Hello again peoples. I'm back, and I apologize for leaving this for so long. My obsession with Harry Potter has a tendency to turn off and on, and it turned off before I could write this chapter. Luckily though, Harry Potter is an easy series to get back into, even if just temporarily. I'm just enough into the series to think of updating this story, so I am.

Alright, enough excuses. On with the chapter.

It was a beautiful summer day, though Arthur Weasley was having a hard time enjoying it. Despite the warmth of the summer air, Arthur still felt cold inside. Six weeks. His family had been broken for six weeks, and Arthur didn't know how he could possibly fix it. The wizarding war had had an impact on most everyone, and a lot of people were still trying to get over their losses, whether of property, possessions, or family.

Fred was gone, and there was nothing anybody could do to change that. All of the Weasley's were hurting because of this, especially Molly and George. Arthur was doing what he could to make things better again, but he wasn't sure how. Bill and Charlie, who had both taken time off their jobs to come home for a bit, were doing more for their family than Arthur was. It wasn't right. Arthur was the father of the family, it was his job to make sure things don't fall apart like this.

Arthur got pulled out of his thoughts very suddenly and painfully when he felt a sharp bite on his hand. The culprit was a handsome screech owl, who stared at Arthur quite harshly. The man just stared right back at the owl in surprise. He recognized the bird immediately as Percy's owl.

"Hermes, what are you doing here?" Arthur asked. He immediately felt a little foolish, asking the bird a question like that, as if the animal could answer him. Hermes glared at him and snapped at his hand again, causing it to bleed this time.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Arthur exclaimed as he brought his hand away from the owl before it could get hurt anymore. Arthur looked into Hermes eyes and was suddenly and unexpectedly reminded of his and Percy's fight. Arthur flinched at the reminder of the harsh words that were said on both sides.

"Percy...he was hurt by the words I had said, wasn't he?" Arthur said to Hermes. The bird didn't answer, but he didn't need to. Arthur should have realized before that of course Percy would be hurt. He wouldn't like it if anyone accused him of being foolish, blinded by ambition, and being used. Percy would've been bothered by anyone saying those things about him. But his father? That was so much worse.

"I need to make things right with Percy, don't I?" Arthur asked the owl that was watching him. Hermes' eyes softened, confirming Arthur's thought. Sure, Percy had apologized for the way that he had acted, but Arthur hadn't. Percy hadn't come back to the Burrow like the others after the war had ended, and Arthur intended to fix that. It was time for his son to come home.

"Is Percy just at his flat in London?" Arthur asked. Hermes reply was to simply fly off, leaving a somewhat befuddled man behind him.

"I'll take that as a yes." Arthur said to himself. He went inside to inform Molly of what he was doing, then, without further delay, went back outside and apparated to London. He then made his way to the building that he knew his son lived in. Arthur made it to the door to Percy's flat without hesitation or doubt crossing his mind, but stopped before knocking. He wanted and needed to speak with Percy, but what if Percy didn't want to speak with him? Before he could make up his mind though the door was opened from the inside by Percy himself, who seemed bewildered to see his father standing outside his flat.

"Father, what are you doing here?" Percy asked.

"Percy, I was just...I mean, Hermes came and...I just want to speak with you." Arthur was all he managed to say. He didn't understand why he felt so uncomfortable and nervous. This was Percy, his son. He shouldn't feel nervous to talk to one of his children.

Percy looked back inside and glared in annoyance at Hermes, who looked very pleased with himself.

"You brought him here, didn't you, Hermes?" Percy asked the owl. "I told you, I don't need any of your help." The bird looked at him in disbelief and Percy groaned.

"Fine." He snapped at his pet. Percy opened the door wider and invited his father to come inside, which he did.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Percy asked. He tried to sound normal and casual, but Arthur could tell that Percy was just as nervous and uncomfortable as he was. This needed to change.

"I wanted to ask you to come home, Percy." Arthur said without hesitation.

"What? But I-I can't." Percy stammered. This wasn't at all what he was expecting

"Why not, Percy?" Arthur asked, "I know that things have been rough between us these past few years, but can't we just put the past behind us?"

Percy sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. "Why?" He asked, "Why do you want me home? After everything I've done, everything I said."

"Percy, yes, you've made mistakes, but haven't we all?" Arthur said as he sat on the couch by his son. "You need to forgive yourself of these mistakes, as I've forgiven you for them."

Percy looked at his father in shock, "Why would you forgive me?" He asked.

"Because you're my son. It's as simple as that." Arthur said. He put his arm over Percy's shoulder and drew his son closer to him. Arthur was pleasantly surprised that Percy didn't shy away from the embrace. "We're family. Forgiving is what family does. And I hope that you can forgive me."

"What do you need to be forgiven for?" Percy asked his father, confusion in his voice.

"You weren't the only one who said hurtful things, Percy." Arthur said. He felt Percy flinch slightly.

"But you were right." Percy said sadly.

"That may be true, but I could have handled it so much better." Arthur said. "I said things that I regret, and I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you."

Percy was silent as he took in his father's words. Deep down he'd known this whole time that his father hadn't meant some of what he said, but still. Hearing his father forgive him and apologize made Percy feel like he had a burden lifted off his back he hadn't even realized he was carrying. Still, he hadn't lived at home for years, and even then his siblings didn't exactly make him feel welcome. Why would things be any different now?

"Of course I forgive you." Percy said after a minute, "But, I just don't think that I should come home right now." The young man pulled out of his father's embrace and walked over to Hermes, who had been watching the conversation.

"Are you worried about how your siblings will react?" Arthur asked. Percy froze. Of course his father knew what he was thinking, he always did.

"I just don't think I can face them now, especially not George." Percy said. No, he couldn't face them. His father may have forgiven him, but what if none of the others did? And even if they did, Percy didn't want to go back to the way he was before, being either laughed at or ignored by his siblings.

"They don't blame you, Percy. None of us do." Arthur said. "But if you don't feel comfortable coming home, I'm not going to force you. I'm never going to try to make you act the way I want you to again." Arthur began to head for the door. He'd come and told Percy what he wanted to tell him, if the boy didn't want to listen, that was just fine. Arthur was not going to hold it over him.

"Father, wait!" Percy exclaimed. Percy was nervous about what the rest of his family would think, but he didn't want to be alone anymore. These past few years had been the loneliest and hardest years of his life, and he didn't want to be that alone ever again. Maybe his father was right, and his siblings weren't mad at him, and even if they were, maybe Percy could handle it. Especially if he had his father supporting him again.

"What do you think, Hermes?" Percy asked his owl. Hermes hopped onto Percy's arm and looked at Arthur. Hermes was ready to go, and so was Percy.

"Father...Dad, I-I want to go with you." Percy said. "I want to go home."

Know what, I'm just going to leave it at that. Sure, it's abrupt for an ending, but it's sweet. I'll probably end up writing another chapter later, though it'll have nothing to do Arthur, just Percy and Hermes, and Percy's girlfriend.

Anyways, Hermes is an interesting owl, for one thing, he doesn't make any noises. The reason is because I don't know whether screech owls go 'hoot', 'squee', or 'screech'. Thus, he makes no noises. Also, Hermes has a bit of magic in him. If one looks into his eyes, he can make them remember something they've heard before. That's part of how he communicates with people.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and once again I apologize for the long wait. Please though, drop a review, tell me what you like or didn't like about the chapter or story or whatever.