(I'm trying something new! I've always wanted to write a kidfic, so here's my first attempt. It's going to be a two-shot. Enjolras and Courf are 8/9 and Combeferre is 14. Hope you like!)

"'Ferre, Enj, look, look, look!" someone shouted happily from the other side of the road. Combeferre watched how an excited Courfeyrac stood jumping up and down on the sidewalk, waving at them with one arm and grinning from ear to ear. He was only just in time to grab Enjolras by his small shoulders to prevent the young boy from running across the street without looking.

"Watch out, Julien!" Combeferre snapped, heart beating loud and fast in his chest when honking cars sped by them. "What did I tell you? We always look three times before crossing the streets!" He held a firm hold on his young friend's shoulder and uttered a frustrated sigh. It was a miracle that the child was still in one piece with all the stunts he pulled. He was always careless and reckless when he was out and Combeferre sometimes wondered if it had something to do with his extremely strict upbringing.

Enjolras looked up at his older friend with wide eyes and a defiant frown as if he had no idea why Combeferre was snapping at him. He crossed his small arms in front of his chest and sulkily kicked at a small rock. "I did look... 'M not stupid 'Ferre. I looked real good."

Combeferre shook his head and move the hand on Eniolras' shoulder to the nape of his young friend's neck, letting it rest there. He felt small tremors go through Enjolras' body and a half smile tugged at his lips. He knew Enjolras had scared himself as well. "You know just as well as I do that you did not look. Don't scare me like that Julien. I'm not as young as you, my heart is much more vulnerable."

Combeferre smiled when he heard Enjolras chuckle brightly and he was satisfied that that shocked expression was replaced by a cheerful one. He loved it when he could make Enjolras smile.

"You're joking 'Ferre, I know you're not that old," Enjolras laughed, looking up at his older friend to catch the playful wink Combeferre gave him before turning his attention back to the boy on the other side of the road. "What does Courf have on his arm?"

Combeferre readjusted his backpack and turned a little more concerned. Just before the weekend, on Friday afternoon, Courfeyrac had fallen down the stairs and broke his arm. Combeferre knew, because Courfeyracs parents had called him to let him know. The older boy was somewhat of a guardian to the two boys and he always brought them to their school before going to his own. To some it may seem odd that a boy of fourteen spent so much time with two boys five years younger than him, but Combeferre loved them and he didn't mind hanging out with them at all. He saw himself as an older brother of some sort. Especially to Enjolras, who really didn't have such a loving family around him at all.

"It's called a cast, Julien," Combeferre explained as he and Enjolras waited for the lights to turn green. "Remember that I told you Courf fell down the stairs? Well by putting a cast around the broken arm, it heals better and faster."

Enjolras nodded impatiently and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, eager for the light to turn green so that he could check it out himself. He and Courfeyrac had been close friends ever since the brown haired boy moved into town and joined his class. Enjolras never had many friends. People always found him weird and his sudden enthusiasm or passion often scared the other children away. Of course Combeferre was always there for him, but it was good for the blond boy to finally have a friend his own age. Courfeyrac was immediately mesmerized by Enjolras' personality and Enjolras found Courfeyracs cheerfulness addicting. They became close friends pretty much right away. And whoever was Enjolras' friend, was Combeferre's friend. When the cars finally stopped, Enjolras pulled out of Combeferre's grip and sprinted towards the other side of the road, almost colliding with Courfeyrac in his haste. Combeferre smiled and shook his head before calmly crossing the street as well.

"Look, look!" Courfeyrac exclaimed again, his eyes wide with excitement, and he reached out his arm to show the cast. "Isn't it cool? Everybody at school is going to love this. I'm a daredevil! I laugh in the face of pain!"

Enjolras grinned and carefully traced his fingers across the stark white plaster. His own blue eyes were shining just as bright as Courfeyracs and his mouth was slightly agape in amazement.

"And see this?" Courfeyrac turned his arm and pointed to a drawing of a pirate skull, complete with eye patch, hat and knife. "My dad drew this. He told me that everyone would now know how tough I am. And! And he said that I was allowed to let everyone draw or write on it if I wanted to. Look! Look, 'Ferre, isn't it cool?"

