A Nalu fanfiction
Disclaimer~ I do not own Fairy Tail, I just own the plot of this story.
I could hear a knock at my door and paper shuffling under the door. I really didn't want to get up from my cozy bed. I glanced at the clock to see it was 6 o'clock in the morning. I groaned allowed. Why in the world would anyone leave mail at my door at this time of day. I lifted myself out of my cozy bed and walked over to the mirror. I could hear my bed calling back for me to sleep.
"Come back Natsu!" The bed shouted. I took a glance back to actually consider it but made a final decision.
"No bed, no." I groaned. I looked at my appearance and gave myself a thumbs up. I basically checked myself out in the mirror, don't judge me, everyone does it. Usually when people saw me the word pink would pop into their mind. It's salmon. Why is that so hard for people to understand? Also I can't forget my favorite question everyone asks me when I meet them "Do you dye you hair?". No, I did not die my hair like this. I was born with my hair pink, I mean salmon. I shoveled my body over towards the door. On the ground I saw a letter that was light blue with a couple stars on it. I raised a brow at the letter, I didn't know someone put so much effort into a letter design. The front read:
To: Natsu Dragneel.
From: The Astronomy Class.
Of course. The stars should have given it away. It wasn't even my choice to join the class but my father had forced me. I haven't even been in the actual class yet and their sending me a letter. The class actually starts today around 9 am. Igneel said it would be a fun experience, what did he mean by that? Igneel said he took it when he was around my age and told me that's how he met mom. Igneel said the stars would bring me luck and lead me to my love life. My dad was sure a lovey dovey person and I'm not sure if I'm up for the whole relationship thing. I've actually never dated anyone before.
I know you must be thinking "But Natsu your an 19 year old boy in college!" I have heard enough from my mother so I do not need to hear it from anybody else. I just didn't like anybody. That might sound a bit weird but I just didn't like anybody in a romantic way. Girls have tried asking me out before, but I didn't want to lead them on thinking I actually liked them like that. Don't get me wrong, I do like girls, I just haven't found the right one. My mom had tried setting me up with some girl named Juvia before but she was crazy for my best friend Gray. Enough talking about my going nowhere love life back to the letter! I carefully ripped the letter open to reveal a yellow tinted with stars at the top letter. The letter read:
You're invited to The Star Party!
This is a party for the Astronomy class to look upon the stars.
You may bring a friend and some snacks.
Come and join us to look into the telescope and see the stars!
The party will start at 9pm tonight and end at 11pm.
See you there!
Stargazing actually sounded kind of fun. I never really thought about stargazing before, but I like the idea of it. Maybe I should bring Gray and Gajeel with me. They would probably call me a pansy for even considering going. I should just tell them there's going to be chicks at the party and they'll come sniffing like dogs. I might as well call them now and get it over with. I pull my phone from my pocket looking for two names I knew would be there. I'm going to call Gajeel first. I hear the phone ring for about three times 'till he answers.
"What do you want pest!" Gajeel screamed into the phone.
"Why I was only going to ask if you wanted to go to a party tonight."
"What kind of party?"
"A stargazing one."
"I'm going to hang up now."
"Wait!" I shouted.
"What is it you pansy?" What did I tell you. I knew he would call me a pansy.
"There's going to be chicks." I smirked knowing he would give in.
"When and where is the party?"
"9pm and it's at the school football field." Then Gajeel hung up. I knew he was going to go but he was just too stubborn to say he was. Okay now that Gajeel was checked off the list I've got to call Gray. As soon as Gray picked up the phone I got a lovely greeting.
"You damn prick what do you want at 6:30 in the morning?"
"There's a stargazing party at the school football field at 9pm, and there's going to be chicks." I really wanted to get this phone call over with, so I decided to speed things up a bit. Gray took about five seconds to reply with an even nicer comment.
"You are the nerd of all nerds and I'm in." Gray hung up. I knew Gajeel and Gray extremely well and knew they would give in if chicks were involved. I don't even know who's going to be there so Gray and Gajeel are shit out of luck if they aren't happy. I placed my phone over to the side and walked into my kitchen. Boy was I hungry. I heard the slamming of a door from the hallway revealing Gray Fullbuster.
"Natsu why did you call me when I live with you!" Gray yelled.
"I was too lazy to walk to your room." I called back. I was honestly too lazy, but I also wanted to piss Gray off.
"You are seriously an idiot." Gray remarked while taking a seat at the table. I probably should have mentioned I don't live alone. After high school Gray and I decided to move in together. We thought it would be a better idea if we just cut the rent in half. Gray and I also go to the same college, and same with Gajeel. We kind of stayed together throughout the years watching each other's backs.
"Natsu, hand me the cereal." Gray groaned. I moved over to Gray with two bowls and spoons with a box of mini wheat's. This was a morning routine. We would move extremely slow and take our time until 30 minutes before class starts. We got an apartment literally 2 to 3 blocks away from Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail is the name of our college. The school was such a nice place, I loved it there.
