Cat: Danny Phantom

Title: He's a Phantom and a Ladies man!

Rating: M

Pairing: Danny X Sam/Ember/Desiree/ Penelope

Summary: At an early age Danny is taught how to read women by both his mother and sister. Now at the age of 16 he puts that training to good use to help three ghosts who have immersed themselves in everyday life.

Zaara: I think we should give it to her.

Killjoy: Hey ember we all pitched in and got you a new guitar. I'll hold onto it until the end of the chapter.

Ember: really what is it?

Desiree: You'll just have to wait and see my dear.


(Fenton House Hold)

Madeline J Fenton was a woman who was trained in several martial arts, a skilled marksmen, a renounced scientist and a loving wife and mother. She had always thought that she was close enough to her children for them to tell her everything. Danny use to think of her as a best friend when he was just a clingy little boy who had a hard time letting go of his mommy's hand. Jazz was always watching out for him when maddie herself couldn't.

Apparently not enough to tell you he has been getting bullies since starting high school," thought Maddie with some anger.

No it was no directed at Danny for not telling her, or even the boys who messed with her son, It was at herself for not picking up on the obvious signs. Danny had had good grades all throughout Middle school even finishing his 8th grade year with all A's. He had also won several jr karate tournaments. That all changed when he entered High school. his grades dropped, he stopped going to tournaments, and seemed to go though a few months of depression.

Now with everything that had just come to light she understood and was highly upset.

"Mom?" asked Danny as he looked at his mom as she was drinking a cup of coffee.

"Sit down Daniel," said Maddie.

Danny gulped. "Oh boy. She only calls me that when she's really mad at me," thought Danny.

"I don't know were to start so I'm going to start by saying that I'm proud of you Danny," said Maddie.

Danny's jaw nearly dropped hearing thing. ""What?" asked Danny. Out of all the things he expected to hear that wasn't one of them

"Danny those men were horrible to you and the other students at your school. Had I known what they were up to. Well never mess with a Mama bear defending her cubs. I'm just a bit upset that you went behind my back and never told me about it," said Maddie with a frown.

Danny sighed. "After the accident before school started I couldn't come to you guys without you babying me. Remember I was in the hospital for a week," said Danny

Maddie winced at the memory. She and Jack had heard the scream from the basement. They ran into the basement to see Danny smoking and his hair changing from black to white. They had quickly called a bus (1), while maddie did her best to keep him alive. He had been in a coma for a week. Doctors had even said that he was lucky to be alive with the amount of radiation he had been hit with. After that Maddie and Jack wouldn't leave Danny alone until School had started up and he was able to attend.

"That falls on your father and me and no one else. Now for your punishment," said Maddie.

"Hold on punishment?" asked Danny crossing his arms .

Maddie sighed this was the part of the conversation she was dreading. "Danny you could have killed that young man with the way you fought," said Maddie.

Danny sighed. "Mom I had no choice it was either that or get my butt kicked 8 ways to Sunday," said Danny.

Maddie frowned at her son. "You could have dispatched him without much effort. You chose to do what you did. Your grounded for the next week. You will hand over your phone, and I will be cutting your internet," said Maddie.

Danny gave his mother a look, but knew that she was right about the fact that he could have killed dash if he had really wanted to. As Danny walked to his room he was quite sure that he had gotten everything off his chest... o at least he thought he did.

(with Ember, Desiree, and Penny)

The three young women were currently hanging out at the Hag and Grill. It was a favorite han out of ghouls and ghosts from all over the ghost zone. Many a famous Ghost had passed though these halls and made the hall of fame (walk of shame more like it)

Currently three very hot and sexy ghost-gals were hanging at the back table with their drinks in their hands. This would have been normal for the likes of Kitty, Ember, and Penny, but with the way things had been between Johnny and Kitty Desiree was the only option. Okay that sounded a little harsh, but Desiree preferred to be alone with her misery.

"So tell me Ember what is your secret?" asked the very tipsy Desiree.

