Bucky POV

"So you know how to steal a car too?" Natasha asks me.

I turn to the woman sat in the backseat of the car "it's called borrowing."

"Let me guess Nazi Germany" she raises her eyebrow.

I smile, assuming that Steve had already had this conversation with her "Nazi Germany" I simply say.

The car is silent for around 30 minutes before Natasha spoke. "Hey Steve are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"Nah I'm fine" Steve replies and tightens his grip on the wheel.

"Common when was the last time you slept?" Natasha asks as if she was Steve's mom.

"When the last time you slept?" Steve turns giving her a concerned look, she pauses. "Go on, get some sleep, I'll wake you if anything happens" Natasha tried to refuse Steve's offer but she finally gave in.

The car is silent for what felt like forever, as Natasha falls asleep, however I break the silence. "So does Howard live at the Tower?"

Steve shook his head in sadness – that was never good. "Howard died in 1991" he says in a saddened voice. Howard was dead? I wasn't that close with him but still… I remember going to watch his flying car presentation at the Stark Expo like it was yesterday.

"How did he die?" I ask curiously.

"Car accident" he says nervously, looking everywhere but in my direction. What is he so nervous about?

"So who is the Stark that lives in the tower?"

"Tony Stark" I look at him weirdly "Howard's son" he explains.

"His son? Wow never expected him to start a family"

"Yeah, believe me I was surprised as well" Steve smiles.

"So what is he like?" he looks at me confused "his son?"

"He's a jerk" Steve smiles before looking at me "so I think you would like him."

"Haha very funny" I smile and so does he. The car is silent for a while before my eyes start to hang heavy; everything darkens.

My eyelids slowly open and I yawn before turning to Steve who is concentrating on the wheel. "Hey how long was I asleep?"

"Three hours" he says "we should be there in around 20 minutes."

I nod before turning to the back seat to find Natasha still asleep. "So, how come you didn't want to date Sharon? She seems like a nice girl, apart from the whole gun pointing thing."

I watch Steve's face change almost instantly at the sound of the woman's name. "I just didn't get round to asking her."

"Hey Steve" he looks at me waiting for my answer "you've always been a terrible liar." He sighs in response "What's the real reason?"

"It's just…" he pauses.

"It's just what?"

"Sharon's last name is Carter" he gives another sigh.

"As in Peggy?"

"Peggy is Sharon's aunt" he says in sadness. I know he had a huge crush on her but there was nothing serious between them... unless it happened after I fell off that train.

"What happened between you and Peggy after I… you know?"

He clears his throat before sighing "Whilst we were trying to stop Skull from bombing the US, Peggy kissed me before I got on the plane… When the plane went down, her voice was the last thing I heard." He sighs and takes a deep breath. I see how much she meant to him, it's devastating that he crashed that stupid plane just after he had finally got the love of his life.

"Hey man you don't have to go on" I say trying not to get him worked up.

"I feel like I need to tell someone" he sighs turning to me "do you mind?"

I shake my head "No… I'm here for you pal."

He sighs "when I woke up, I found out that she was in a retirement home." She was alive, that was great right?

"Did you visit her?"

"Not at first… I didn't know what to say to her or what to do when I saw her. I didn't start visiting her until around a year ago." He sighs again; I know he's going to tell me something bad. "When I got there I found out she had a husband and a family" He takes a deep breath "It angered me because if it wasn't for that plane that could…" he pauses and bites his lips.

"That could have been your family" I finish his sentence.

He nods before sniffing "Anyway, I was talking to her when she suddenly looked at me in surprise." This didn't sound good… "She said – Steve, you're alive, you came back, it's been so long… she didn't remember talking to me a few moments before." He looked like he was going to break down into tears; I wouldn't blame him if the love of his life had Alzheimer's disease. "It broke my heart."

"I'm sorry that happened to you Pal" I sigh "I would hug you but you're driving so…"

"It's okay" he sniffs, trying to calm himself down.

"Life is unfair" I sigh, thinking of what's happened to both of us.

"Too right Pal" he sighs.

"If you had the chance to go back…would you?"

He looks at me confused "as in time travel?"


He gives a surprisingly long pause "Uh… I don't know."

"What's stopping you?"

He pauses nervously "uh… the healthcare is better."

I raise my eyebrow "that's coming from the man who has the amazing super soldier serum inside of him." He looks at me nervously "common what is stopping you? Or should I say who is stopping you?"

"Oh look, were here!" He says nervously.

So who do you think is stopping Steve? Tell me in a review :)

Anyway hope you liked this chapter :)

Next chapter will have some Avengers goodness in it, I promise.Don't forget to favourite, follow and review :)

Until the next update
