A/N: Good lord its been a while since I updated, just about 2 months. Whoops. I'm really sorry about the wait, it's just that my laptop died which means I can only write when I can wrangle the family laptop of off my brothers. Also as I will be entering my final year of schooling next year, the teachers gave us lots of homework.
Once again, I apologise for the lateness, but here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR or Harry Potter, they belong to Akira Amano and J.K. Rowling respectively.

Warnings: Probable OOC-ness, Boss!Tsuna and cursing (courtesy of Gokudera, but too much exposure leads to other characters picking up the habit)

Harry was able to glimpse the weapons falling from the table, which had snapped cleanly in half, before a bright light almost blinded him. He turned his head away from the source and noticed the other students doing the same. A loud cracking sound filled the room followed by a small, terrified shriek that was quickly cut off.

Moments later the light vanished and all the students turned back. Harry's jaw dropped open when he saw that the room had been covered in an icy layer. It fell even further when he saw that all of Tsuna's family, apart from Reborn and himself, were trapped within the ice up to their necks.

"Now then, I believe it's time to get on with the lesson. Wouldn't you agree?" Tsuna turned to face the class, orange eyes burning and a smile on his face.

"Horrible, atrocious, a disaster!" Umbridge screamed to all present. Currently Tsuna and Reborn were situated in Dumbledore's office with Professor McGonagall and the Minister for Magic present as well. Umbridge had been ranting non-stop for about five minutes now and Tsuna was starting to get a little annoyed.

The lesson hadn't been that bad. After he had frozen his guardians the class continued on how he had wanted it to go and he even managed to set homework for the class. Of course the minute the class was dismissed Umbridge informed him that he was to got to Dumbledore's office and that brings us to where we are now.

"I do believe we have heard enough, Dolores." Professor McGonagall interrupted. Tsuna nearly let out a sigh of relief when Umbridge finally stopped talking. He managed to hold it in, but he noticed Reborn giving him a small smirk, the one that he had come to associate with torture, and had to hold in a shudder. That just made Reborn smirk wider, so Tsuna looked away from him.

Dumbledore looked over at him with an odd twinkle in his eye which, for some reason, made Tsuna think that the old man was up to something. It made Tsuna smile slightly, which in turn made Dumbledore smile and clap his hands together. That noise startled McGonagall and Umbridge out of the glaring match that they had been having and brought the Minister to attention. Dumbledore gave the Minister a pointed look.

"So, Dolores, what you are saying is that you believe that Sawada Tsunayoshi and his family are unfit to teach at this school?" The Minister asked.

"Yes, Minister, that is what I am saying."

"Well then, it seems that we should do something about that." The Minister then turned to face Tsuna and Reborn.

"I think that you should remove yourselves from the premises of the school as soon as you possibly can. Sooner rather than later, if you don't mind." The look they received was so close to a sneer that Tsuna was shocked. This person was a highly respectable figure in the magic world and was looking at them as if they were merely dirt upon his shoe.

"My apologies Minister, but I would like to know exactly what Professor Umbridge found so horrible about my lesson. She never actually described what it was that she found atrocious." Tsuna stood up and allowed his Will to flare briefly in his eyes. He enjoyed the look of terror that appeared briefly on his face but it vanished quickly.

"What I found horrible in your lesson was that it was a danger to the students. You have no control over your family and they are all going end up destroying the school." Umbridge turned to him. This made Tsuna's hackles rise. How dare she accuse him of not being able to control his family? She had been in the room when he bought everything back into order.

"Excuse me, professor, I would like to remind you about the fact that I am perfectly able to control my family. If you remember correctly, I was the one who stop the rampage that they were having. You were sitting there looking scared out of your wits rather than trying to protect the students." Tsuna retorted. He saw Reborn give him a look before raising his hand slightly. Tsuna blanched a little and took a deep breath. It was probably not a good idea to let his anger get the best of him.

He looked back at Umbridge and saw her floundering around like a fish on land. The sight nearly made him laugh, but he knew that it would not better his case. He took another deep breath and continued speaking.

"My apologies for my rude tone just now, however you should know that you were insulting myself and my family, which is something I cannot pass by. However I will refrain from saying anything that could make both of us upset any further. I would like to say however, that –" Tsuna cut of as his ring started glowing.

The room became deathly silent as all eyes turned to Tsuna's ring. The Minister and Umbridge looked ready to pull out their wands, and the only thing stopping them was the look of exasperation Tsuna's face.

