I do not own any Non/Disney characters or anything to do with the Harry Potter series

(Merida's pov)

As we stepped away from the barrier of pawns their swords retracted and back into their sheaths.

"Any ideas on how we get across?" Jack asked "Oh it's obvious" Hiccup said as he looked at the black chess pieces. "Okay; but explain it anyway" I said; curious to know what was going on. "We have to play our way across the room" Hiccup said as he faced us.

"Okay here's what's going to happen, Rapunzel you take the empty bishop's square. Merida, the queen-side castle. Jack the king-side knight and I'll be the queen-side knight" Hiccup said confidently.

We all went to our respected positions "Okay what now?" Rapunzel asked. "White starts the game first then we play" Hiccup said as he looked across the board as a pawn moved forward.

"Hiccup, you don't suppose that this is going to be real wizard's chess?" Rapunzel asked. "One way to find out. You there, D-5." Hiccup yelled as he pointed to a pawn.

The pawn moved forward to D-5 placing it diagonally from the white one. The white pawn unsheathed it's swords and chopped the pawn in half statue dust and stone flew across the room from the attack. The pawn to took the place of the pawn it just destroyed.

"Yes Rapunzel, this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess" Hiccup said his eyes wide in fear.

The pristine chessboard now had broken statues scattered about as the chess pieces pushed the rubble in different directions. "Castle to E-4" Hiccup yelled as the castle moved too its destination taking out a white knight.

It couldn't be easy not using four pieces while the other side could use all their pieces. The white queen took out our bishop. Hiccup yelled "Pawn to C-3" the white queen took out our castle that was right in front of Rapunzel.

Rapunzel looked around the board and her eyes grew wider then they already were. "Oh No" Rapunzel said putting a hand over her mouth in shock. "You see it to Rapunzel" Hiccup said. "When I make my move, the queen will take me. Then you can check the king".

"Hiccup don't do it!" Rapunzel said as she looked at Hiccup like he was crazy. "What's going on?" Jack asked. "He's going to sacrifice himself." Rapunzel said her voice shaking.

"No" Jack said in shock "There has to be another way!" I yelled looking around the board trying to figure out what was going on. Hiccup looked back at me "Do you want Yzma to get the stone or not?" he said before facing forward.

Hiccup straightened his back and said "Knight to H-3". Slowly the knight moved into position "Check" Hiccup said before looking at the queen. The white queen turned in his direction very slowly and moved towards the H-3 square.

The queen raised her sword and skewered the knight statue that Hiccup was on. The statue shattered and Hiccup was sent flying backwards. Hiccup screamed as he fell off the horse. He landed on his back but he didn't get up I was about to run over to him but Rapunzel stopped me before I even lifted my leg.

"Merida stop! We're still playing if you move that will be our move" Rapunzel said as she straightened her back and walked diagonally to a square where she ended the game with one word "Checkmate".

The white king statue released his grip on his sword. I didn't move until I heard the clang of the sword as it crashed on the floor. Jack ran past me to Hiccup with Rapunzel and I behind him.

Jack shook Hiccup's shoulder "Hiccup! Wake up" Jack said trying to get Hiccup to open his eyes. "Hiccup wake up" I said as I slapped his cheek. Hiccup didn't even react to the slap that left a red mark on his cheek. Rapunzel pushed me aside and placed her head on Hiccup's chest. I thought she was trying to hear his heartbeat.

Instead she started to sing "Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine" As she sung her hair started to glowed.

When the song ended Hiccup's eyes fluttered open and he groaned in pain "Ow my back". "Never scare me like that again man" Jack said as he tackled Hiccup in a bear hug. Rapunzel and I joined the hug.

"Choking not breathing" Hiccup said to us letting go of Hiccup who took in big gulps of air before speaking. "Let's get out of here" I said as we walked over to the door.

(Jack's pov)

"So your hair glows and heals people" Hiccup said as we opened the door and started walking down steps. "Yes" Rapunzel said as she twirled a strand of hair. "So how long has it been doing that?" Merida asked. "Since forever" Rapunzel said "Will Hiccup get superpowers like super strength, because that would be so cool" I said as we reached the bottom steps. "No" Rapunzel said "look's like Astrid will have to settle for all of this" I said gesturing to Hiccup. "You just gestured to all of me" Hiccup said as he glared at me.

