If there was something that made a noble's trip so distinct from their commoner counterpart's, it would be their entourages.

Even when they were on pilgrimages.

Lushiris didn't realize that until now, considering she was confined within the manor for most of her past life. So when she promised her parents that no one from Kimlasca would see her; she thought she would only need to hide from a few people.

Showed how much she knew...

The lines of knights and servants that marched through the streets of Daath were astounding. Especially since she was watching from one of her hiding places on the roofs.

Lushiris let her eyes wandered for a while until they zeroed in on the Royal Family and a small smile bloomed on her face. She could see a long, raven haired woman holding the hand of a blond haired young girl beside her as they walked.

Thank goodness they looked happy.

Moving her gaze to the left, she quickly caught a figure of red haired woman and her smile faltered. To her horror, she could also feel her eyes watered slightly.

'MoNo... It's Lady Suzanne now, isn't it?'

Suddenly a wave of warmth from her connection washed away the sadness which started to form in her heart, and for a moment she let herself basked in Lorelei's concern and assurance.

'I thought I was over this... I thought I already accepted the fact she is no longer my mother...' Lushiris thought sadly.

[If it could make you feel better, she can always be your mother-in-law.]

No thanks to Lorelei's remark, she was this close to lose her balance. Thankfully she managed to catch herself before she started sliding off from her spot. When she finally deemed it was safe, she sent the most murderous thoughts she could muster through their shared connection.


She screamed inside while blushing furiously, only to swear when she could hear the thrice-be-damned sentience was giggling somewhere in the back of her head.

'You will pay for this,' she thought darkly.

[At least it managed to cheer you up!]

Before, Lushiris would never believe if anyone said Lorelei was capable on speaking in such a cheerful tone in par with Anise's. But now... apparently the seventh fonons sentience was taking a lot of glee from her frustration and embarrassment. Sadistic bastard.

[While it is entertaining to see you flustered like this, I thought you are more excited to see your other half.]

At the mention of Asch, Lushiris's anger quickly fell apart, replaced with half-longing and half-fear.

'I am excited... but also nervous at the same time...'

[You are seeing him from a far. It's not like you are going there and saying "hi" to his face.]

'... I suppose you are right...'

[I'm always right.]

'Don't push it,' and after a pause she added, 'And you are not. Otherwise you wouldn't stuck in the core, buddy. Why are you suddenly acting like... like this anyway?!'

[Touché. As for why, you asked? Because it's fun.]

Lushiris would make a facepalm gesture if only she didn't need her hands to secure her balance. Thus she was forced to let it go.

Taking a deep breathe, she tried to brace herself and then trailed her gaze back to the much smaller form beside Suzanne fon Fabre.

... And proceeded to do a double take on the red haired boy. For the first time in both timelines, Lushiris had the urge to squee.

Sooooo cuuuuuuuuute!

'Oh god, Asch is so little. He is adorable!'

[You both are roughly in the same size.]

'Oh hush! He is still small compared to the last time I saw him.'

[Understandable since he is just six now.]

'But I always thought he was born grumpy, you know. With scowl and all—'

[... He is grumpy compared to other children in his age.]

'but instead he looks downright huggable and— Is he just POUTING?! Kyaaaa!'

[... You are not listening.]

Ignoring the sulking tone from the seventh fonons sentience, she directed her eyes back to her former original. It was just her luck she managed to duck away when suddenly the said boy turned his head to her direction.

'That... was close.'

[As expected from Ashes of the Sacred Flame, he is sharp one even in young age.]

'Light of the Sacred Flame, Lorelei. He is not the ashes anymore.'

[You called him Asch before.]

'Well yeah, I'm correcting it now. He is Luke.'

[If confusion arises, I could always call him as fragment of my soul and be done with it.]

Lushiris rolled her eyes upward in a perfect "yeah, whatever" motion in response, but otherwise said nothing.

[You better leave now, Lushiris. It seems some of the knights are heading this way.]

'Alright, daddy is probably already waiting back in home anyway. Thanks Lorelei.'

Then she carefully jumped down from the roof and left.

There was a small, subtle skip in each step of Queen Ameldha of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear.

Granted one would only notice it if they were reaaaally familiar with nobles' gestures and poses, because no Royalty of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear was going to be seen openly skipping like a loon.

But Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear knew everything about 'Nobility's Etiquette and Postures 101' and she knew her mother. It was plain for her to see that her mother was happy. Really happy.

