This is my very first Hunger Games Story, I've been struggling to write for awhile now and I've decided to try something different in the hopes of getting myself back into it. Madge and Gale are tributes for the 74th Hunger Games...

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hunger Games or any of the Characters...

Reaping Day

The reaping for the 74th Hunger Games was only hours away and I don't know how I feel. Everyone has that chance that the white slip of paper will bare their name. I am no exception, being the Mayor's daughter doesn't excuse me from it. I sometimes wonder if my name was to be called out would the Capitol be more excited because of who I was or be horrified that someone who was only a step away from being a capitol citizen in their eyes had been reaped.

I pour the juice into the glass and place it on to the tray before heading up the stairs. My father has already left. With the reaping so close he has to be there to make sure everything is going according to plan for when the cameras start to shoot. District 12 is already the laughing nation of the capital we don't need to make ourselves look even worse. I step into my mother's darkened room and carefully lay the tray on to the side table before sitting carefully on her bed. I begin to stroke her hair listening carefully to her breathing, "Mum I've brought you some breakfast," I continue to stroke her hair as her eyes blink open.

"Madge?" I nod watching as she carefully raises, her hands reach out to me and she squeezes, we never tell her when it's reaping day but she always seems to know. My mother's health has deteriorated over the last few months and she sleeps more in a morphling inflicted world. "You're so pretty my darling Madge, so pretty" I watch her eyes glaze over as she reaches for the juice with a shaking hand taking a few tentative sips before placing it back down. I lift the plate of toast on to her lap and listen to her breathing as she cautiously eats the food placed before her. I know I don't have long before I have to leave to ready myself for the reaping, but saying goodbye to her for what could be the last time gets harder every year this year more so than ever. Aunt Maysilee entered the games at 16 and never returned and this year I have that very feeling deep in my stomach that it'll be my name that's called in a few short hours. I hear mum say something about my hair looking nice and I thank her cautiously touching my blond locks waiting till she speaks again. Her face hardens and her eyes water as she grabs for my hand once again

"Maysilee… Maysilee I – I'm sorry I d-didn't take your place, please please don't hate me." I swallow the lump that's forming in my throat and with a shaky smile I squeeze her hand back.

"I don't hate you Maria I could never hate you." I whisper softly watching as the words sink in before she leans back,

"I love you May,"

"And I love you too Mar," I mutter in return and watch as she closes her eyes looking at me for the last time before she lulls to sleep. Removing my hand from her tight grasp I lean down and press a soft kiss on to her forehead. "I love you mum," and wiping away the single tear I leave the room closing the door softly behind.

Wandering into my bedroom I quickly put on the white dress that has been laid out for me and fasten my pin, every year our house keeper would lay out my reaping outfit while I showered. I turn and look in the full length mirror and sigh. The dress is crystal white and soft to the touch. Nothing in district 12 stays white for long because of the coal dust from the mines. White symbolises new in 12 and only those from town can afford new, wearing this dress was going to make me look even more like an outsider than I already am. I pick up a pink ribbon and quickly fasten it into my hair before looking at the dress one more time. I'll admit it looks nice but it's not district 12.

I look once more before walking towards my wardrobe and pull it open. I'm not going to wear it, if I am to be reaped then I don't want people to look at me in hatred as I stand on that stage in a bright white dress. I rummage through the dresses that I have and pull out a green button down dress, running my hand over the fabric. I smile softly. I lay it on to my bed when I hear a knock at the door. I leave my room and walk down the stairs. Who'd be visiting the mayor on reaping day of all days? I shake the thought from my head as I pull open the door. Standing in front of me is my friend from school Katniss, she has a box of strawberries in her hand a tight smile on her face. I look at her and smile softly. I'm just about to turn around to get the money that would have been left on the table when I hear it. "Nice Dress," I look at the boy, no, man beside her. Gale Hawthorne was tall, dark and handsome the way his dark eyes were filled with fire and defined features of his strong face made me weak at the knees. I had admired him from far for years, the way he took up the role of being the man of the house when his father died in the mines four years ago, disappearing into the woods to collect food to keep his family alive even though he knew the risk of pouching if he was caught. But I was just the Mayors daughter and those eyes that were filled with fire were also filled with hatred as he looked at me.

"Well if I have to go to the capitol I want to look nice don't I." And just with those words I see the anger in his eyes spread on to his face.

"You won't be going, what have you got in there five pieces. I had six when I was twelve." I feel my heart beating in my chest at his words. I turn away from him trying to ignore the heaviness in my stomach, I don't even want to think how many time his names is in that bowl today. I hurry inside and pick up the money that is on the table and hand it to Katniss.

