A/n: why did I get into the Merlin random? Someone please enlighten me.

Disclaimer: and as always all rights to merlin do not belong to me. :(

Merlin's not proud of his first kill. It was sloppy, he was hesitant and his resolve almost crumbled with the thought of using his magic to end a life. But then he took a glance at Arthur's body, laying motionless on the sordid ground, his head oozing more blood than Merlin most certainly did not want coming out and thought about the dragon's words.

In essence, Arthur was his destiny. He was his prat of a boss that more than once had Merlin contemplate the repercussions of turning the future king into a frog just for shits and giggles. But above all, Arthur, bossy and arrogant Arthur, was his friend. A good friend. Dare he say it, his best friend.

And so, with that loyal thought, he saw through it. Made his first ever kill. Magic blatant to see if anyone of import had been there to witness it. But in the end it was only Arthur and he.

Now, maybe there was something wrong with him, something unlike the times he questioned the purpose of his magic, but after many attempts on Arthur's life, he no longer gave murder a second thought. It was like second nature.

He was cold, ruthless, unmerciful.

So unlike that very first kill full of dread and apprehension and the very reason for his disappointment. Though, those thoughts were always kept at the most deepest part of his mind.

For Arthur, he was willing to do anything.

And that, more than anything he's ever faced, frightened him greatly.