We came to a chamber with a chandelier and two mirrors one the Mirror of Erised in the center of the room the other was an oval mirror with amethyst stones floated in the air nearby. Yzma and Kronk stood in front of the mirror; Yzma started to mumble something "How do I get the blasted stone out of this beautiful mirror?" Yzma said.

"I know I'll break it into pieces, then I will mail all the pieces to me search through all the shards until I find the stone, It's brilliant" Yzma said as she cackled "uh; but Lord Chernabog want it now, and your way takes to much time" Kronk said.

"Stop right there" Merida said her wand pointed at Yzma. Yzma's body tensed before relaxing as she looked at us. "Oh, it's just you four, I thought you were Pitch here trying to stop me again".

"I should have known you four would be thorns in my side, especially after Halloween"

"You let the troll in!" Merida said "Very good" Yzma said as she clapped her hands. "Yes. But unfortunately Pitch wasn't fooled. While everyone was screaming he went to the third floor to block the door".

"Since then Pitch has been keeping a close eye on me" Yzma said as she faced the oval mirror. "But I'm never alone. I always have a friend nearby" Yzma said "Thanks Yzma" Kronk said wiping away a tear.

"Not you Kronk!" yzma yelled "My Lord what must I do to get the stone. I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?".

"Use one of the Children" a deep sinister voice echoed around the room. Yzma turned around "Kronk grab them!" Yzma yelled. Kronk ran at us and grabbed our robes and dragged us to Yzma.

Yzma pulled me towards the mirror. "What do you see?" Yzma said as she stood behind me blocking my path to my friends. Looking into the mirror I saw my reflection holding a red stone, then giving me a wink before placing the stone in my pocket. I moved my hand to the side of my pant pocket. I felt the stone in my pocket; my eyes widened in shock.

"What do you see boy!" Yzma yelled getting impatient. "I'm shaking hands with Headmaster North, I'm Quidditch Captain.

"He lies" that deep sinister voice said. "Tell me the truth! what do you see? Answer me now!" Yzma yelled. I kept my mouth shut "I'm loosing my patience. Tell me what you see now or I.."

"Let me speak to him" the sinister voice cut off Yzma's rant. "But Master" Yzma said as she looked to the amethyst mirror "Now Yzma!".

"Yes Master" Yzma said as she pushed me towards the oval mirror. at first I could only see my reflection but as we neared the reflection changed to black smoke and yellow eyes that narrowed as we neared.

"Hello child" The mirror said as it glared at me. "Chernabog" I said "Yes. you see only a piece of what I've become. Your friends have seen what I had to do to survive. Drink unicorn blood to keep my strength. But sadly it cannot give me my body back." Chernabog hissed out.

"But there is something that can." Chernabog said as his toothy grin was revealed. "Which conveniently lies in your pocket".

I turned around immediately after those words were spoken. Sidestepping yzma as Merida kicked Kronk in the shin causing him to let go of Hiccup, Rapunzel and herself.

"Stop them!"

We were about to approach the first flight of stairs but were stopped by a wall of fire that circled the room. Hiccup and Rapunzel looked around the room for an exit but the fire surrounded the chamber in every direction. Merida drew her wand out and pivoted from Yzma to kronk ready to cast a spell.

"Don't be foolish" Chernabog's voice echoed around the room again "Why suffer a horrific death when you could live and join me"

"Never" we all yelled at the same time. "Jack don't you want your mother back" I looked at the Mirror of Erised and saw my mother looking at me with a bright smile on her face always brightening up the room. "I could bring her back you. All I ask is for something in return" Chernabog said.

I pulled out the red stone Merida looked at me in shock Hiccup with understanding, but with slight disappointment "Jack don't" Rapunzel yelled. "That's it Jack. There is no good and evil in this world. Only power and those too weak to seek it".

"Just give me the stone" Chernabog demanded. I looked back at my mother and saw her image fade away. "Never" I yelled Merida smirked at that Hiccup grinned and Rapunzel smiled as she raised her wand.