"It appears we are about to get a visitor. I assure you, he is not dangerous, but all the same it would be best not to insult my family again when he appears." All of the occupants, apart from Reborn, stared at him.

"What do you mean 'we are about to get a visitor'? No one can enter this office without the headmaster's permission. There is too much magic for that." The Minister burst out. Tsuna looked over at him.

"Yes that is true. However this person has been here the whole time, but they haven't been listening. And even if they had been they can't do anything with the information, because, simply put, they're dead." The Minister and Umbridge blanched at the lack of emotion within his last sentence.

"Now that was a mean thing to say, Decimo." All eyes turned towards the new figure standing in the office.

"But it's true, Grandpa. Also, what did I tell you about calling me 'Decimo'?" All occupants watched as Tsuna and Giotto continued to banter back and forth. The Minister was staring with his mouth open at who had appeared. It seemed that no one else had realised who was in the room with them and kept trying to interrupt the banter. Reborn shot them all a glare.

"They'll be finished shortly." He told them.

Almost like they heard him, which they most likely did, Giotto's eyes sharpened and turned orange. This caused nearly all of the occupants to shudder, and it was made worse by the way Tsuna's eyes did the same thing.

"Now to the reason I came. Daemon has informed me that Mukuro and Chrome are having nightmares that don't belong to them." If possible, Tsuna's eyes sharpened even more and everyone was listening intently to the conversation happening.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that those nightmares actually belong to the child." Tsuna's voice had dropped and made the magical occupants shudder. Dumbledore's eyes sharpened from the sentence and he began to listen even more closely.

"Something like that. It has been going on for a while now, actually." Giotto added that sentence on as an afterthought. The room temperature seemed to drop about ten degrees.

"And I was only informed of this now?" Tsuna's voice was icy and even Giotto looked like he was starting to sweat.

"Well, we weren't sure if they were happening every night. It seems like it is, as this is the fourth night in a row that it has happened."

"So what your saying is that that child is suffering from nightmares and we have been watching it happen?" Tsuna's voice nearly made Reborn shudder then. Giotto nodded his head and the whole room became silent, wondering what was going to happen next. They were not expecting Tsuna to tilt his head to the side looking all cute and confused.

"Wait, back up a bit, you said 'something like that' when you answered my question about whose nightmares they were. Do they not belong to the child?" At this point everyone except for Reborn and Dumbledore were lost in which direction the conversation was going.

"Well they do, but they don't. It seems to be some sort of magic thing. But it could also be a mist thing like with Chrome and Mukuro sharing the dreams." Giotto explained. The room fell silent again as Tsuna started thinking.

"It would have to be a magic thing, as no one other than us has come into contact with the child. I would like to know how it is happening though." Tsuna looked at Giotto who nodded before turning towards the Minister and Umbridge.

"Now then, I heard that you don't think that my grandson is unfit to teach at this school. Am I correct?" Giotto's eyes blazed. Umbridge opened her mouth to speak but the Minister cut her off.

"Of course not, Mr Vongola. It was just a heat of the moment thing. He is fit to teach at this school." Everyone stared at him as he spoke. Moments before he himself had told Tsuna to leave and now he was allowing him to stay.

"Very well. Good day to you all, I must be getting back before someone destroys something." He waved before he started glowing and then disappeared.

"What was that about?" Umbridge asked the Minister.

"Well, Dolores, that man who just appeared was the founder of Vongola Academy and the reason we found out about their brand of magic. I didn't know he was your grandfather." The Minister turned to Tsuna.

"More like my great-great-great grandfather. Do you know who I am, Minister?" Tsuna asked, a curious expression on his face.

"No, actually, I don't." The Minister confessed. He was starting to get a really bad feeling about this. Made even worse by the smile that fell upon Tsuna's face and the smirk gracing Reborn's.

"Ah well, its no big deal, you just tried to sack the Vongola Decimo." Tsuna's smile grew bigger at the look of fear that was sitting on the Minister's face.

"Now then, if you will excuse me, I need to go and see a man about a snake." Tsuna said, looking Dumbledore in the eyes. A nod was shared before Tsuna bowed and left the office, Reborn following after him.

The moment they were around the corner, Tsuna fell to the ground exhausted.

"That was terrifying. I thought we were done for then." Reborn glanced down at him before pulling out his gun from his pocket, where his hand had rested the entire time they had been in the office. Tsuna blanched and quickly scrambled to a standing position and started running to his office.

He arrived to see that his stack of paperwork was considerably shorter than what he had been expecting. Tsuna walked in and immediately sat down. He picked up a sheet, sighed, and then went about completing his paperwork.

