
Chapter 1—The letter

Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, Loki, or the Avengers. They belong to Marvel/Disney.

Asgard. Not really home anymore. The Shining Realm held a tarnish Thor knew it would never lose, not for him anyway. His sojourn in Asgard ending, as his return was only meant to last a few days. He was in his chambers, gathering a few belongings when he heard a gentle knock at his door. Thor bade them enter, hoping he didn't appear too rude by not opening the door himself, as he was too busy going through a stack of books.

Soft footsteps came to a halt not far behind him. Female. Too quiet to be Sif, and she was off on some errand of her own anyway. Thor turned away from his task, not surprise to see Eir, Asgard's chief healer, waiting patiently.

"I have a few things for you," she said, nodding toward the bag she held in one hand and what looked like a letter in the other.

Thor raised an eyebrow in question, crossing his arms.

"Don't give me that look, young man," Eir said, handing him the bag first, watching as he opened it. "Healing stones. Use them sparingly. I know you'll need them, and what kind of friend would I be to your dear mother, letting her son run off to a primitive realm unprotected?"

"Thank you," Thor said. "This is a gift I will not take lightly."

"I know, but try not to put yourself or your friends in a position where they'll be needed," Eir replied.

"Easier said than done, my lady," Thor said, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Imp," Eir said. "That's not all I have for you. The letter in my hand I held for Queen Frigga for the past four years. She said I was to give this to you, only if something ever happened to her. This is the first opportunity I've had to make sure it finds its way to your hands."

Thor took the letter from the woman.

"What's in it?" he asked.

"Your mother never told me," Eir said. "I never asked."

"Thank you," Thor said.

"You're welcome, my prince," Eir said, taking her leave.

Thor stared at the letter several minutes before sitting down. Words from his mother. He pondered the off chance it was an offering of words of wisdom. Though more than likely not. Only one way to find out. Thor broke the seal, unfolding the pages.

My dearest son-

I write this with a heavy heart. The events of the past few days have finally given me the courage to say what should have been said long ago. I swore an oath to your father, and I will not break my word to my king and husband.

But that does not mean I cannot set you on the path to a truth that should have been brought into the light, for if it was known, possibly Loki would still be with us.

I know not what transpired in the weapons vault. Loki would not tell me, and Odin also refused. I only know that conversation was what set Loki on his path away from us, his family.

Your father has a reason for everything he does. As his wife and queen, I often challenged his decisions, and sometimes, I even won. But on this one matter, I could not move your father once his mind was made up. His choice was one I never agreed with, and we have all paid dearly since.

Thor, go to your father. Show him this letter. Do not let him from your presence until he relents, and tells you the truth. Once you know, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us both.