A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update. I've been busy and distracted. That and I sorta didn't know what to write for this chapter. I'll try to update more often, tho.
Chapter Ten
Ciel paced outside the door of Saphira's room, posture stiff and tense as concern and anxiousness coiled in the pit of his stomach. Saphira still hadn't awoken and it had been nearing three days. Sebastian had told him that she was fine physically other than the wound on her side and back, both of which being practically fully healed by now, leaving behind two new scars. Emotionally... Ciel shook his head. He could only imagine what the Fae was going through, reliving her worst memories again. A flinch passed over his face as he remembered the memories he had seen after Grell had cut her with his chainsaw. Her scream from when her husband had been killed still rung in his ears. Never had he heard something so agonized. So grief-stricken and wounded.
Ciel's head shot up, his eyes hardening at his aunt's voice. While he hadn't had her arrested (though he really should have) nor had he told the queen that she had been Jack the Ripper, that didn't mean he liked her at the moment. Far from it, actually. She was the reason why so many women were dead. The reason why Saphira was injured and suffering. To be honest, Saphira was why he hadn't handed Madam Red over to the Queen. The Fae had saved her, for whatever reason. But more than that, Madam Red was the only one who really understood what Saphira was going through at the moment.
Madam Red shifted uncertainly, swallowing. "H-how is she?" she asked hesitantly.
Ciel stared at her silently for a moment. "... Still unconscious." he said eventually, tone cold.
Madam Red nodded, gaze turning to the floor. Before she could say anything, the door to Saphira's room opened and the Fae stepped out, still in her nightgown, her skin pale, and Azazel wrapped around her shoulders. Ciel noticed the slight tremble running through her body and he stepped toward her.
The redhead blinked, eyes clearing and becoming alert, and she turned her eyes to her. "Ciel? How... how long have I been asleep?" she asked him, voice barely more than a hoarse whisper.
"Almost three days." he told her, hesitating for only a second before he rushed forward and threw his arms around her.
She smiled softly at him, returning the embrace.
Madam Red watched them silently for a few seconds before looking away, feeling like she was intruding on a personal moment.
"How are you feeling?" Ciel asked, pulling away enough to look up at her.
She sighed. "I'm not gonna lie and say I'm fine, because I'm not. Seeing those memories again," she paused, taking in a deep, calming breath. "It hurts, but I'll get through it. I always do." she smiled sadly at him.
He nodded, frowning a bit as he released her completely. "I'll go retrieve Sebastian and tell him to make you something to eat. Meanwhile, I order you to relax."
Saphira nodded, chuckling. "As you wish, Young Master." she said, curtseying.
Ciel resisted the urge to roll his eyes and turned, not sparing his aunt a glance as he walked away. Saphira turned to Madam Red and motioned for her to follow her as she re-entered her room, absent-mindedly rubbing Azazel's head. The other woman did so after a second's hesitance. Taking a seat on the bed, the fae patted the space beside her, watching as the woman in red climbed onto the bed and sat beside her.
"I'm sure you have questions." Saphira stated the second the woman was comfortable, or as comfortable as she could be.
"I-yes." Madam Red said, gaze firmly locked on her hands. "W-why did you save me?"
"Because I know exactly what you went through." Saphira told her, turning her head to meet her eyes. "When my son, Nikolai, was murdered, I went on a rampage. Seeing him just ripped in half like that broke something in me. No werewolf was safe from me after that. My husband knocked some sense into me after I nearly killed an innocent teenage girl. She was the daughter of one of the men that launched the attack against my people." she began to explain, only to stop when she saw the woman's confused look.
"Werewolf?" Madam Red repeated, eyes wide.
Saphira nodded. "I'm not from this world. Due to a spell gone wrong, I was transported here. Where I'm from, werewolves, vampires, elves and everything in between are very much real. I'm a Fae, by the way."
Madam Red blinked, taking that all in. "Oh. Um," she cleared her throat. "You can continue."
Saphira nodded. "The pain from Nik's death never left, but it was easier to deal with as long as I had my husband and daughter by my side. We won the war against the werewolves, only to enter another with the elves. A war that was ten times more worse and blood-filled. During one battle, my husband, Vikas, was severely wounded. I knew with one look that there was no saving him. He died in my arms. I lost my daughter in another battle two months later. After that," she swallowed and coughed, her voice having gone shaky, "After that, my goal was to completely annihilate the elves. To kill every last one of them in the most painful ways possible. I left every battle after that covered in blood. Hundreds died by my hand alone. And then I was kidnapped. Tortured for a week until Dalek, the elven king, had me cleaned up and brought to his rooms. I was his toy for two weeks until I was able to escape. But Dalek got me pregnant. I lost the baby not long after I found out, by Dalek's own hand, ironically." Saphira met Madam Red's eyes again. "I know exactly how you feel, Madam Red, because I went crazy after the deaths of my family as well. I killed. I tortured. I shattered. You're broken, but so am I."
