure about that? It's almost twelve midnight."

"Don't exaggerate dad, it's still eight-thirty." I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed heartily.

"Well, that must be pretty important."


"The errands he had to run. Well, I'm going to bed now." I frowned at him.

"You know it's unhealthy. You just finished eating. Go entertain yourself with some good tv programs and don't forget to take your medicines."

"Roger that,nurse." Dad said before heading to the living room. I stood up and cleaned the table after finishing my dinner.

I was about to wash my dishes when I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I hastily opened it when a message from Naoki greeted me.

Sleep ahead. I am still tied up with some things here. Don't worry, I already had my dinner. I'm back before you know it. :)

I sighed before typing a response.

Okay, I understand. Glad that you had your dinner already. See you when I see you.

I hit send and not a minute later, my phone vibrated again.

I was expecting to read "See you in my dreams." :( Are you angry?

I smiled and bit my lip. This is totally a different side of Naoki I'm seeing for the first time.

I'm not. Okay then, "See you in my dreams. :)"

Your response sounds forced. If not for the period that separate the 'not' and 'okay'. . . . :(

Stop being technical.

See? You're angry. Try to read your messages again and tell me if I'm wrong.

I giggled and typed a response back.

You're wrong. I'm not really angry you know, just missing you. :')

Ah, there's the word I longed to hear. :)


I miss you too. 3

My heart melted right then and there.

I can't wait to see you. I'll be home soon Kotoko.

I smiled and stared at the screen for one more time before washing the dishes. Just the thought of him texting me, is enough. I'm a hopeless romantic, so kill me.

I didn't know what time Naoki returned home since I slept earlier contradicting my supposed plan to wait for him. I groggily opened my eyes and stretched a little. The other side of my bed was empty. It's either he did not go home or he slept on the couch. I was hoping for the latter though. It was the last day of my day off so I also planned to wake up a little later than usual but since I slept earlier last night and had a good sleep, I woke up earlier than usual instead. It's still five o'clock in the morning. I stared at the ceiling and trying to think of what I will do for today in case Naoki decided to do "some errands" again. The house was already cleaned yesterday and aside from planning to spend some time with my man, I didn't have anything to spend my leisure time with. I sighed before standing up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routines before going downstairs.

Arriving at the kitchen, I looked at the clock to see that maybe dad was already awake and will be out soon so I decided to brew some coffee before he goes to work.

I was about to sip my coffee when I spat it out due to surprise. Naoki winked at me before striding inside while my wide eyes focused on the big yellow coated golden retriever tailing behind him.

"Good morning." Naoki said as he kissed my hair and wrapped his other arm on my waist. I flinched when the dog barked loudly, tongue out and showing me the canines he has. Oh, sweet boy. I can feel the blood draining from my face and then he barked again which caused me to squeak. I grabbed Naoki's arm and gripped on it while I hide my face on his back. The bark echoed once more all over the house and I swear, if the sweats on my palm and my horror-stricken face was not an enough indication of my dislike on this four-legged creature, me fainting would do best.

"Hush, muffin. You're scaring Kotoko here."

"Where did you even get that dog?" I asked as I straightened up and looked at Naoki.

"This is Nishigaki's. He dropped him earlier today and ask me to keep him.. He'll be away for a week and no one is available to watch over him." I nodded in understanding.

"Poor thing." I said later and was about to take a step nearer to him but he just barked so loud and made me run towards Naoki again. He just laughed at me though and offered to walk in the park.

I was in my running shoes and shorts. I had my hair tied in a high ponytail and wore a white shirt. Naoki wore a sleeveless gray shirt that hugged his sculpted torso, a sweatpant that was rolled up to his knees and a pair of red running shoes while Muffin walked beside him. Naoki had been pulling me to walk to the other side of him but since Muffin moved around a lot and I don't want to get in his way, I stayed behind them while keeping my eyes on the dog.

"He doesn't bite you know."

"Yeah, his canines are just for a show." I said as I rolled my eyes. Naoki laughed at this.