Combeferre, who was watching his two younger friends with amusement, raised his eyebrows a little and nodded. "Yes, Courf, it's very cool indeed. You'll be the point of attention for days, I'm sure." Combefere grinned and ruffled the brown curls. Then he draped both his arms around his younger friend's shoulders and gently nudged them in the direction of the school. He couldn't help but smile contently all the way there, listening to the lively chatter of Enjolras and Courfeyrac.

When they arrived at the building, Combeferre had to tighten his hold on both his friends to keep them from hurrying off into the school. He knelt down a little so that he was on eyelevel with them and held a firm grip on their upper arm. "Now you both know what we agreed upon right? You both wait here for me after school. No wandering off or playing adventure games unless within the school gates, am I clear? I don't want a repetition of last week. I can still feel Monsieur Enjolras' glare because I brought you back home late."

Courfeyrac nodded impatiently, eager to go inside, but Enjolras looked down at his feet and mumbled a soft apology. He too didn't want a repetition of last week. It wasn't all that fun at home when his mother and father were angry with him. And he felt guilty for them being mad at Combeferre as well while his older friend was in no way to blame. He looked back up when he felt a gentle hand squeeze the nape of his neck and he smiled at Combeferre's kind face. "Promise 'Ferre," he said quietly, blushing furiously when Combeferre placed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Alright then, off you go," the bespectacled boy chuckled. He watched the two boys run off together and give him the peace sign just before they went inside. Combeferre snorted and shook his head. Then he turned around and walked towards his own school.

Enjolras was in a bad mood. He loved Courfeyrac and he thought his cast was totally awesome, but he didn't like the attention Courfeyrac was getting from everyone. Not because he didn't think his friend deserved it, but because he felt left out. The other school children never paid attention to him and usually that didn't matter, because he had Courfeyrac, but now Courfeyrac was constantly busy and nobody really noticed Enjolras anymore. And he didn't like that. He felt a little jealous even and he wished he could be just as popular for once.

During lunch break, Enjolras sat at the end of the table watching how other children scribbled and drew all over Courfeyracs cast. He clenched his jaw and frowned annoyed when he realized that he hadn't even gotten the chance to decorate his friend's plaster yet. There was a sudden burning feeling behind his eyes and Enjolras quickly stood from the table and walked towards the bathrooms. He knew he was being childish and he chastised himself for it, but unconsciously Enjolras felt very lonely. He was Courfeyracs best friend and yet it was almost as if he wasn't even there today.

He stayed there during the entire lunch break. Luckily they only had gym for two hours and then they were done for the day. He hated gym. He was always picked last, unless Courfeyrac was the one to pick and he just wasn't good at it. Enjolras wanted to go home.

When he learned that his friend was excused from gym because of his injury, Enjolras felt even more miserable. The only thing that made these two hours only slightly bearable was the fact that Courf was there with him. He sulkily made his way towards the dressing rooms and changed into his sports uniform. Nobody really paid attention to him, but even though Courfeyrac wasn't there, he and his stupid cast were still talk of the hour.

"It's not that cool you know," Enjolras muttered bitterly under his breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear but himself, "He fell down the stairs. It was just a stupid accident."

He was the last one to enter the gym and saw they were going to play basketball. Again. They always played basketball. With a deep sigh, the blond took a seat on one of the benches and waited for the teacher to choose captains who could then chose their teammates. Again, he was picked last.

Enjolras was in such a miserable, bitter mood, that he wasn't paying attention to the game at all. He was just standing there somewhere in the middle of the court, wondering why on earth they had to play games like this while they could much better spend time studying or doing something useful. He was sunken so deep into his own thoughts that he was too late to notice two of the tall boys run in his direction. In a desperate attempt to avoid a collision, he made an awkward twist and stumbled over his own feet. As he fell to the floor, he had no time to catch himself on his arms or hands. He tried though.

A painful snap made Enjolras world tilt and for a moment he feared he was going to pass out. Seconds later he wished that he had. It felt like fire was spreading from his wrist to his hand and his arm and he squeezed his eyes shut. Before he knew it, his face crumpled and he was full on crying.


(Hope you like it! Please let me know!)