"Kill them" Chernabog yelled at Yzma. "Now that the stone is free you are useless to me now" Yzma said "Kronk you heard our Lord kill them" Yzma said.

"But they're just kids" kronk said before looking at his right shoulder "Where's the other guy?" Kronk said to his left shoulder then turning to his right shoulder "Well Yzma just told me to kill these kids. And this guy popped up and we waited for you". Yzma's face had exasperation written all over it "Kronk!" Yzma yelled getting Kronk's attention.

"Why did I think you could do this. This one simple thing. It's like I'm talking to a monkey" Yzma growled. Kronk's eyes grew wide at each word "A really big stupid monkey named Kronk".

"Oh. One more thing I never liked your spinach puffs" Yzma said. Kronk gasped in shock "Never" Yzma yelled; tears started to run down Kronk's face at that and turning to his right shoulder before getting a hold of himself and looking up. I looked up and saw the chandelier that was right above Yzma. "That'll work" Kronk said as he cast the cutting curse on the rope of the chandelier.

The chandelier fell down on Yzma making the dust I thought that Yzma was dead, but once the dust settled we could see Yzma still standing in the center of the chandelier. "She should be dead, or at the very least unconscious" Rapunzel said.

"That should have worked" Kronk said "So dose this" Yzma said as she cast a spell at Kronk causing him to slam into the wall behind him leaving a dent in the wall. Kronk slumped to the ground and Yzma turned to us her wand raised "Avada.."

"Petrificus Totalus" Hiccup said as he cast the spell before Yzma could finish. Yzma's whole body stood at attention, before falling backwards on to the broken chandelier.

we approached her supine body with caution "Remind me never to get on your bad side" I said to Hiccup as I looked at the paralyzed Yzma.

"AARRGGHH" Chernabog yelled from the mirror that was still levitated in the air. "We should leave" Merida said as black smoke started to leak out of the mirror "Run" Rapunzel said just as the mirror shattered.

A large shape rammed into me. I fell down and was turned onto my back as a large hand grabbed my throat. I pulled the stone from my pocket "Merida" I yelled as I threw the stone to her.

The shape of Chernabog immediately let go of my throat and charged Merida. Hiccup and Rapunzel both shot spell after spell at him, but he kept getting closer leaving silver drops in his wake. "Merida"I yelled getting up and waving my hand Merida threw the stone back to me.

We continued this as the shape started to lose more unicorn blood until it was barely a wisp of smoke. "Argh" Chernabog yelled one last time as he slammed into me or more precisely through me. I screamed in pain as powerful magic hit me full force.

I fell backwards; I saw Hiccup, Merida, and Rapunzel looking at me from above. I saw their mouths moving but no I couldn't hear a single word. My eyelids grew heavy and then black.

(Hiccup's pov)

"Jack Wake up" I said shaking his shoulders to make him wake up. "Jack" Rapunzel said as she crouched down; she was about to start singing when a rat with a missing front leg fell from the ceiling and landed on Rapunzel's head. "AAHH" Rapunzel yelled shaking her head. The rat pulled a few strands of her hair out as it soared through the air before scurrying away as Headmaster North and Professor Black came barreling in.

North took the stone from Jack as Pitch came over and checked his pulse before picking Jack up and walked briskly up the stairs.

"You okay?" I asked Rapunzel as we ran to keep up with Pitch's pase. "I'm fine just a little bit jumpy" Rapunzel said as we passed the chessboard, key owlery, and the Devil's Snare greenhouse.

Pitch dropped Jack off at the Hospital wing Madam Fauna was on tonight's shift; so she shoved us from the room as politely as she could before seeing to her patient.

Merida, Rapunzel, and I stayed by his bedside when Jack finally woke up; a day had already gone by. "My head hurts" Jack mumbled as he sat up. Rapunzel pulled Jack into a hug Merida ruffled his hair and I just shook my head and gave him a Chocolate frog from the pile of candy that Jack's friends had left him.

"Good afternoon, students" North said as he entered the Hospital wing. "I see your friends have left you some candy" North said as he picked up an empty Chocolate Frog box. "I see your friends have saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs" North said with a smile as he lifted the empty box. Jack glared at us "I didn't do it" Rapunzel said "Can you blame us" Merida said "If our situations were reversed you'd eat every piece of candy here" I said; Jack just grinned and laughed "You're probably right".