"Come on, he's a great dog." He stopped walking and faced me when we reached a certain part in the park. I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand. Stupid me for forgetting about a towel when we are to have a small exercise. I was a little surprised though when something soft touched my forehead then to my cheeks. I turned to my side and saw Naoki's face an inch away from mine,towel in hand.

I instantly jumped away from him and he gave me this strange look. I blushed and cleared my throat.


"You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yes-wait no. No, I haven't! I just-you surprised me that's all." He raised his brow at me as I kept fighting the blush off my now red face.

"By the way where's Muffin?"

"I unleashed him-"


"Actually he's-"

It was all so fast. One minute I was still craning my neck to see where the creature had gone to and then the minute after I was suddenly tackled to the ground. I screamed frantically and called Naoki with every the loudest voice I had.

I can hear the meanie laughing out loud before he whistled and called the gross dog. It barked in front of my face and licked me everywhere. I swear, this will be the death of me.

"Easy there buddy." I closed my eyes tight as Muffin refused to get off from me. I can hear Naoki snickering on the background and the shuffling of his feet before the dog barked again but thankfully this time away from my face. Muffin then ran towards Naoki and barked again as he throw a frisbee a distance away. Muffin barked and ran to follow it.

"You alright?"

"Why of course, that incident made my morning. He just licked me in my face, tackled me to the ground and dirtied my clothes. Of course, I'm alright thanks for the concern."

"Chill Kotoko. Muffin's just playful." He snickered yet again.

"Yeah I can see that." I said as he helped me stand up. I sighed before cringing about the germs I got from Muffin's saliva. We then strode to the nearest faucet located not too far on the location were in. I immediately washed my face with water when we arrived and Naoki let me use his towel to pat my face dry while he jogged away with Muffin as it ran after us with the frisbee. I smiled as Naoki stopped and throw the frisbee away again. Muffin just barked and ran for it.

"He's cute."

"Yes, he is." He nodded and stared at me long enough to make me squirm under his scrutiny. I stared back at him, totally clueless.

"What? Is there any dirt on my face?" He chuckled and leaned forward which made my heart beat faster. Without answering, he kissed my forehead tenderly. I could not help it; a funny feeling spread across my chest as his kiss lingers. I closed my eyes and smiled. With just a tender kiss, my feelings for him overflowed.I must confess, I have been blessed the moment our second chance romance started. He's a man of few words but he always make up to it through sweet lingering kisses every time he deemed good. I giggled when he kissed my closed eyelids and more giggles erupted when he kissed my nose softly.

"Seriously, what are you doing?"

"You don't have a clue?" Would it be weird if I say I can hear his smile basing from his teasing voice?

"No, I don't." I smiled and was about to open my eyes when a pregnant pause occurred. But before I can, I felt him shift closer and tuck the loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"When you first entered my life, you're nothing but just an annoying girl in my eyes." He snickered and brushed my hair.

"Then fate decided to play with us. Made you stay in my house, knowing more of you and hating you even more for causing troubles and frustrations in me. But then again, you were one brave girl for confessing your undying admiration and continued to shower me your affection despite the cold shoulder I gave you. As cliche as it may sound, I did not notice your worth until you were gone. Three years." He paused and sighed. I badly wanted to open my eyes already.

"It was one of the longest three years I have ever been through. I kept missing something and I know that something was the mere life of me you stole the moment you turned your back and left. You made me think and reflect my actions. You made me question myself if I was ever worth of having a life without any purpose."

"Naoki"I opened my eyes and all I saw was his pure heart full of sincerity as he utter each words and narrated the whole thing in his point of view. His heart was on his sleeves.

"Then I saw you once more, very fine for a woman. While I looked broken, you looked whole, happy and contented with your life without me, which scared me a lot. I took chances and entered your life once more and as I thought everything falls into the right place, I realized that you have met a new man who stole your heart. I hesitated to continue wooing you since you looked happy with the guy. Gathering all the strength I had, even with a broken heart and pride, I left you once again with the thought of giving you up. I was so scared that you will deny my love and that I will be left broken once more right when I thought that I am more than willing to swallow my pride and tell the world how much you mean to me. I am a coward for not facing the challenge presented to me. But then you came once more, the one brave woman that I knew who always pull me back when I hide in the darkness I created for myself. If I haven't known better, I would have thought that you are the prince charming and I'm the damsel in distress."