Tears fell from Madam Red's eyes and she embraced Saphira tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. Holding her just as tightly, the fae rubbed her back soothingly, tears of her own slipping silently down her cheeks. The door to her room opened a few minutes later and she looked up, eyes locking with Sebastian's. The demon's eyes flashed with concern when he spotted her tear-stained face and grief in her eyes. Her eyes lit up when she saw the scones on the cart. Pulling away from Madam Red, though she kept one arm wrapped around her, she grabbed one of the scones and bit into it, moaning happily.
"Oh gods, that's good." she sighed contently, smiling at Sebastian.
"I'm pleased they are to your liking." he told her with a slight bow of his head.
Finishing the scone, she grabbed the cup of earl grey tea and took a sip. It was made just the way she liked it, but she didn't expect any less from Sebastian. Looking up at the demon, she ran a hair through her hair. "Would you mind starting the bath for me, Bastian?"
"Not at all." he said with a small smile before he entered the bathroom that was connected to her room.
Placing the empty cup on the tray and grabbing another scone, she stood, stumbling slightly. Quickly catching herself, she turned and held her hand out to Madam Red. "Join me?" At the woman's wide-eyed look, she chuckled with amusement. "I don't mean literally, though I can admit that you are very attractive. Just stay in the room and keep me company? I don't really want to be alone right now."
Madam Red nodded and took her hand, standing as well. Together, they entered the bathroom, Sebastian leaving seconds after them. Undressing, Saphira stepped into the tub, sighing in content as the hot water surrounded her, relaxing her tense muscles. Madam Red sat on a bench that was close to the tub.
"... You have many scars." the woman said after a moment of silence.
"I've been in many battles."
"Were you a warrior or soldier?" Madam Red asked with interest.
Saphira ducked down into the water to wet her hair before answering. "I was the Captain of the Elite before Vikas died, then I was promoted to Commander. The Elite was a small army of the best warriors whose sole duty was to protect the royal family. Most of the time, I guarded the Queen or her eldest daughter." Saphira suddenly snorted, chuckling. "My mother threw a tantrum when I joined the army. She had this vision where I'd become this perfect Lady and housewife, despite the fact that I took after my father. Combat was a passion of his and that passed down to me."
Madam Red arched an eyebrow. "You're a noble?"
Saphira nodded. "Yup. But I hated it. Well, maybe not hated, but disliked. I've never really been a fan of politics and my mother had a habit of forcing me into these bright pink monstrosities she called dresses. And she was always trying to limit what I did. Always said 'Saphira, that is not lady like' or 'Saphira, a lady does not use that kind of language' but mostly 'Saphira, how do you expect to find a decent husband if you don't act like a proper lady'. Drove me insane, she did."
Madam Red chuckled. "I saw that dress from your memory. It was rather horrid."
Saphira laughed. "I ripped it to shreds the moment I was alone in my room and buried it." she said as she began washing her hair.
The room fell silent for a few minutes, the only sounds coming from Saphira as she washed up. Madam Red finally spoke.
"He hates me, doesn't he?" she asked quietly, pain and sadness in her eyes, but most of all, there was guilt.
Saphira glanced at her, knowing exactly who she was talking about. "No, I don't think he could ever truly hate you. I think he's more hurt, than anything."
Tears fell from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. "D-do you think... do you think that he'll ever forgive me?"
The fae was silent for a moment. "Maybe. But it'll take some time. But it's not really his forgiveness that you need to earn. It's his trust. And that will be extremely hard to get back." she told the woman in red.
Silence descended on the them once again. During that time, Saphira finished bathing and stood, using her inner fire to dry off, though she still wrapped a towel around herself. Going to her room, she changed into a black and blue, long sleeved, lace, floor-length dress, as well as she favorite black boots. After brushing her hair and wrapping Azazel around her shoulders, she linked her arm through Madam Red's and left her room, heading downstairs.
"I don't know about you, but I could go for a walk. Some fresh air will do me good."
"Absolutely not." came Sebastian's voice, the demon appearing before them seconds late with Ciel by his side and narrowed eyes. "You are to relax for the rest of the day."
Saphira pouted. "But all I've been doing is sleeping!"
"You were unconscious, not sleeping, may I remind you." Sebastian's eyes narrowed further at the Fae.
"Can we at least sit in the garden? I need some fresh air, Bastian. So, pretty please?"
Sebastian sighed. "You may, but I'll be watching over you to ensure that you don't do anything except relax. Understood?"
Saphira grinned at him and nodded. "Thanks, Bastian!" she exclaimed, glomping him.
The slightest pink tint covered Sebastian's cheeks as warmth washed through him. Off to the side, Ciel silently wondering just what was the relationship between the two and why it filled him with both heat and jealousy.