A knock at the door to the offices startled Tsuna out of the daze he had entered from seeing the prices and amount of damage repairs he was signing for. He glanced up, grateful for the reprieve, before walking out of his office and opening the door.

"Professor, we need to talk."

Harry winced as he made his way back to the common room. Detention had gone on later then usual because Umbridge had arrived late. It didn't stop her from making him cut open his hand again. The bleeding still hadn't stopped and was running down his hand. This concerned Harry, as he could still feel the bandage that Tsuna had put on his hand. He shrugged slightly before he walked through the portrait hole and straight into Ron.

"You alright mate?" Ron asked, pushing him back upright.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Harry shrugged, ignoring the way the movement sent a shot of pain through his hand.

"Really? 'Cause you don't look we – bloody hell, is that blood?" Ron's exclamation drew Hermione's attention.

"Blood? Where?" Hermione looked at Harry anxiously. Harry sighed before gently raising his still bleeding hand. They all watched in silence as a drop of blood rolled down his fingertip and land of the carpet.

"What? How?" Ron spluttered about until Harry and Hermione gave him a look.

"You have to tell Dumbledore, or at least McGonagall, about this, Harry." Hermione stated as she wrapped a scarf around Harry's hand.

"No, I cant do that. It will look like I'm giving in. Plus it probably wouldn't be too long before Umbridge passes a decree that anyone who complains about the 'High Inquisitor' gets sacked." Harry said as he moved towards an armchair by the fire.

"Ah, speaking of which, do you think Tsuna-sensei got fired?" Ron asked as he sat down next to Harry.

"I don't think so. I did some more research on Giotto Vongole and found out that he was actually quite powerful politically when he was alive, so if the professor inherited it I'm sure he's have enough connections that could mean his stay at Hogwarts." Hermione answered, shifting in her seat a little to face Harry.

"Your hand has got Umbridge written all over it and I'm guessing that this has been happening in every detention, so how come we have only just noticed the blood now?" Harry gulped before shifting slightly.

"Um, well, you see, the thing is that –"

"We helped him." The trio jumped and turned to face the newcomer.

"Chaos, you three." Reborn smirked and tilted his fedora down. The trio stared in shock before Reborn motioned Harry to get up. Remembering what Tsuna had said about the man, he got up quickly and made his way towards him.

Reborn grabbed Harry's hand and, ignoring the protests coming from the other two, started unravelling the bandage still around his hand.

"It's a really good thing I brought a spare bandage. This one is soaked." Reborn muttered once the bandage was finally off Harry's hand. Ron and Hermione were staring in shock at the bandage that just seemed to appear on his hand, and also at the one that Reborn pulled out of his pocket.

Reborn ignited his flames and began healing the cuts on the back of Harry's hand, completely ignoring his audience. He quickly wiped away the excess blood when he had finished healing and then wrapped the new bandage over Harry's hand.

"I expect to see you at our office once dinner is finished tomorrow." Reborn stated firmly as he let go of Harry's hand. Harry nodded before moving back to his seat and sitting down. His movement startled Hermione and Ron who both turned and looked at him.

"Harry, did you say thank you?" Hermione sighed when Harry gave a start.

"No I didn't. Thank yo – huh, where'd he go?" Harry had turned to face Reborn again, but he was no longer in the room.

All three glanced around the room, but they didn't find him anywhere. Shrugging, all attention turned to Harry's hand.

"Blimey, are you sure he put the bandage on it?" Ron asked when he saw no bandage at all on Harry's hand.

"Yeah, I can still feel it. It was something Mukuro did to it. I don't know what, but it works." Harry told them. He looked over at Hermione and he could see the wheels in her head turning.

"Harry, we need to start a DADA club. And we will need a real teacher to teach us, because Umbridge isn't teaching us anything about the proper way to protect ourselves."

"Oh yeah, we were talking about this before we got distracted by your hand." Ron interrupted. Hermione gave him a light glare before continuing on.

"I propose that our teacher be you. After all, you're the one with the most experience." Harry's dumbfounded look had Ron going on about all the battles he had won in the last four years.

"Okay, okay. That's all well and good. Let me think about though. Anyway, don't we need a professor to approve of the club and watch over it?" Harry knew his chances were slim of getting away when he saw Hermione's face light up at his question.

"Oh leave that to me. I know just the perfect one."

A/N: And there we go. I know that its a little smaller than previous chapters, but this one wanted to end here. Hope you like and leave me some review. Tell me what you like, what you didn't, and any constructive criticism you have. Please and Thank you.