"A letter to Maggie" spoilers though Cold Days

Authors note: I was only recently introduced to the world of fanfiction but I've had the concept in my head for a while and figure it's worth a shot. I don't know how Maggie's plot thread will progress in Skin Game, but I can picture Harry doing something like this

(Found in Maggie's stocking the Christmas following the events of Cold Days. It has a fine)

Dear Maggie

I don't know what you remember of that horrid night on Chichen Itza. I understand if you never want to see me again. Heck's bells you deserve a better father then me. It might even be better that way: I've seen too many friends hurt because their association with me, your foster father among them. Michael's a good man in all the ways I'm not, I know he'll do you right.

I don't know what the Carpenters have told you about me but its true: they aren't ones to lie. I know the story's can be a bit outlandish but yes I am a wizard, you'll understand what that means someday. All that matters now is that I will make the world burn if that's what it takes to protect you.

I'm sorry that I can't be there to tell you this in person. Empty night I wish I could, but I paid a price for the power it took to save you and that debt has been called in. Know that I loved your mother very much, may god forgive me for what I had to do: because I sure won't. I hope I get the chance to know you someday, in more peaceful times.

The silver pentacle accompanying this letter used to belong to my mother, the first Maggie and your namesake. I received it when she died so it's fitting that I pass it on to you. The bacon is for Mouse, tell the walking carpet that Mister is fine and his pet wizard misses him very much.

P.S. I hope you set out milk and cookies because I owe Santa a favor for this one.

P.P.S. Don't worry about a security breach Michael, I got the info straight from Mr. Sunshine.

P.P.P.S. Merry Christmas