Ember took a drink of her lime flavored margarita before smirking at the wishing ghost. "What secret?" asked Ember, knowing that Desiree had a hard time holding any amount of liquor.

"don't 'hic' give me that shit ember. I'm talking about how you bagged Danny and had your way with him?" asked Desiree.

Penny took a sip of her own drink. "I'm curios as well girlfriend. Somehow you turned one of our greatest enemies into a boy toy," said Penny.

Ember smirked. "I never had a problem with the dipstick. He just annoyed me. I thought he was cute the first time I meet him, but with his powers he was able to fight off my charm. If it wasn't for his ghost powers I probably would have took him to a room and rode him for everything he had," said Ember.

Desiree sighed. "I wish I had done that," said Desiree as she grabbed her large breasts making many men stare at her. "I'm sure he would have been uscking on these like a baby.

Penny laughed. "Please Ember. He's surely an ass Man. That Latina girl he had a crush on had an ass and lets face it," said Penny giving her ass a good hard smack. "I have the best ass in the ghost zone!"

Some males shifted as to try and hide their bulges from the women in the area, but sadly it was not to happen. Penny had already seen the men and was laughing on the inside. This often happened when the girls got together. Desiree got drunk off her ass, Ember and Penny teased her and Kitty defended her. Since Kitty was with Johnny tonight She was free game.

The next few hours were filled with dancing, drinking, and even a little playful flirting on the part of the girls.

(a few hours later in the Ops Center)

Maddie was working on one of the few inventions that she rarely used. She had been fairly upset with her son after the incident with at the school. She taught Danny to defend himself, but had always told him that it was a last resort. Maddie stopped working as she realized that it had indeed been a last resort for her son. She probably needed to have another talk with him again.

Putting down her weapon and removing her hood and goggle Maddie made her way down the stairs when she heard a crash in her son's room. Fearing the worst Maddie ran to the room to see A ghost that looked like a wired-science reject with his bad haircut and jacket in a staring match with her soon.

"Well Child how do you like the new, and improved Techies 3.4!" asked the man with a grin.

Danny glared at the Technological ghost. "I'm so not into this right now. Can't we... I don't know do this later?" asked Danny.

"No child we can't! how else am I to show the young world how hip and cool I can be!" yelled Technus.

"When you put it like that Technus I'm Going Ghost!" yelled Danny Fenton transforming into his alternate ego Danny Phantom.

The two scuffed for a moment in the room before taking the right outside.

Maddie backed away from the door and slumped against it. "no way! There's no way my son is Danny Phantom," said Maddie shaking slightly.

This was almost to much for the woman to handle, but she quickly got up and went to follow her son.

(with Danny and Technus)

Danny was thrown into the building while glaring at Technes and his new Tech body. Technus had went full out to get this body ready for this battle. The body was almost like Skulkers, but was more advanced, had that ponytail, and instead of black pants and shirt he wore a white lab coat, white pants, and gloves.

Danny got up and cranked his neck. "Technus this is getting redundant. Maybe you should get a girlfriend to help you take your mind off of being hip and Cool," said Danny.

"Oh big words. That's new child. Have you been studying?" mocked Technus.

Danny didn't answer and instead hit technus with a freezing ray. Technus's armor froze and broke. Technus looked at his armor and began to cry. "My hip new Armor! NO!" yelled Technus.

"You shouldn't cry about that suit. after all it's not the clothes that made the man, but the man that makes the clothes," said Danny before dragging technus into the ghost thermos.

Danny landed on the ground and returned to his base form. He rubbed his head and sighed.

"I wonder what Ember is up to?" danny asked himself.

(with Maddie)

Maddie ran over and saw Danny finish off that ghost and was about to lay into her son when a Limousine pulled in front of her and the window rolled down. The person inside was Sam's grandmother.

"Get in," said Delilah.

"What! I will do no such thing until I talk to my son.

