"Ah, Takashi, stop," Takao grunted as he placed his hand with slight force against the chest of another man who had been quick to start groping and caressing his body.
"Huh? What's up with you today? Ain't that why you usually come to the bar?" The bulky man with dark hair backed off a little, but his hand still rested on Takao's waist.
"I'm not messing around anymore," Takao said with finality.
"Ah, you got a new man or somethin'?" Takashi's hand fell from Takao's waist almost in defeat.
"Well... not yet," Takao rubbed the back of his neck.
"Eh? Doesn't that mean you're still free game?"
Takashi made to put his hands on Takao again, but was quickly stopped.
"Nope," Takao swatted the wandering hand nearing his waist. "I'm serious - I really like this guy."
"Hahh... Fine," Takashi groaned. "What's so special about this guy anyway? That you of all people would claim celibacy without even being with him."
"First of all - kind of offended you think I can't keep it in my pants for long."
"You can't."
"Second of all," Takao continued, dismissing the comment. "I'm... not sure why he's so special. I just love being around him. I love everything about him..." Takao sighed.
"Gross," Takashi scoffed.
"Hey, you could do with some real affection. How about having a steady relationship for once?" Takao nudged the other man.
"Nah, no thanks," Takashi waved his hand in dismissal. "I'm not one for sappy crap like that."
"You say that now..." Takao hummed. The other man rolled his eyes.
"Hey, Kazucchi, I got our drinks," Kise walked up with two beers in his hands.
"Ah, thanks!" Takao grabbed for one of the drinks and took a hearty gulp from the bottle.
"Eh? Why are you talking with Takashi-kun? I thought you were swearing off guys for Midorimacchi?" Kise eyed the other man he had met on more than a few occasions.
"He was just leaving," Takao gave a light push against Takashi's arm.
"Jeeze, I can tell when I'm not wanted," Takashi said with a huff. "Unless Kise-kun wants to finally..."
"Nope, I'm taken," Kise said rather proudly holding up a hand to stop Takashi in his tracks.
"Fine, fine," Takashi laughed. "You two can be lost in la-la land all you want. I'll be fine on my own," he gave a brief wave and walked away.
"I can't believe you and Kuroko-chan are actually dating," Takao sighed.
"Hey, don't say that so loud," Kise looked cautiously from side to side.
"Aw, come on, this place is loud as hell and there isn't any paparazzi here," Takao slumped onto a bar stool, Kise joining him.
"You never know," Kise said quietly. It was barely audible.
"Still, I can't believe it. I'm really happy for you guys, though," Takao continued. "I thought Kuroko-chan was going to be a hard guy to catch - but he really likes you!"
"I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not," Kise narrowed his eyes.
Takao let out a laugh. "Its a compliment! I guess... Kuroko-chan just seems like the type who's really difficult to court."
"Yeah, I thought so too, but..." Kise paused, smiling to himself, "I guess I just got lucky that he felt the same way..."
"Ah, I'm jealous though!" Takao said in a huff, slumping over the bar counter.
"Midorimacchi might be difficult to get through to as well, but I have faith in you!" Kise said in a motivational voice.
Takao let out a long sigh. "I don't know... the other day I just... kissed him. And I haven't heard from him since... I don't know how to face him tomorrow."
"Err, yeah... I don't know what to tell you about that..."
Takao let out an audible groan.
"B-But he didn't look angry, right?" Kise continued.
"No, but he looked utterly stupefied," Takao sighed again. "Like I had just ripped off all my clothes and started running around naked."
"Maybe that would've worked better," Kise said, holding back a laugh.
"Its not funny!" Takao jabbed Kise on the arm.
Kise let out his laugh as he tried to avoid the swings of Takao's fists. "Just be yourself when you run into him again. And apologize... I guess? Even if you were serious, kissing someone out of the blue would probably get a negative reaction out of a lot of people."
"I guess you're right," Takao stopped with his assault and took another sip from his bottle. "Shin-chan probably won't yell at me. Probably just... Silently judge me. Intensely."
"That sounds about right," Kise chuckled. "Maybe he'll pass it off as one of your loopy antics."
"Then wouldn't that just make it harder to tell Shin-chan I'm serious about him?" Takao groaned.
"Hmm..." Kise sat in thought for a moment. "Maybe... You should just tell him then? Tell him you kissed him because you like him."
