Hello, my dears! So, I've been working on a Female Reader x Elsa story that has been posted strictly on , but my roommate has finally worn me down enough to upload it here. This is my first time writing in second person and it feels a little weird, but I hope you all enjoy it nontheless!
Nothing ever really bothered you. Normally you could be seen with a large smile beaming across your face and a heartwarming laugh bubbling in your chest. You loved everyone in Arendelle, you knew everyone in the kingdom, and everyone loved you.
"Excuse me," a snobbish lord almost hissed, "but will this take much longer? I do have other things to do today."
Your face set in a firm scowl as you applied the finishing touches to the gold ring the man had requested you make for his wife. It was one of your finest pieces of work, despite the fact that it had been rushed by the customer. The expensive metal shone brightly as emeralds sparkled in the deep engravings around the band. A sense of pride swelled inside you as you finished polishing the piece of jewelry.
A yawn threatened to escape your lips, but you managed to conceal it. You had told the man that the ring would be completed in a week, a task that even some of the most skilled jewelers and smiths would have shuddered at, but he had insisted that it be done in two days. No, he had demanded it.
The man standing pompously on the other side of the counter had greasy, slicked back black hair and a pencil moustache to mach. He was a shorter, heavier set man that implied that he never got out much and probably spent the majority of his time sitting at a desk and eating fine foods. A small pout puckered at his pencil thin lips as he tapped his many ringed fingers against the wood impatiently.
"Just one moment, my lord," you try to say in as sweet a tone as possible. You set the ring gently in a black satin box. A joyous smile spread across your lips as you catch your reflection in the glistening, precious metal.
You close the box and set it on the counter in front of the snobby noble on the other side. "Here you are, my lord. I must say that this has to be one of the best rings I've ever made. I hope it is to you and your wife's liking."
The short man huffed rudely. "We shall see." He opened the box and removed the ring. His tiny, black eyes scanned the piece of jewelry haphazardly before he placed it back into the box, closing the lid. "I suppose it will have to do. I will give you one-hundred for it."
Your eyes nearly fall out of your head. "Pardon me, my lord, but we settled on the payment of at least three-hundred for this ring."
The man snorted. "I would only pay three-hundred for this ring if a man of expert skills had made it. You, you are just a silly woman. A woman who is stuck running around doing any and all forms of handy work the royals assign, and a bastard at that. You should be happy that I even came to your shop to get this ring cast."
Anger boiled in your veins. You took a deep breath in order to keep your voice calm and collected. "Forgive me, Sir, but you came here because all the other jewelers refused your request to make such an intricate ring in two days when they knew it would take at least a week to get the gold band cast. I was able to cast this ring in the amount of time every master craftsman shuddered at the thought of. We had agreed that if I was able to finish the piece in the time allotted the cost would be three-hundred."
A small bark of laughter escaped the nasally man's lips. "In case you have forgotten, Miss, we had agreed that the due time for this ring to be completed would be by noon of this day. As you can see," he turned to the large clock in the middle of the town, "it is currently twelve-thirty in the afternoon. You are thirty minutes late in crafting, so I will only pay one-hundred for it."
Your hands curled into fists. This man could not be serious? He was the one who had been late to retrieve the ring, so you had decided to give it a little extra polish to make sure it radiated in the sunlight. You had been on time. This pompous asshole had not.
"My lord, I finished the ring in the time I was given. You were the one who is late to pick it up. I decided to give the ring an extra polish free of charge in order to show good feelings."
"You dare to talk back to a noble of Arendelle?" the portly man shouted. "Do you know who I am? I work directly in the queen's private council! You should be happy knowing that someone in the royal court is even at your shop offering you one-hundred for this piece of junk you call craftsmanship."
He swipped the box and stuffed it into his pocket. "I will give you ninety for the ring, and I assure you that the queen will be hearing of this scam you are trying to pull." He threw the money into your face and strutted off on short, pig-like stubs for legs.
You could feel the blood burning white hot as it sang through your veins. Steam was emanating from your mouth in thick waves as you tried desperately to calm yourself. Once the man was out of site, you knelt down and began picking up the money off the floor with shaking hands.
Correction: you loved everyone in Arendelle, except nobility.
A small whimper emanated from behind you and you felt something cold and wet nuzzle against the bared skin of your elbow where you had rolled your sleeves up to avoid getting polish on the cuffs. You tucked the money into your pocket and placed a hand on the wolf standing by your side. He was a large brute of a canine (standing as tall as you were), with dark grey fur speckled with white and razor sharp fangs, but a true sweetheart underneath. You had found him in the forest as a puppy trying to suckle on his dead mother's teat within a week before coming to Arendelle several years ago.
"Looks like we're going to have to stretch it tight this month, eh, Summit?" You scratched the spot behind his ear and he growled contently. "We'll only be twelve ahead once I pay the rest of the money for the materials used for that ring."
Summit whined sadly at you and licked your cheek.
"Aww, thanks, buddy," you nuzzled noses with the wolf and stood up. "Well, let's close shop and see what we can buy. I'll even spoil you a little and offer to help the butcher again to see if I can't get you a big pork bone for free."
The wolf's ears perked up and he barked excitedly as his bright red tongue lolled out of his mouth.
You exited the shop and locked the door before going over to the small forge, picking up the tools and materials you had left over and locked them away. You leapt over the railing and was about to sprint down the road when the sound of hooves flooded your ears. A loud, booming voice was heard shortly after.