"Trust me you'll want to do what I say young lady," said Delilah with a smile that unnerved Maddie somewhat.

Maddie got into the limo and closed the door. The limo pulled off without Danny noticing a thing.

They drove for several minutes before Delilah spoke. "Your probably wondering why you I stopped you from speaking with your son, or even how I knew what was going on?" asked Delilah.

Maddie looked at the older woman and quickly realized that she was dealing with someone who dealt in the world of business and politics. Someone who was use to pulling the strings of others. A devil wearing the wings and halo of an angel.

"That among other things Mrs. Manson," said Maddie crossing her arms under her rather sizable bust.

"I know everything that happens in this city. I control everything from video feed to finances," said Delilah.

Maddie was gocking at the older woman. If she had even half the pull she claimed then she had the city on tap. It would also explain why all footage of Danny Phantom was confiscated by men in gray suits, before even the police could exam it. Maddie glared at her.

"Then why did you stop me from speaking with my son!? He has to know that I won't hate him for...," started Maddie only to be silenced by a glare.

"Don't start that BS with me missy. I'm too old for it. You've spent the last year or so hounding your son, trying to kill him while he did his best to protect us from ghosts.

Maddie glared at the older woman. "don't give me that crap! All ghosts are evil and the second that I can I will remove those powers that my son has!" yelled maddie

"These seem like deeply held beliefs to me. What makes you say such hateful things?" asked Delilah.

Maddie clenched her fist. "Why is none of your damn business old woman," said Maddie.

"Then you have a lot to learn my dear.

(Ghost Zone- 30 minutes later)

Ember sat in her zone fine tuning her guitar. She wore a pair of black shorts and a white top, and her hair was done up in two long ponytails. She didn't have much to do currently. Life as a ghost was a bit dull. Sure Ghosts didn't have the same worries as humans and didn't have to worry about things like accidental pregnancy or STD's making sex and fighting two of the norms of the ghost zone. Another thing was the Ghost zone traditions and Holidays. Halloween was a big one as was Christmas. Others weren't as big, but still important. The Day of the king was a Big one.

The day of the king marked the anniversary of when the ghost king was sealed... incidentally it also marked the day that he was defeated and the new ghost king was chosen. Danny was the new king, but it wasn't going to be made official until his 21 year as a human. There was even a debate among others as to the point of whether o not he would die on that day. Many speculated that he was destined to die on that day and take his role as the king. Others said no.

This included Frost Bite, Dora the Dragon Queen, and Pandora. Two of them being powerful spirits of Ice and Rage and the other being a queen. It was all inconsequential to her. She may not be a patient woman, but she had a lot of time on her hands... and Ghosts lived a very long time.

(with Tucker and Star)

Tucker and Star were currently out on their date. Okay it wasn't a date per say. More like a boyfriend showing his girlfriend a good time. They were currently at the mall with the two of them just sitting by the fountain eating ice cream.

"So you have a chance to ask Paulina about what she thought of Danny after his... fight with Dash?" asked Tucker.

Star shuck her head. "All I know is that she's pissed off," said Star licking her ice cream.

Tucker had nearly forgotten that Star and Paulina were in the middle of an argument. I had to do with the way they were going and that they should stop insulting the nerds anyone not of the A-list. This lead to a fight that was said to have split the A-list in half. Dash had even gotten into a mix-up with A senior who had a scholarship to Florida State.

"So you ready to leave?" asked Tucker as he picked up the two bags that held his girlfriend's new clothes.

"Yeah lets go Tuck," said Star

As they made their way to the exit that found Paulina and her little lap dog Victoria walking in. Tucker tried to move away from Star as not to insight the wrath of the Queen of the A-list, but a single glance in Star's direction told him to stay were he was and not move a DAMN muscle if he knew what was good for him.

Paulina stopped her conversation with Victoria and spotted Fenton's nerd friend with Star. Walking over to them she gave tucker a small glare making him cringe. Tucker was no wimp, but he didn't believe in getting into any trouble with a girl.

