Authors Note: HEYO EVERYONE! XD Please tell me what you think; I would love to know XD

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"Explain to me why we have to do this?" I sighed, slumping back into the couch.

All of us – Derek (duh), Isaac, Jackson, Scott, Erica, Boyd, Danny, Lydia, Allison and me – were gathered at Derek's house – fully restored, thanks to all our hard work. Well, Derek had to be there since it was his house, not to mention he was now Isaac, Erica and Boyd's legal guardian, so those three had to be there too.

It was summer vacation – 2012 – and we had to do this Pack thing. I had no idea why we had to do this stupid thing, hence the question. And that was because Derek didn't tell us why, he just said 'do it'. And he may or may not have got very, very growly with me... So growly, in fact, that he went all Alpha and got his red eyes. Yeah... That didn't scare me anymore, and he could tell. Even the rest of the Pack knew! So I just sat there, waiting for Derek to get over himself.

"We need other Pack's on our side." Derek glared. "The only way to do it is for them to visit. So, shut up and do as I say."

"Yes, sir." I muttered, sarcastically, giving the tiniest of salutes...

Hey, it wasn't my fault that I was a sarcastic bastard; I was just born that way! And I was proud! Sure, it got me into a lot of trouble sometimes – and thrown into many, many, many, many walls and other hard surfaces, and not in the fun way – but it was something that made me, well, me. Besides, sarcasm is my defence against everything! If I don't have sarcasm, what do I have? I'm just a pale, defenceless, useless, spastic kid with ADHD and moles. And that's only just starting to describe me.

"So, what?" Jackson asked. "You're saying we need to play 'happy families'? Won't they see through that?"

Derek, I could see, was getting stressed. If this was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears and he'd, probably, be hitting his head against a wall.

"No." he spat out through gritted teeth, curling his hands into fists, sharp claws digging into his hands. "I'm saying don't act like the brats most of you are and be...bearable, at least."

One by one, we all held our hands up in surrender. Yeah, 'bearable'...don't think that was going to work with me...

All of our stuff was already at the house. Derek had made us come over a few days early, so we could get rooms and stuff sorted out and so Derek could fill us all in. I was just glad I didn't have to tell dad the real reason why I was spending the summer with the Pack...

I was upstairs in the room I was stealing for the time when the call came in. I knew it was dad when the chorus of Smooth Criminal started to play... I thought it was funny, I laughed every time I heard it! I was still chuckling as I answered the call.

"Hey, dad." I said, answering the call. "Everything ok?"

Dad had found out during the winter break about all things Supernatural. He had made his way to a clearing where people had reported a 'fight' going on, only he got there and witnessed six people he knew turn into werewolves fighting off this beast that shouldn't even exist... When he saw me, well...he was just glad that I didn't grow fur or have fangs. Dad had slowly started to accept it and not get his gun or wolf bane bullets out whenever Derek would show up. He was getting there and he was trying, that was all that mattered to me.

Right now he was over in Phoenix, for a conference thing... He didn't really want to be there, and I could blame him...but he had to go. We both knew that.

"Hi, kiddo. Look, I'm not going to make it home next week like we thought." dad's tired voice came. "I'm going to be stuck here for a few weeks... You going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine, old man. It's not like I'm alone." I told him. "I got the whole Pack with me."


"I know, I know. I'll be fine. Now go be awesome, like always, and show them your ass kicking sheriff skills."

"I'll get back as soon as I can, I promise this time."

"Ok, dad. See ya."


Hanging up the phone, I sighed, sitting down on the bed – we had gotten Derek to put proper furniture in every room. I missed when dad had the time to just be at home. But since mom... Well, he used to work more to keep his mind off of it and then it was so he could keep money coming in. I never complained, not even when I was a kid. But it hurt. When I was eleven, a year after mom passed, I used to think dad was trying to avoid me. Like he blamed me too for what happened. I thought that for months. He set me straight when he heard me talking about it in my sleep one night. Since then, it just became this ache. I still had the fear of one day he could not come back and I'd have to deal with losing him too, but know there was this dull ache that just... Never mind.

At least I knew he wouldn't be dragged into this.

I was still sitting on the bed when someone knocked on the door. I looked up in time to see it open and find Scott slipping in. It reminded me of when we were kids, on a trip with the school. They put us in different rooms, we had no idea why, so every night we were there – don't ask where we were, I can't remember – one of us would sneak into the others room. It's not like our other roommates minded, I mean, most of them were asleep at the time. I placed my cell on the table beside the bed, smiling slightly as he walked into the room, throwing himself onto the end of the bed... Same old Scott.

"Hey." he said, turning onto his back. "I can smell the sadness miles away. What's up?"

"Dad." I sighed.

"Has to stay longer?"


Huffing slightly, I let myself drop backwards, landing next to my oldest friend. When I was younger, and dad had to work loads, I would always stay with Scott and his mom – until I was old enough to stay home alone for long periods of time. Scott woke up during the night many a time, when I stayed round, to me crying... He knew too well about what I though and how I felt about it all. He was my best friend, practically my of course he'd know.

"He'll be ok, you know that." Scott told me, quietly. "Just a conference."

"I know." I nodded, staring at the ceiling. "Doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Yeah, I know... Hey, you know that other Pack isn't coming till tomorrow... I think we can sneak off and hang out, just the two of us. Just like old times."

"I don't kn..."

"We can go back to yours and watch Batman."

"You always know how to make me agree."

Ok, now I felt a little better... I still wished we didn't have to play host to another group of werewolves though...

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Thanks everyone XD