"Miss, are you by any chance the famous Huntress of the Godswood?"
You turn and see a small squad of the queen's personal guard trotting up to you on their destriers. A small, irritated sigh escaped your lips. Great, more nobility; what did the royal council want from you now?
"I am. Might I ask what it is that the queen's personal guard wants with me?" You ask kindly, beaming a fake, sweet smile at the commander of the small platoon.
The man blushes slightly at your beautiful smile and clears his throat. "We require your assistance in an important matter. Would you please come with us?"
Summit growls at your side. You reach up and gently stroke his bristling scruff soothingly. The wolf relaxes somewhat, but his amber stare is still locked on the guardsmen and their nervous horses.
"Down, boy," you lock eyes with the commander. "What kind of assistance do you require of me?"
Queen Elsa sighed internally as her sapphire eyes roamed dully over the council members who were chatting idly amongst themselves before their meeting. She really did not want to be here. All she wanted to do was go outside and join Anna on her horseback ride through the forest.
The leaves were beginning to change colors so the forest was set ablaze with various shades of gold, red, and even pink. She always found autumn to be such a soothing season. It wasn't anywhere near as hot and uncomfortable as summer, but it still had the same happy effect on the people of her kingdom that seemed to disappear in winter.
The queen pushed her platinum blonde bangs out of her eyes and exhaled heavily. Her ice gown relaxed across her bust as her lungs released the large amount of air she had not noticed she had been holding. She would do anything to get out of this meeting.
"I still don't quite understand what the problem is," one of the council members stated calmly. He was eying up a golden ring encrusted with flawless emeralds and intricate designs molded into the band. "The craftsmanship is exquisite."
"The problem is that damn woman at that shop!" the portlier man nearly shouted. "That silly girl thought that I would actually pay her three-hundred for this piece of junk. What kind of man would pay that much for something a woman crafts, much less a bastard woman?"
"Wait, you mean you didn't pay three-hundred for this?" the second man stated, astonished at the shorter man's explanation. "How much did you pay?"
"I offered one-hundred, but the cunt exploded in a fury saying how I was late in picking it up and questioning my authority," the black haired man scoffed. "I took the ring and gave her ninety instead of the hundred I offered, but I should have her arrested for trying to swindle me. No one wants something that has been crafted by a bastard woman."
"Ninety?" the second man gasped, returning the gorgeous ring to the shorter man. "This ring is worth at least five, no, six-hundred! If anything, you swindled her! She only wanted three-hundred for this? I'll have to stop by and have her craft the ring I want for my fiancé!"
This obtained the queen's attention. She rose from her seat and waltzed over to the two men discussing the ring. "Might I have a look at this ring?"
The two men froze. This was the first time Queen Elsa of Arendelle had ever participated in any of the discussions held before a meeting. Something must have really captured her interest if she was suddenly joining in.
The portlier man held the ring up and Elsa took it in her slender fingers. Her eyes widened slightly in shock. The first thing she noticed about the ring was that it was light, very light. There was no doubt that whoever wore it would hardly even know it was there. The second thing she noticed was the fine material it was made of. The gold didn't have a single scratch and the emeralds were absolutely flawless, cut just perfectly to hold a fireburst pattern within the gem. Finally, she noticed the intricate design molded into the band.
"This must have taken quite some time to craft," she breathed in awe.
"She completed it in two days," the portly man informed. "All of the other jewelers had said that it would take a full week of just working on this ring to even get the band completed, but I had no intention of waiting a week. I went to this bastard woman's shop thinking that she would be so desperate for business that she would bend to my request, but even she had said that the other jewelers had been right. I demanded that she craft this ring for my wife and have it done by today. I left before she had any chance to deny my request."
Elsa's eyebrows narrowed at the haughty man in front of her. "Allow me to repeat this so I can see if I understand you correctly, my lord. You were denied by every jeweler in Arendelle because your expectations were far too high. You then decided to force this task upon a woman who you believed would not be able to complete it, so you made a deal with her in order to get the cheapest price. When you found that not only did she complete your ring, but did an excellent job at crafting it you paid her with less than a fifth of what this piece is worth. Does that sound about right?"
The portly man felt a bead of sweat roll down his face. "Well…if you say it that way, it sounds like I'm a crook. I assure you she tried-"
"It sounds like you are a crook because you swindled someone like a corrupt lord," Elsa stated firmly. She handed the ring back to the portly man and summoned her guards. "See to it that this man pays five-hundred and ten to the woman who crafted his ring and escort him from the castle. Also, do not allow him back onto the premises unless I have personally told you otherwise. We do not need corruption in our council."
The small, fat man looked around frantically as two guards grabbed either arm and dragged him from the hall. "Wait, your majesty, please! I beg of you! Don't do this! If I'm not in this council, I'm nothing!"
The portly man's pleas were silenced by the large, oak doors slamming behind them.
Elsa turned to her remaining council members and cleared her throat. "I apologize that you had to witness that. This meeting will be postponed until we have found a new council member. Meeting adjourned."
The men and women in the council filed out of the hall, passing quiet glances of approval at the queen for finally ridding that man from the council. Elsa could only sigh at the irony of the situation. She had wanted to get out of the meeting, but this hadn't been how she had planned on doing it.
Short chapter, I know. The chapters in this story are going to be quite a bit shorter than from my Elsanna fanfic "When Winter Met Summer". Just try and bear with me as I try to update two stories at once. I just needed something to get my mind off of the other story for a while. I'm still working on it; don't worry.