"No way! I'm not ready for that!" Takao shouted.
"Eh, you've never had any problems asking guys out before," Kise raised an eyebrow.
"I know... I don't know why its so hard now..." Takao pushed at his beer bottle with his finger. "For some reason, when I think of confessing to Shin-chan, I get so nervous..."
Kise smiled warmly, "You're really in love, aren't you? Honestly, I'm not sure I could've ever confessed to Kurokocchi if he hadn't initiated that first kiss... I would probably be in the same situation if he hadn't made the first step."
"Ah, Kuroko-chan is so manly. If only Shin-chan was as manly. His appearance is, at least. He's tall, muscular, his voice is deep... even though he's got a pretty face - he's got this strong chiseled jaw... and his ass-"
"Kazucchi, you're in public," Kise interrupted.
"I-I know," Takao blushed slightly. Then sighed for the third time that night. "Well, whether I like it or not. Tomorrow is going to come..."
"Today, we have a very special guest today," Harasawa said with a huge grin. "It was hard keeping it a secret, but today is the day we reveal that we are having a very special guest star working with us today. Please welcome - Himuro Tatsyua!"
The staff and crew clapped as a man walked into the room from where Harasawa turned to face. He was tall, and thin, but toned. He had a beautiful face; a beauty mark right under his right eye, his bangs covering most of his left one. His black hair looked like silk and it perfectly framed his face that was wearing a welcoming smile. A few of the female staff squealed in delight as he waved to the small crowd.
"Thank you for having me," Himuro bowed towards the audience. A few of the women squealed again.
"I know we already have one model-turned actor on set," Harasawa's eyes settled on Kise. "But I hope you can welcome Himuro-kun warmly as he will be guest starring on the episode we are shooting today. Be gentle with him!"
A few people chuckled.
"Alright, filming of the first scene starts in fifteen minutes so get ready everyone," Harasawa seemed to switch to serious mode quickly, clapping his hands together which caused everyone to disperse to their designated areas.
Himuro immediately made his way over to Kise, still wearing a soft smile. "Long time no see, Ryouta-kun."
"Himuro-senpai... Its a pleasure to meet you again," Kise bowed slightly.
Himuro chuckled, "There's no need to be so formal - just Tatsuya is fine. And today, you're my senpai, right? I've never acted before and you're playing are one of the main characters!"
Kise had worked with Himuro a couple years back for a magazine shoot. Himuro was already a professional model at that point while Kise was still a beginner. Kise remembered him being very kind to him, (unfortunately, a rare thing in this industry) but never had the chance to see him again since they really were on two different levels.
"I suppose I am, if you put it that way," Kise chuckled a little nervously.
"I'll be in your care then," Himuro said kindly, holding out his hand.
Kise took it and gave Himuro a firm handshake.
"Kise-kun, I've got your coffee."
Kise could feel Himuro jolt through his grasp, letting go of his hand and turning around to face the voice.
"Oh, thank you, Kurokocchi."
"Oh my, I didn't even notice you," Himuro spoke. "Oh, aren't you Taiga's..."
"Himuro-san, I'm surprised to see you here," Kuroko actually did sound a little shocked. A little.
"Huh? Another person you know?" Kise said quietly, looking back and forth between Himuro and Kuroko.
"I'm even more surprised to see you in such a place - aren't you going to school?" Himuro asked.
"Yes, but this is my part-time job," Kuroko nodded.
"Hm, what a job," Himuro glanced over at Kise before continuing. "It looks like they're about ready to start filming, but lets chat more during lunch."
Himuro winked before patting Kuroko on the shoulder and walking off.
"How do you keep knowing all these people?" Kise asked, actually feeling a little jealous.
"I guess Kagami-kun has a lot of interesting friends. Well, Himuro-san is a little more to Kagami than that," Kuroko shrugged. "I have to get going though. Sorry, Kise-kun. I have a test to get to. I'll come back during lunch." And with a slight wave, Kuroko was off.
Kise was left a little baffled, wondering what it meant when he said Himuro was more than a friend to Kagami. But he quickly had to gather himself for the filming that was going to start in mere minutes. Taking a few sips of his coffee and finding a place to sit, Kise began to go over his script.
"Kise-kun!" He could here a cheery voice call out to him not long after
"Hey, Momocchi," Kise responded before even looking, knowing a voice like that could only belong to one person.