"Star what are you doing with Folly?" asked Paulina.

"What a girl can't be with her guy?" asked Star.

Paulina and Victoria's jaw's dropped. "OMG! Your with this loser?" asked Victora.

Star shuck her head. "Oh grow up! We can't treat people however we want! We won't live the good life forever!" said Star.

Victoria snorted. "Speak for yourself. I'm rich, I have a full college ride, and I can do whatever the fuck I want!" yelled Victoria.

"Yeah right! Your dad's a car salesmen who gets away with selling at unreasonable rates, your mom is a fucking escort who fucks god knows how many of her clients and your brother is a fucking crook. What's he doing? Oh yeah he's on a 10 year starch for Burglary and attempted arson," said Star with a smirk.

Victoria grew red before she slapped Star. "Shut the fuck up about my family! At least we're not gutter trash like you your mom and little brother are!" yelled Victoria.

Star flew at Victoria and grabbed her by her hair, before she started to pummel her face with Victoria screaming something like "psycho bitch' and 'blonde whore'. Paulina grabbed her from behind, but Tucker wasn't having it and pulled her away, before grabbing Star and swinging her around and away from Victoria. Tucker turned to her and was slapped hard across the face. He glared at the girl who slapped him.

"Enough! Come on star lets go," said Tucker with the tone of voice that let her know it was no if, ands, or buts to the conversation.

Star smiled a little at this. It kinda turned her on.

(with Sam)

Sam sat on Dusk's bed as Dusk smirked at her. "So you finally got up the nuts to grab his huh?" asked Dusk

Sam groaned at this. "I wish I never told you about all this BS," said Sam.

Dusk smiled. "but who else would listenn if I didn't honey?" asked Dusk.

Sam sighed and was reluctant to admit it, but the girl was right she wasn't sure who else would lesson to her on the matter of boys. After finding out the things she did from her grandmother and with the way her mother acted she wasn't looking to go there. Jazz was a bit of a prude, and while she did she Mrs' Fenton as something of a second mother she knew that she wouldn't get anywhere with her.

"Ok, Ok I'll stop teasing, but I'm going to miss my favorite partner," said Dusk making Sam blush in embarrassment.

"Why did I come here again?"Sam asked herself knowing that she was just going to get teased and frustrated talking with the slightly older girl.

"Aside from snagging your boo, you were able to one up that little bitch Paulina. I got to say your making some major moves," said Dusk.

"Yeah, but I' not done yet," said Sam.

Dusk looked at her. What do you mean?" asled Dusk.

Sam looked at her ring finger on her left hand. "Until I have either a ring or a tattoo saying Danny belongs to me I haven't won yet," said Sam.

(With Johnny and Kitty)

Johnny and Kitty were hanging with Johnny's gang just having a good time at the club. They were still on the working phase of their new relationship, but it was a work in progress. Currently they were arguing about if they should get kitty a cut or not.

"I don't need a Cut Johnathan!" said Kitty in anger.

"But babe you ride a chopper better then half the guys here. It would also look real good on you," said Johnny hoping that the compliment would get her to agree.

Before she could answer the Door opened and Skulker stumbled in beaten to a pulp. Man of the bikers ran over to him and helped him up. With Johnny and kitty running over as well.

"Skulker what happened?" asked Johnny

Skulker flexed his arm and coughed. "They're coming," said Skulker.

"I don't get it man!? Who's coming?" asked johnny.

"A legend that I thought would never come... The hunt has begun," said Skulker showing them a chain with the Norse symbol for hunt on it.


Killjoy: Alright Ember close your eyes

Zaara: Ten to one she's going to faint. Alright open your eyes

Ember: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Is that a Fender 1949 Broadcaster prototype!

Killjoy: yep to a while and some... okay a LOT of haggling, but we finally have it

Zaara: She stopped listening about 5 seconds ago and 3... 2...1...

Ember: (faints)


1: Ambulance