"Thanks, Good luck Madge," she says to me and I smile, "Good luck Katniss," I reply back purposely ignoring Gale. I close the door as they turn away, there was no way I was changing out of this dress now. If I walked to the reaping in another dress I can imagine the look on Gale Hawthorne's face. Shaking the image away I pick one of the strawberries out of the bowl and pop into my mouth moaning at the taste. Strawberries are the most divine things I've ever tasted, I could eat them all day. Resisting another I head up the stairs and put the dress away before sitting down and looking out of the window.

An hour to go. I straighten out my dress and slip my feet into my shoes and step out of the house. Gale's words from earlier claw my mind. What have you got in there five pieces? I had six when I was twelve. Five at sixteen doesn't sound a lot but Maysilee only had five when she was reaped, the odds may be more in my favour but not a hundred percent. My hand lifts to where my pin is and I hold it securely in my grasp and close my eyes before looking back at the house I grew up in, the tall chimney and grey bricks, the window sills white from being newly pained only a few days previous. The light blue curtains that hide my room, the dusty doorstep and the shiny brass knocker. I soak it all in because the uneasy feeling in my stomach from this morning has yet to subside, I want to remember where I came from.

Heading away from my house I walk towards the centre of town, I can already see children ranging from twelve to eighteen queuing at the first step. I see those at eighteen standing tall hoping that in their last year they'll get away smoothly and then there is those at twelve standing at the stand terrified that they are going to be reaped. In the distance I can see one of my only friends: Peeta, he has already had his finger pricked and is heading towards the sections for the male sixteen year olds. I look at those queuing in front me and see Katniss trying to comfort her younger sister. I remember hearing Primrose Everdeen had turned twelve in the spring, this would be her first reaping.

"Hand" blinking away my thoughts I hand the woman my finger and wince as she takes the blood and watch as my name appears on the book. She ushers me away and I head quietly over to the spot for females age sixteen. The square has already started to fill up and before I know it the doors to the justice building are being opened and I watch as my father and a few others walk out followed by the ever eccentric Effie Trinket. I shake my head amused at her bright pink wig and dress, and I thought I stood out.

I ignore her speech. She has been the District 12 escort for the last six years and her speech never changes. The video of the rebellion is shown on the screen and I look away. I can feel my hands becoming clammy and I focus on my breathing.

"Ladies first," Effie says and I smooth down my dress with shaky hands. Her hand dives into the bowl of folded slips. Not me, please don't be me please don't be me, the entire district hold their breaths as she pulls open the slip. Please don't be me, please, please ple… "Margaret Undersee." It's me. Okay Madge, you can do this keep yourself together. Now walk, two feet one in front of the other and don't fall – don't trip. This is on live TV all the other tributes will be watching the reaping if you trip they're gonna think your weak. Okay so maybe I am weak but they don't need to see how weak you are. Keep it going and ignore everyone staring at you, they stare at you all the time just keep walking. My I didn't realise how much make-up Effie actually had plastered on her face she reminds me of a clown. Great now I'm talking to myself. Brave face Madge, you are an Undersee you are Maysilee Donner's niece you can do this.

Before I even realise what's happening I'm on the stage looking out of everyone. My eyes glance to Katniss who is staring at me in horror and I offer her what I'd like to think of as a weak smile. I can hear Effie rabbiting on about something but pay little attention. I'm a tribute of District 12, I'm going to the Capitol, I'm entering the Hunger Games and I'm going to die.

"Gale Hawthorne," My eyes close as I hear the small scream. I can only guess that's one of his siblings. "What have you got in there five pieces? I had six when I was twelve" the words from earlier are floating through my mind. I guess it doesn't really matter if you have five or forty-five, once your name is in that bowl you're never safe.

"Here are your District 12 Tributes :Margaret Undersee and Gale Hawthorne. May the odd be forever in your favour," taking a deep breath I turn towards Gale and now for the first time do I realise how much taller he is. I guess standing on a doorstep doesn't give you a realistic measure of someone's height. I clasp my petite hand in his giant one and for the first time since he stood up on the stage I look into his eyes. Gone is the fire from earlier replaced by… nothing. His eyes are cold and hard but they show no emotion. Maybe this year District 12 will have a Victor and as I take back my hand and escorted into the justice building I can't but help think that Gale will win.

So okay guys what do you think? Do you like the first chapter yes or no? Does it sound weird. Hardly any of my FanFic stories are in 1st person does it sound okay or is it a little strained. Reviews would be really appreciated :)