Why though, she had no clue at all. So far Natalia could admit Daath had been quite impressive, but considering this probably was mother's nth pilgrimage she doubted that was the reason.

She secretly threw a glance to the Fabre family to see Aunt Suzanne was pointing random landmarks in Daath to her ever impassive son. The said son was following his mother's direction with the same blank look plastered in his face.

Natalia had to stomp down the urge to roll her eyes, because no Princess of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear was going to participate in such a plebeian gesture... or so her etiquette teacher said. Personally Natalia couldn't understand what was so plebeian in rolling one's eyes anyway?

Never mind, back to the main topic: Luke.

Cousin or not, she couldn't help but found Luke fon Fabre as weird.

A good, smart boy... but still a weird one.

After all, one couldn't be counted as normal if they only showed spectrum of expressions ranged from blankness to a downright scowl right?

... Alright, maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration. But in her defense, she rarely (if ever) saw him smile. Also not to forget his obsession with red color...

Natalia would dwell longer in her thoughts if only her mother didn't stop walking. She looked up to see the Cathedral's main entrance they were standing in front of, was slowly opened as if to welcome them.

When they went inside, they were instantly greeted by an important looking elderly man, "Welcome to Daath, Your Majesty, Your Highness, and of course as well as Your Graces."

"Thank you, Fon Master. It is a delight to be able to meet you again," answered mother with a smile.

The Fon Master grinned broadly, "Bah, now we are done with formalities. I'm happy to see you again, Ameldha. How have you been? And little Suzanne, it's been a while since your last visit!"

Natalia couldn't help but blinked at the scene before her eyes. Mother and Aunt Suzanne were familiar with the Fon Master? They were talking merrily like close friends, unlike how mother usually treated fellow nobles in Baticul (with distant formality and sometime forced politeness).

She glanced on Luke only to see he was looking as clueless as she was. Apparently she wasn't the only one who got thrown off with the situation.

Natalia tried to shuffle quietly closer to Luke in hope to ease some awkwardness (or at the very least she wouldn't be the odd one all alone), only to freeze like a deer caught in Eclair de Larmes when the Fon Master's attention fell on her. (Later on she would try to fix her analogy, because there was no way the poor deer could survive from such an arte.)

"Well, well, I believe we haven't been introduced yet. How could you hide this young lady from me, Ameldha?"

That line drew out a light laugh from the said mother's lips, "Oh my apology, I shall fix this problem right now," and she smiled brightly as she placed a hand on Natalia's shoulder, "Evenos, this is my daughter, Natalia. While the boy next to her is Suzanne's, his name is Luke. Natalia, Luke, meet the leader of the Order of Lorelei, Fon Master Evenos."

Natalia curtsied gracefully with a practical ease while inwardly basking in the proud tone of mother's voice when she was introducing her. So what if she liked being able to make her parents proud? There was nothing wrong with wanting to uphold her parents' and her country's reputations.

The Fon Master nodded kindly in acknowledgement to both children before he turned his attention back to their parents and sighed dramatically, "I would love to chat more but unfortunately duty calls. There is something I have to discuss with Ameldha today," a genuine look of a ruefulness on his face, "I hope you won't mind, Suzanne? At the very least I could assign someone to give you a tour if you want."

Aunt Suzanne shook her head and smiled, "It is fine. Life of a leader is always a busy one after all. As for the tour... well, if Luke is interested?"

All pair of eyes were directed to the youngest one in the group who bore them unflinchingly (Natalia had to commend him for having the nerve of steel), "Actually if it's possible, I would prefer to see the library instead. I heard Daath has the biggest public library that could almost rival Kimlascan Royal's one."

"Oho, it appears we have a future scholar with us. Very well then," the Fon Master turned to one of the men behind him, "Reed, show them to the library."

"Yes, Fon Master," then the man turned to the Fabres and bowed lightly, "This way, Your Graces."

It was then the Princess turned to face her mother and asked, "Should I go with them, mother?"

"No dear, we are going to meet some people with the Fon Master," was the answer as the Queen gently took Natalia's hand into her own.

AN: I... am very, very, VERY sorry.

There are so many excuses I could give but I will stick to the truth: busy RL + low writing motivation = ABSOLUTE WRITER BLOCK. This chapter was the result of me squeezing any creativity that might left inside of my brain for almost a year.

Maybe one day miracle would happen and I would get a sudden boost of inspiration for the next updates, but seriously don't hold your breath for it.

This chapter is unbetaed, so please pardon all the grammatical mistakes.