"When the hell did you get so familiar with Satsuki to give her a name like that?"
A much less welcomed voice answered Kise's greeting. It was great as always to see Momoi. Her cousin... not so much.
"Dai-chan, I told you not to follow me! And I've already told you Kise-kun and I are just friends, isn't that right, Kise-kun?" Momoi said as she stopped in front of Kise and looked over to him for support.
"Ah, of course. Momocchi has ended up being a very good friend," Kise stood up, trying to play everything coolly. He wasn't sure if Aomine knew about their scene they shot in Okinawa, but he figured if he did, he'd probably be getting strangled about now.
"Tsk," Aomine clicked his tongue in disapproval.
"I can't believe Himuro-san is here today!" Momoi said excitedly, "I saw you talking to him early, are you two friends, Kise-kun? I believe I've seen you two in a photo spread before."
"Ohh, you've got a good memory then. That was one of my first photo shoots. Well, we're not necessarily friends. We worked together once since we're both in the modeling industry, but I'm definitely not on his level when it comes to that," Kise said a bit meekly.
"Wait... Himuro?" Aomine spoke up.
"I told you I was a fan of yours," Momoi smiled, ignoring her cousin. "That's still amazing, though, the fact you got to work with him at all - and now you get to work with him again! I'm so excited to be a part of it," Kise didn't think he'd seen Momoi so happy about something since the first day they met on set.
"HEY, who is this Himuro?" Aomine spoke louder and both actors heads turned to look at him.
"You know, Himuro Tatsuya, the model? Were you not here when they introduced him?" Momoi asked.
"Tatsu-? Shit..." Aomine rubbed the back of his neck in frustration.
"Eh? Dai-chan? Do you know him!?" Momoi grabbed onto Aomine's arm.
"Ohh, Kurokocchi said something about him being Kagami's friend, could it be that your his friend too?" Kise asked.
"Like hell I am," Aomine grunted.
"Ehhhh? Kagami-kun is friends with him too!? How come you didn't tell me!" Momoi jabbed Aomine once on the arm.
"Actors! You've got five minutes to get in place for the first scene!" Someone announced from afar over a megaphone.
"I don't want to talk about it right now!" Aomine grumbled and shook off Momoi, stomping off with a grumpy look on his face.
"I wonder what happened between them... Him and Kagami-kun still aren't talking to each other either," Momoi sighed.
"Ah, well, I'm sure they'll work something out... Or we can ask Kurokocchi for some advice," Kise suggested.
"Ohh, why hadn't I thought of that!" Momoi said in realization.
"We'll talk with Kurokocchi at lunch about it, then. But for now we should get to work," he gave Momoi a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
"Ah, yes! I hope I don't forget my lines in front of Himuro-san..."
"I get the feeling he'll be the one forgetting his lines," Kise chuckled.
Takao really didn't want to open the doors to the lecture hall, but he had to. He couldn't go the rest of his life avoiding Midorima and even put his grade and education on the line for it. Even moreso he couldn't just ignore the person he supposedly had fallen head-over-heels for. But if that person hated him now... he didn't even want to be seen by him.
"Um, are you going in?" A student asked him as Takao realized he was holding onto the handle of the door for god knows how long.
"Oh, uh, yes, sorry..." Takao fumbled over his words and laughed nervously before pulling door open.
Takao quickly walked to his seat as to not have any awkward staring contests with the man he contemplated avoiding entirely, but it was obvious that Midorima was there. Of course he was there. Takao could've sat somewhere else in the lecture hall, but on impulse and despite his nervousness, he still sat down in his regular seat next to Midorima.
There was just silence for a few moments between the two as Takao clumsily fumbled through his bag for his lecture notes. As he set down his notepad, he could no longer take the awkward situation.
"H-How's it going, Shin-chan?"
"Fine." The answer came so quickly and sharply after the question was asked that Takao flinched a little.
"Great!" Takao attempted a smile and looked over at the other man.
Midorima had a stern look on his face as he glanced over at Takao. Takao still wasn't sure he had Midorima completely figured out, so he couldn't tell if that was a face of seething rage or just him being... him.
"Sorry, for the other day," Takao spat out. "I, uh, shouldn't have done that..."
Midorima didn't say anything as he directed his eyesight forward, adjusting his glasses.