I chuckled at that as he snickered to himself too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared at him as if the whole universe was in his eyes.

"You confessed your undying love yet again since I was a coward for not doing it for us."

"You're not a coward-" He paused me by kissing me shortly.

"I am not done yet." I nodded slowly and listened again.

"I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what to do. I was so overwhelmed that I thought it was not for real. But then again, it was you who saved our love, the one who started this roller coaster ride of feelings and so I decided to surrender myself. For that, thank you. Thank you for your eternal love, for your courage and for your everlasting brightness to my dull world. Thank you for saving this long overdue love story. Thank you for a happy ending and beginning. Thank you for choosing to love me and for not giving up on me, Kotoko."

I wiped the tears that managed to escape my eyes during the whole speech he made. My heart swirls with millions of emotions exploding within me.I began to sob as I continued to stare at him, smiling. Right then and there, Muffin barked and instead of a frisbee in his mouth, somehow a white small basket was what he brought with a small envelope on it and a little red box.

Naoki crouched down to Muffin and got the basket before ruffling its long fur as it barked.

"This," Naoki said when he straightened and faced me again.

"is the letter you gave me when we were in high school."

"How did you get that?" I asked as I dried my eyes with the back of my hand.

"You left this on the table beside your bed when you left three years ago together with the picture of us together." I looked down when I remembered doing it. I was so sure to forget him three years ago but looked where we have come. He then touched my hand which made me look up at him.

"I am giving this back as a sign of my acceptance of your love and as a sign of me reciprocating the love you gave."

"Naoki" Tears once again welled up in my eyes.

"And this" He held up the ring in front of me after opening the small red velvet box in hand.

"This is the token and symbol of my appreciation, love and the bond that will keep you forever with me." I sobbed with my hand covering my mouth as he slipped the ring in my ring finger. He then looked at me with the most dashing smile I have ever seen.

"You're mean. You know I don't like surprises." He laughed before kissing me in the forehead and wiped my tears away with his the overwhelming emotions for this man in front of me, I jumped and hugged him tightly. He laughed once more before balancing me in his arms while hugging my waist.


"Hmm?" I asked as I relaxed myself after he settled me down. I have my face on his neck, feeling his warmth, as I slowly register on my mind of the happenings.

"How does forever and a day sounds?" He said after a short pause. We stared at each other before I broke out into the widest grin I could muster.

"Congenial" I answered before leaning in to Naoki for one searing kiss. Butterflies went crazy and it was as if something was ignited within me, much like an electricity that flows and sparked when our body collided. Sparks fly. He smiled throughout the kiss and before I could even utter a word, a petal dropped in my head before another came.

"Finally!Kiss him some more!" I can hear laughter after along with wolf whistles. I looked to the side where the noise came from and saw my friends. Motoki, Marina, Keita,Tomoko with knowing grins.

And so with the morning sunshine whose rays made an imaginary halo on our heads, Muffin and my friends as witnesses, I kiss Naoki once more with all of me.

Forever and a day will our love last.



Por fin! Okay I have to stop here or there won't be any ending happening. :)) I know it has been a long time since I last updated. I have been busy with work and I was in a long hiatus and writer's block. I will also take an exam this coming October 18th so please say a little prayer for me guys to pass it. :) I know that this ending might not be the best idea out there but this is what it leads me while typing this chap. I don't normally do drafting for my stories because I just type whatever came up on impulse that is why maybe you have noticed plenty of grammar and typo errors and plot holes even all throughout the story, my dear.

Anyhow, it has been more than a year since I first started this story and I am more than happy to finally put an end to this on-a-whim-story as I call it (since I did not actually plan on the plot itself.) Thanks to all of you guys who spend time reading this, writing reviews and for sticking in this story until the very can pm me anytime you want for those who want to make friends with me. :) This is getting longer and I am sure that there might be some missing words once I publish this chap but yeah, a big THANKS to all of you. 3 :3

The end

Hugs and kisses

