Disclaimer: All creative property belongs to their respective owners.

Ch. 5


Present- lunch, cafeteria

There she was. My mate. My one. My heart. When Alec and I had arrived here I would never have expected to find my mate. I'd expected this to be a quick recon then a grab and go. I didn't expect my mate to have dated a Cullen, much less the bronze haired idiot. No, I did not expect to find my mate.

I was lost. I didn't know her. I did know her. I knew nothing about her. I knew enough about her. She was an ordinary human. She was too extraordinary to be human. She was unknown to me. She was known to my soul. She was a stranger. She was my soulmate. She was my target. She was my mate. She was nothing. She was everything. I was found.

My thoughts spiraled. My very being seemed to focus on her. Everything I am, and everything I ever was, or will ever be is hers now.

It was too much. Too soon I can't. I stood and I fled. Barely having enough forethought to keep myself at a believably human pace. Don't look back I told myself. I looked back. She was beautiful. Too much. She looked so lost. My angel.

Run. Stay. Go. Stop. I can't. She's too perfect. I would ruin her. I want to. I should. I shouldn't. My emotions flipped flopped. 'Ha, there's a thought,' I mused 'my emotions'. I hadn't felt anything other than annoyance and vague amusement in centuries. Who would of thought that I Jane Volturi, half of the feared Witch Twins, feels emotion.

I fled. I was aware distantly of Alec following after. I went to the vehicle we had acquired for our stay. Alec wordlessly unlocked the doors and slid into the driver seat as I slid inside. At times like this I remember why I love my brother. Of the both of us he should have been the one to find his mate.

Alec drove us to our lodgings as I lost myself to my thoughts. He was shooting me side glances, which I purposely ignored. I was pondering what to do. Should I stay or should I go. Okay, so obviously I can't leave if I did Master Caius would have my head. A growl of frustration slipped from me. Alec shot me a look as I glared unseeing out the window.

Emotions are for the weak. Love is weakness. I am Jane Volturi I am not weak. I sigh agitation rolling from me in waves. I shut my eyes a part of me longing for my prior contentment at finding my mate before the reality of the situation truly sunk in. And the depth of feeling that flooded inside me had caused me alarm.

The beast inside me rattled and fought the chains I had tied to it. It longed to go for its mate. It was odd. Never before had I felt the urge to separate my wants from the beast. Never before had I thought of it as an other. Prior I had accepted it as my more primal being. I still do I just- never before was I overwhelmed to go against everything I had known as an eternal being. The beast spoke to me filling me with thoughts of mate. Must have. Mine. Need. Stronger together. Mine!

'I can't,' I told it, 'it's too much. Too soon. I can't take it.' I was speaking truthfully. Even if I accepted it I don't know how to manage the sudden influx of feeling after being numb for so long. Fine. Will wait. I breathed a silent sigh of relief as I opened my eyes and realised we had arrived at our destination.

As I had been arguing with my beast Alec had driven us to the small abode we would be residing in. It was located in an isolated private location near an opening of the woods. Alec had turned the engine off and was gazing at me silently waiting patiently for me to gather myself. His eyes a violet color due to the contacts were full of patient understanding.

"I don't know what to do," I whispered,"I'm not ready for- I. . ." my voice trailed off. Alec shot me a contemplating look before speaking.

"Jane," he started,"it's okay not to be ready. You don't have to rush into anything." He paused before continuing with a questioning tone,"We are talking about you discovering your mate right?" At my nod he smiled in relief.

"Good, I'm glad I read that situation correctly. . . So, who is it?" at his question I froze. I was unsure how he would react to my mate being our target.

". . ." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Isabella," I sighed then repeated in a louder tone," Isabella."

"Isabella as in. . .?" He trailed off as I nodded silently looking out into the woods.


"Yeah, I know."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know I really don't."

"It's going to be okay. I still stand by that you don't have to rush into anything. Just get to know her. Take it slow. Remember everything will work out, you two are mates for a reason."

"I'll try"



"Its just. . .I just realized that she dated Cullen. What if she's a bunny muncher like them?"

"Don't even start Alec."

"Ow, Janey that hurt. Master said you have to stop with the hitting and pain glares. Besides its an honest question."

"Shut up and stop whining you deserved it."

"Meanie. Seriously though everything will work out just fine I promise, just you wait and see."

"Okay, whatever I got it thanks mom."

"Anything for you my darling Angel." Alec drawled in his best mom voice.

Alec just may be the best brother ever since I felt reassured that everything would work out. I felt silly now for running. How pathetic is that Jane Volturi doesn't run and hide. Except I had and I know if I could I would be blushing.

'Take it slow, huh, I can do that.' I thought to myself. Not today though I decided as Alec and I exited the vehicle to enter the house. As we entered I could swear I felt the feeling of being watched. When I turned and scanned the area however, there was nothing but trees and the shadows. I turned away. Unbeknownst to me the shadows shifted and slithered away.


Chapter 5 came out of nowhere. I was just thinking I kinda hate how some stories unrealistically jump into the romance so I decided to slow it down a notch. So it's gonna be slow but hopefully not to slow. What do you think of the Alec & Jane interaction? What can I say I felt inspired. Until we meet again.

Yours truly,

~Pyllar Of Death

October 21st 2017