Takao wanted to curl up in a ball and roll away. As he figured - Midorima was pissed about was never more happy to see the professor walk through the door to start the lecture. It was less awkward with the professor now doing his lesson, but now all Takao could think about was how he was going to deal with Midorima after the class.
An hour and half of not being able to concentrate on the lesson at all, the professor dismissed everyone and the rustling sounds of students packing away their things and leaving their seats was heard. Midorima quickly gathered his things and left without a word.
"Wait, Shin-chan!" Takao called out on impulse as he messily shoveled his things in his bag, running after the man he possibly ruined everything with.
Midorima was apparently a fast walker, because he was already halfway down the hall before Takao caught up with him.
"Hey! I think we should talk..." Takao said as he jogged up next to Midorima, catching his breath.
"What is there to talk about?" Midorima said in a stern voice.
"The other day...!" Takao tried not to shout too loudly, "I probably shouldn't have done that, but, I wasn't trying to mess with you or anything..."
Midorima stopped so suddenly it took a couple steps for Takao to realize he had.
"I'll forget about it if you just don't bring it up again," Midorima said firmly as he pushed the bridge of his glasses up.
"That's not... what I'm trying to say..." Takao wasn't sure what Midorima was getting at.
Midorima's brows furrowed slightly, "I know you like messing with me, but doing something like that in public is taking it too far so I'd like to forget about it."
"And I'm trying to tell you it wasn't like that!" Takao raised his voice as he grabbed on to Midorima's arm.
Whispers and chattering could be heard around them and they both seemed to have come to the realization that they had gathered a bit of a crowd.
Midorima's face reddened as he shook off Takao's grasp and swiftly made an escape. Takao, again, ran after him and out of the building.
"Let me explain!" Takao tried to keep his voice down, not willing to back away from this now. He wasn't going to let Midorima think that Takao was just using him as someone to pick on.
"Takao, I'm going to get angry," Midorima said in a low but almost menacing voice.
"Then just let me say what I need to and I'll leave you alone if you want," Takao said in a serious enough voice that seemed to come across to Midorima who finally made eye contact with Takao.
Takao let out a long sigh as he finally managed to get the stubborn Midorima to listen to him. He wanted to let Midorima know he was serious... no more messing around. It was now or never.
"Shin-chan... I know I can be a bit of a goof sometimes, but I only do that because I like being around you," he began. "I probably should be more aware of my surroundings... but I want to let you know - I've never thought of you as anything less than a friend. In fact, I..." Takao paused, taking a painful gulp before continuing, "... probably think of you as more than a friend... No, I do think of you as more than a friend. I... really like you, Shin-chan. I'm really happy when I'm with you, even when you're scolding me or giving me the cold shoulder," he laughed a bit to himself. "I guess... the other day, when I kissed you. I just... couldn't help it - because I like you so much! I know I shouldn't have done that, but I just... I was feeling so happy being with you. I know this is weird, and you don't have to say yes, of course. But... I really want to be something more with you, Shin-chan... Sorry..."
Takao rubbed his neck and looked up at Midorima who had been standing stark still the entire time. Takao was a little too nervous to look at Midorima in the eyes during his speech, but now that he had looked up at the other man's face, it was about as flushed as the last time he saw Midorima blush like that. Every inch of his face to the tip of his ears were bright red, and his eyes quickly darted away when Takao looked up.
"Uh, well..." Midorima sounded like he was choking out his words. "That's..."
"Sorry, I kind of gave you a confession without any warning," Takao gave another nervous chuckle. "Er, you don't have to answer at all if you don't want..."
Midorima pushed at his glasses despite them being perfectly situated on his face, "Yes, its... sudden," he tried to keep his tone composed. "I would like to not give an answer at this moment."
"That's fine! Just... you aren't angry with me - are you?" It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of Takao after his confession, but he still wasn't sure if Midorima was still mad about the other day.
"I forgive you. Anyway, I must be going," without much of a goodbye, Midorima adjusted his bag on his shoulder and nearly darted away from Takao.
Takao sighed and found a nearby bench to sit on. Well, at least that part was over. Midorima didn't look angry... maybe? He definitely looked embarrassed, which Takao figured was actually pretty cute. But of course some straight-laced guy like Midorima would react in such a way from a confession. From another guy no less.
Takao dug through his pockets and pulled out his phone, opening up the messaging screen.