"Natsu stop day dreaming and pass the damn milk!" Gray hissed. I did as I was told ignoring his rude manner of speaking. After eating I went to my room and started getting dressed. I shoved on a plain black T-shirt with some normal blue jeans. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and felt a purring cat rubbing up against my leg.
"Happy!" I exclaimed. I picked Happy up and twirled him around which made him a bit sick considering he looked like he was going to throw up on me.
"Sorry Hap's" I gently put Happy to the ground and picked up my phone to see the clock. 7:00 o'clock. I might as well and leave early today to check out the astronomy class. I walked out of my room and saw that Gray had already left. Maybe he went to get some coffee. Mhm coffee sounds pretty good right about now. I put out some food for Happy and left my apartment. I walked through the streets of Magnolia.
I smiled to myself feeling as if today was going to be an extremely good day. I walked into Scarlet's coffee and cake shop. I walked into to see the regulars like Cana drinking and Elfman yelling to Evergreen about being a man. Except there was someone I didn't recognize. She had blonde hair with a ribbon on the side, she wore a blue skirt which was a bit short and a white matching top. She was breathtaking. Snap out of it Natsu she's a complete stranger. I walked up behind her in line and waited for my turn. She walked off after ordering and my eye's followed. She went and sat down waiting for her coffee.
"Natsu!" Erza snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned my attention towards her. Erza owned this place and went to school after working in the morning. Erza was a good person but she was scary after you got to know her.
"Would you like the usual?" Erza asked. I nodded and paid for my drink and looked for a place to sit. Erza's place was always extremely packed in the mornings so you would always make a friend here and there. I looked over to the blonde by the window and got up the nerve to ask for a seat.
"Is anyone sitting with you?" I asked. I became super nervous at this moment. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was freaking out inside. She looked up at me and smiled.
"No, there's no one sitting here with me," She giggled. "Would you like to?" I nodded and sat with her. This was girl was so nice. Usually when I said that to a girl they would give me a glare assuming I was hitting on them. The girl suddenly put her hand out.
"I'm Lucy Heartphilla." Lucy chimed. I took her hand into mine and shook.
"Hi Luigi! I'm Natsu Dragneel!" I teased. She looked a bit taken back.
"I said Lucy!" Lucy hissed. I started to crack up.
"Okay whatever you say Luce!" I grinned. I was warming up to this girl pretty quickly. She blushed at the nickname I gave her.
"So Natsu, how old are you?" Lucy questioned.
"19 years old." I replied.
"Really," Lucy smiled. "Same here."
"So do you go to Fairy Tail college?" I asked. Lucy was about to reply until our coffee's were brought to us.
"Two wet cappuccinos." Erza stated while placing the drinks on the table. I lifted the drink up to my lips taking a sip. I looked back to Erza who motioned her hands towards Lucy and then winked at me. I started choking. Lucy looked up at me and started patting my back trying to help me. I regained my normal self and started up the conversation again.
"So as I was saying," I began but Lucy cut me off.
"Why yes I do." Lucy stated taking a sip of her drink.
"As do I." I replied.
"What's your favorite class so far?" I questioned. Sure I was being nosy but I had a feeling me and Luce were going to be good friends.
"I really like astronomy class," Lucy smiled. "It's suppose to start today and I can't wait for the party tonight." Lucy had look of excitement in her eyes, it made me excited as well. Lucy looked up at me and turned her head muttering something.
"I didn't hear that Lucy." I teased. Lucy looked me straight in the face and spoke the words I wanted hear.
"I don't have anyone to go with." Lucy mumbled. I wanted to laugh at her embarrassment but that would be rude of me. Who am I kidding I really wanted to laugh at the look on her face.
"Oh that's too bad." I said. My eyes locked with Luce's when she looked like she discovered something huge.
"Will you go with me!?" Lucy exclaimed. I smiled and decided I would tell her I also have the class.
"You know Luce." I said. Lucy looked at me like I was going to reject her.
"What Natsu?" Lucy leaned closer to me.
"I also have that astronomy class," Lucy's jaw dropped. "And I would love to go with you." Lucy looked like she was going to kill me.
"You planned this all along!" Lucy pointed her finger at me accusingly.
"Well that doesn't matter because now you have a date." I said without thinking. Lucy turned as red as a tomato and I felt the same.
"I um mean," I began but Lucy cut me off.
"Yeah a date." Lucy smiled.
Authors Note~ I know, I know I should be writing a new chapter for the princess and dragon which if you haven't already read, you should. I don't know if I should continue or leave it at that, it's up to you guys. I came up with this idea when my cousin was talking about her astronomy class having a stargazing party tonight and thought of this for a fanfiction. I hope you all enjoyed this and tell me if you want me to continue this lovely story!
Until next time
Glen coco out~