Authors Note: HEYO! XD Please tell me what you think; I would love to know XD I own nothing and no one, apart from: Henry, Lily, Charlie, Michael (Mike), Simon, Jonah, Simon (Si), Tegan, Tessa, Sam.

JUST SO YOU KNOW: like everyone else, I have no idea what Stiles' real name is, so I'm going along with what everyone else puts :) and I've made his middle name up XD

Also, I made up Derek's dad's name :)

Please, please review XD



I woke up the next morning on the bed in the room I was using in Derek's house...only there was someone behind me.

I didn't freak out, surprisingly. I mean, I actually remembered who it was.

All I did was reach over to the table beside the bed, grab the bottle of water and my Adderall, swallowing my meds while I remembered. It was a tedious, yet vital, task that I had to endure for the rest of my life...but I guess it was worth it, if I was able to sort through my thoughts.

I slowly turned over, taking a chance to take a look at the sleeping wolf.

Sometimes I wondered if he was one of those people who slept with their eyes open. Sometimes I wondered if he even slept at all. And then, there were those weird days when I wondered if Derek slept in a coffin – which I knew was ridiculous – or if he found a cave to go sleep in...

Yeah, it was amazing what your brain could come up with when you were still awake at – around – three in the morning.

But he wasn't. He just looked so much younger, no signs of worry or anger or anything... Just complete calm... It was something no one ever got to see. It was nothing none of us had actually seen before.

And, here I was...seeing this calmness from the Alpha that I had never seen before. It was strange...but in a good way.

"I can hear you thinking." Derek muttered, keeping his eyes closed and moving me closer using the arm he had thrown over my torso. "Do you ever stop thinking?"

"Only when I'm asleep." I quipped.

"Smart ass."

And then...nothing.

Just silence.

I couldn't work out if it was awkward or not... It was almost a mix of the two... Was that even possible? A mix of awkward and not? I didn't think it was possible, but here we were!

"Stiles, stop thinking. Sleep." Derek groaned, even through the edges of his mouth turned up at the corners slightly.

"But..." I started.

I didn't get to finish what I was going to say.

It's pretty hard when you've got someone's tongue shoved into your mouth – déjà vu, right here!

This wasn't like the two other times we had kissed. It wasn't chaste, where someone falls asleep straight after, it wasn't to stop rambling even though it probably was a bonus that it got me to shut up... This was on purpose and full on make out.

And I wasn't pulling away.

Neither of us was.

We just lay there – my right arm around his neck, his left arm around my waist – mouths glued together as our tongues pushed against each other, unrelenting.

My right hand slid into Derek's dark brown – black looking – hair, tangling itself in the strands and getting a grip on it, dragging him closer.

Derek responded moving his hand to my hip, pulling me closer until there was no way anything could fit between us. Of course, the initial contact surprised me, meaning Derek pushed his tongue further into my mouth, deepening the kiss that little bit further.

It was then that Derek moved, rolling slightly until he was on his back, dragging me on top of him, now freeing both of our arms.

"Stop thinking." he breathed, moving his head back slightly. "I told you the truth; you fixed what I misinterpreted... And if you ask what this makes us now, I'm going to rip your throat out... With my teeth."

"No threatening your Mate, Sourwolf." I smirked. "It's a perk you see... You can't hurt me, or you'll effectively be hurting yourself. Michael texted me a few things I would need to know about it."

Derek just huffed out a breath, which sounded suspiciously like a laugh, as he moved his arms until they were wrapped securely around me.

"You realise... This has completely changed our Pack dynamics, right?" I asked, dropping my head onto his shoulder.

"So?" Derek replied. "This kind of change makes Packs stronger. Better. Closer. Besides, you already act like their mother."

"And you were just starting to be nicer."

That ended up getting a real laugh from the Sourwolf...

Now, with everything that had happened, and how it ended...I didn't know whether or not to be thankful for what Charlie did... I mean, if it wasn't for him, this wouldn't have happened; Michael wouldn't have noticed and I wouldn't have asked Derek...

So, in a messed up way, the creepy dude helped...

But then things never happen normally around here.

And I don't think I would have it any other way.

I was happy. I had my Pack; I had my I had my Mate...

Yeah... Why do normal when I have everything I need already?

AND THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! It is always sad to say that :(

Please, please review XD