Kise nearly choked on his food as he read the message he just received.
'I just confessed to Shin-chan...'
"Are you alright, Kise-kun?" Kuroko asked with an actual bit of concern in his voice.
"Yeah, uh, I'll tell you later..." Kise pocketed his phone, not sure what kind of reply he could possibly come up with quite yet.
"Mind if I join you two?" Himuro came up to the table.
"Himu- Tatsuya, sure," Kise kept having to correct himself with the way he addressed Himuro. The other model seemed very determined to be on a first name basis. He wasn't sure if it was because Himuro had lived in America when he was a kid or if he was just that friendly of a guy.
"Great! It'll give me a chance to talk with Tetsuya a little as well," Himuro sat down with a smile. "We have a good friend in common yet I feel like I barely know you."
"That is true despite Kagami-kun telling me a lot about you. I'm not sure why he seems to mostly spend his time with one person at a time," Kuroko responded.
"I kind of like that about Taiga, he likes to give one person his full, undivided attention. I think that's one of his charm points," Himuro smirked.
"Hm, I would agree with that," Kuroko nodded.
"I'm sure his partner would be very flattered by something like that. Which is why I'm curious as to why he's never mentioned a girlfriend," Himuro tapped his chin.
Kuroko shrugged, "Maybe he has had one and hasn't mentioned it. Although he seems to only be concerned with basketball."
Himuro chuckled, "Right? I'm sure if he could marry basketball he would."
Kise didn't want to interrupt the conversation, but he was still curious about Aomine's attitude from earlier. He wanted to wait on Momoi, but she was pulled away by her manager right when lunch break started, so he wasn't sure when she'd be back. Especially with the subject of his curiosity, her incessant cousin, hanging around and how he seems to not be on the best of terms with Himuro.
"So..." Kise spoke up, "Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun are still fighting, right, Kurokocchi?"
"It seems to be that way," Kuroko said as he took a sip from his vanilla shake he stopped by Maji to get for lunch.
"Do you happen to know why he's still upset with Kagami-kun? Momoi is a little worried about it and Aomine-kun won't say anything," Kise asked.
"Hmm, I'm not sure besides the fight they got into a while ago and the fact they're both stubborn as mules," Kuroko looked off in thought.
"Well, that Aomine has never seemed to like me," Himuro spoke up with a bit of chuckle. "I drop by to visit Taiga rather frequently, sometimes with little notice, and if Aomine is there he just gives me this killer glare."
"Eh, why wouldn't he like you!?" Kise said in surprise.
"Maybe because I interrupt him monopolizing Taiga's time?" Himuro laughed again.
"Aomine-kun is very petty," Kuroko added.
"You're pretty harsh on him..." Kise mumbled.
Before much else could be said, a jingle could be heard in Himuro's direction. The model pulled a phone from his pocket and looked down at the screen.
"Ah, this is really important. So if you'll excuse me..." Himuro got up quickly with a small wave of his hand before walking off and bringing the phone to his ear.
"Although it was a joke, I think what Himuro-san said might have some truth to it," Kuroko sipped at his shake which seemed to have been the last bit of what was left.
"What? That Aomine-kun feels like Himuro-senpai interrupts his time with Kagami-kun?" Kise asked.
"Yes, its probably why Aomine-kun isn't so fond of Himuro-san. Although I'm not sure if that has anything to do with Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun not talking," Kuroko replied. "I've tried asking Kagami-kun myself and its the same, vague answer."
"Ah, well I hope they resolve it soon. Momoccchi seems pretty worried about it," Kise sighed.
"You really seem to like Momoi-san," Kuroko eyed Kise.
"Eh, o-of course, she's become a good friend, but..." Kise glanced over at Kuroko, "I'll always like you the most..."
Kuroko gave a quick snort, turning his head away from Kise.
"Are you laughing? You're laughing!" Kise's face was dusted pink as he watched Kuroko's shoulders shudder slightly.
Kise gave a grumble and a sigh as he crossed his arms. He could feel his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket.
"Oh! I forgot about Kazucchi!" Kise shouted as he checked the phone to see another message.
'I regret everything... (╥_╥)'
"What's up with Takao-kun?" Kuroko asked.
"Ah... he asked Midorimacchi out," Kise said, a little disheartened by the new message.
Kuroko raised an eyebrow at that, "... Really? What was his answer?"
