Hello people! This is not the first Lab Rats story I have written, but it will be the first I publish. I got the idea when watching Avalanche, and I began to wonder, "What if Chase wasn't pretending to be evil?" So here is what came of that thought!
It turns out that I'm not the first person to think of this idea. Croc9400 wrote a story called "Avalanche Rewritten." I swear I found it when I pretty much done writing "Death of a Team." After going over it, though, we had very different ideas. The only thing the same is evil Chase and it takes place during/after Avalanche. Go check her story out, it's really good.
This first chapter will pretty much just be the scene from Avalanche, except from Chase's POV. Don't worry, it'll change soon. I just had to explain a few things.
WARNING: If you have NOT seen Bionic Showdown or Avalanche, don't read this! It contains spoilers and won't make sense!
Alright, I'll stop talking so you get reading! Disclaimer: I do NOT own Lab Rats. (But how cool would that be?)
* * * Chase's POV * * *
"Look, Chase," Douglas was saying as he leaned on the pole in the middle of the tent, "you and I have a lot more in common than you think. I know what it's like to be unappreciated, to have a sibling who always steals the spotlight! I know how hard it's been for you." I glanced over at him. "And I can help."
"For the last time, I don't need your help!" I insisted.
"What if I told you . . ." Douglas swung slowly around the pole and eased over to me. ". . . you could be stronger than Adam and faster than Bree." I looked away. I didn't want to be interested. It was probably a lie anyway. But the way he said it sounded so . . . so wonderful. "I can make it so you have all three abilities. Speed, strength, and intelligence."
I looked up at my evil father. All three abilities? To outrun Bree? To out fight Adam? No, no, I told myself. He's lying. He has to be lying. "How?" I asked cautiously.
"You were the third one. By the time I got to you, I knew how to build in capacity for upgrades. But my brother took you away before I could finish." Douglas sat down next to me. I tried not to look at him. "Join me Chase. I can help you be all that you were meant to be." Douglas grabbed a plate next to him and held it up. "Deviled egg?" I rolled my eyes.
"But if I go with you, that means I'm abandoning my family," I pointed out.
"The same family that mocks you?" Douglas asked as he stood up. "That never gives you the credit you deserve, for anything?"
A plan was forming in my head. If I went along with him, if I could get him into the lab, then we could get rid of Douglas forever. I would just have to play along. And I was a genius, so it couldn't be that hard! I stood up. "What would I have to do?" The words were sickening as they rolled out of my mouth, but I knew it was just an act. I didn't truly mean it.
"I just need to upgrade your bionic chip," Douglas explained. "But as you can see, I no longer have access to state of the art systems." Douglas tapped one of the poles of the tent. "So, we'll have to use Donald's cyberdesk."
"Yeah, I guess I could sneak you into the lab. Mr. Davenport won't be there," I lied. "It's Wednesday, which means . . . something's getting waxed."
"He is hairy." I nodded, this time in genuine agreement. "He gets that from our mom."
We glanced around for a second before Douglas continued, "It's perfect. We'll be in and out before anyone knows we're there." Douglas held out his hand to me. "What do you say?"
"Alright, Mr. Davenport," I said, grasping his hand and shaking it firmly. I felt slightly nauseous as I did so, but I still managed to say, "I'm in."
"Super!" Douglas said. We both began to laugh evilly. I had never done that before. Was it wrong that I found it so enjoyable?
Douglas pulled me a little closer. "If you want, you can call me Dad!"
"No, I'm good," I assured him. We pulled away from each other. When he had turned around I wiped my hand on my snow pants disgustedly. Why had I decided to do this again?
Liked it? Hated it? Review, review, review! Hey, this might sound a little weird, but if you review, could you let me know what line you liked best? It helps me know what you guys like to see. It doesn't work as well for this chapter, since I didn't write most of the lines. But my favorite part to write was, "We both began to laugh evilly. I had never done that before. Was it wrong that I found it so enjoyable?" Thank you so much for reading! I'll update soon!