"What happens to Yzma and Kronk Headmaster?" Rapunzel asked.

"Yzma has been taken to Azkaban after her trail and Kronk will be doing community service by order of the Minister Kuzco" North said as he picked up a packet of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean.

"What happened to the Stone?" I asked. "I have spoken with Mr. Tuck and he and I both agreed that it was for the best that the Stone be destroyed" North said. "But without the Stone wont he die?" Rapunzel asked.

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die".

"How is it I got the Stone Headmaster? I mean one minute I was starring at the mirror and the next thing I knew the stone was in my pocket" Jack said frantically "Well, Only a person who wanted to find the stone, but not use it, would be able to get it" North said as he opened the packet.

"Now that the stone is gone Headmaster, dose that mean Chernabog can never return?" Merida asked. "I am afraid there are other ways that he can return" North said gravely.

"I haven't had one of these in years. Not after I found a vomit-flavored one" North said as he looked at the opened box "Since then I've lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe this time" he said as he ate one "Alas, earwax" North said causing all of us to break out into a laughing fit.

Tonight was our last day at Hogwarts until September. I was talking to Kristoff as the we ate our dinner. The Great Hall was decorated with Slytherin banners. "I can't believe we'll be second years this September" Kristoff said.

"I know. It seems like yesterday we were being sorted" I said "I'm thinking about trying out for the Quidditch team" Kristoff said as ate his carrots. "Oh yeah. What position?" I asked. "I was thinking either a Beater or a Chaser".

a soft chime echoed through the great hall causing everyone to stop what they were doing as look at the head table. North stood up "Another year has passed and now, It is time to award the house cup. The points are In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points" North said. The Gryffindor table looked unhappy at the result as the other tables politely clapped.

"Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points". "Third place not bad" Kristoff said as we clapped "We'll do better next year" I said as polite clapping came from the other tables.

"Second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points" a more clapping echoed through the Great hall this time.

"And in First place, Slytherin with 472 point" The Slytherin table cheered and clapped the loudest out of all four tables. A few Gryffindors clapped for Slytherin, but those that did clapped loudly to make up for most of their housemates. Mainly Merida who was screaming at the top of her lungs; causing the people around her to give her annoyed looks.

"Congratulations Slytherin" North said before sitting back down again and drinking from his goblet.

(Rapunzel's pov)

I rolled my trunk out of my dorm room and paused in the doorway to look at the empty room. the only thing still inside where the beds; the walls seemed to dull even though I had painted most of the room in swirls of purples, reds, yellows, and greens. I wish I could stay at Hogwarts forever but my mother would reprimand me and I wouldn't be aloud to return.

"Hurry up" Gobber said as he directed students onto the train. His body taking up a large space on the platform; as students ran around him to get to the train.

"You'll miss the train" Gobber said as he kicked Snotlout in the arse. "Train's leaving. Go on Hiccup" Gobber said as he heaved Hiccup's trunk on the train. "Thanks Gobber" Hiccup said "I'll see you soon Hiccup" Gobber said before turning around and headed back to Hogwarts.

"Come on" Rapunzel were going to miss the train if we stay here any longer" Merida said as she walked towards Hiccup and Jack. After we placed out trunks on the train Merida and Jack dragged us to an empty compartment.

"It feels strange to be going home" I said as I looked out the window at Hogwarts. "Not for me" Merida said as she pulled out Exploding Snap cards. "Oh. Why?" Hiccup asked as he looked out the window. "My Mother is a professor here remember. I get to see here every day during summer. At least at Hogwarts I don't have to see my mom every day" Merida said as the cards were shuffled.

"Summer is going to be torcher for me" Hiccup said as the train left the Hogwarts station. "Why?" Jack asked "My dead and I always get into argument and I can never do anything to get him to take me seriously. I doubt he will be at platform 9 3/4 to pick me up" Hiccup said as he crossed his

"And on that happy note" Jack said as he flipped a card over which instantly exploded in a puff of smoke.

Happy Holidays.

Please review. Now on to the Chamber of Secrets