It wasn't really necessary for Kise to tell Kuroko that Takao was interested in Midorima, considering his quiet assistant was incredibly keen on picking these things up. So Kuroko got into the habit of occasionally asking Kise how the two were doing.
"I'm not sure..." Kise began typing, "He hasn't said how it went, but he doesn't seem happy about it, whatever it is."
'You okay, buddy? ( ´•︵•` )'
"He did something really stupid and just kissed him out of the blue the other day day," Kise sighed.
"Wasn't that what you did to me?" Kuroko replied.
"No! You made it really clear you wanted to be kissed!" Kise retorted.
"You didn't have to kiss me," Kuroko shrugged.
"But... you can't just set up an opportunity like that and not expect me to take it..." Kise pouted as his phone went off again.
'He told me to give him time to think about it, but every minute that goes by I can't help but think it was a mistake! I want to curl up into a ball and disappear... (;へ;)'
'When I get home we can talk about it. There, there...'
"Ah, seems like Midorimachi asked for some time to answer. I guess I'll just have to comfort Kazucchi when I get home," Kise pocketed his phone again.
"As long as he doesn't try to set up Midorima-kun on dates while he's thinking of his answer I think it'll be fine," Kuroko replied in a rather snarky manner.
"Kurokocchi!" Kise groaned and splayed over the table, "Won't you ever forgive me for that?"
"Hmm," Kuroko acted as if he was deep in thought, "I'll think about it."
Kise stuck out his lower lip as he looked over at Kuroko. A moment of quiet passed between them.
"What?" Kuroko asked.
"... I really want to kiss you right now," Kise mumbled in a soft voice.
Kuroko flushed slightly and looked away. "Don't be an idiot..."
"Are you sure you don't want dinner, Shintarou?" Mrs. Midorima asked with a worried face.
"Yes, I had dinner on campus so I'm fine, thank you," Midorima said as he stopped on his way up the stairs.
"Alright, well, we still have leftovers so feel free to have them if you end up staying up late to study," his mother said.
Midorima nodded and continued his way up the stairs. It was a long day at school and he spent more time than usual at the library trying to concentrate on anything but what Takao had brought up earlier in the day. But of course, he couldn't stay there forever, and now he was in his quiet room.
Setting his bag down, he sat down rather roughly on his bed with a long sigh. He grabbed the book that had been sitting on his night stand and laid back on the bed.
Opening to the page where he left off, he read a few lines... then read those few lines again... and again. He closed the book in frustration. His study session had gone much the same; not being able to concentrate on the words or graphs on the pages. Let alone any difficult equations.
He told Takao he would think on his confession, but he didn't want to be thinking this much.
Midorima leaned over his bed and dug through his book bag to retrieve his phone. No messages. Not surprising, ever since Takao kissed him so suddenly he hadn't sent the usual message. Today was no exception.
Midorima looked mindlessly at the screen of his phone for a while before opening up the photo gallery. He rarely took pictures with his phone, let alone used any other feature it was capable of besides phone calls and the occasional text message or email.
He only had to scroll through a little to find what he was looking for. Enlarging the picture, he saw himself, Aiko and Takao all with similar, goofy hairstyles. Takao and Aiko were wearing cheesy grins and him, of course, looking aloof as usual.
Midorima paused for a moment before going to the next picture. The one just of Takao. A picture he had somehow found himself looking at a lot lately. Even before Takao suddenly kissed him. It had become something he did often. He wasn't even sure why. He wasn't even sure he remembered when he started to want to see Takao's face when he wasn't there. It was a shame it was the only picture he had of him since he was wearing those silly pigtails Aiko had put in his hair...
...Wait, it was a shame?
Midorima set down his phone, took off his glasses, and closed his eyes.
Takao was always messing with him, making him do things he wouldn't normally do, somehow managing to surprise him on more than one occasion - but he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to deal with this.
End of Chapter.
Here's another took-way-too-long-to-get-out-update but its here, at least. ;~; I fee like I say this every time, but, thank you for your continued patience and I hope you are still enjoying the story. Maybe the fact I got this out on Valentine's Day will help you forgive me just a little? uwu And hopefully Midorima's answer isn't too much of a cliffhanger (we all know his true feels anyway~)
If you read my other stories, I hope they don't take too terribly long to get updated as well.
Thanks so much (truly) for reading, and see you next time~! :*