It was Tuesday night, Main Event, and Renee's knees felt weak and her heartbeat began to race. She stood off to the side of the announce table as she watched The Shield take on the Wyatt Family for the third time in the last couple months. She watched as the Hounds of Justice finally got the upper hand and were really taking it to the buzzards. That didn't last long for Roman though when Luke Harper hit the suicide dive and the Samoan went flying across the announce table, down to the ground. Renee was glad the camera at least was not getting a glimpse of her because she was frozen in fear. She wasn't sure why but she fought so hard not to go over there and check if he was okay. The impact was pretty hard and even though he was big and muscular and could take a hit, she worried anyways.
Why was she so concerned for his well-being? Why was she always nervous around him? Why did her knees always threat to give out? Renée did not want to admit it but she was in love with Roman Reigns. She felt as if she was committing a crime. First off, she hadn't even known him long enough and she already loved him. They weren't even dating. For Christ's sake, he was engaged and had a daughter with his fianceé, Jessica. How selfish could she be? How could she feel such thing for a man who was taken and had a family?
During the WWE Hall of Fame, 48 hours ago, she could tell the love that Roman's fiancée had for him. The way she clutched to his arm and stood so close to him. The way she looked at him and smiled. When Renée got to interview him, she was actually relieved that Jessica stood off to the side. It would have been an awkward situation that she would be feeling on her own. Jessica surely had no idea and it was obvious that Roman only had eyes for her. Pretty obvious...that is his fiancée. During that interview, Renée tried to stay as calm as possible and not let anything really show. Towards the end though, before she realized it, she complimented Roman on how he looked great that evening, just like always. She mentally slapped herself and could feel her heartbeat increase. She played it off though and smiled at him and Jessica before they walked away. It wasn't really surprising but she was glad that she smiled back at her. Renée was relieved that Roman didn't give her another playful wink like he had done on RAW. In that moment, she almost fainted and lost her composure for a split second.
The interviewer sighed in relief when Roman got back to his feet just in time to see Dean Ambrose hit his finisher on Erick Rowen and claimed the victory. She tried to hide her excitement when she saw the three men in black celebrate their victory; especially Roman who pumped his fist in the air repeatedly. She walked over and stepped onto the steps with her mic in hand. She got in the ring, her hear beating fast, like usual and stood in between them, beginning the interview. When it was time for Roman to talk, she hesitated a bit but finally placed the mic in front of him. Her breath hitched as she looked into those grey eyes that were giving her such an intense stare along with the sexiest smirk that she had ever seen. What was he doing?
"Renée, do I look like I'm faceless baby?" he asked with the biggest smirk ever, looking into her eyes.
Renée could not hold back the smile. Did he really just call her baby? She glanced at the ooing crowd before she looked at him again, shaking her head no shyly. Roman was definitely not making anything easier with his on-screen flirting. Renée just thought that he was doing it to be playful and play off their now face status with the crowd. As the weeks went by, Roman flirting towards her was increasing though. Between calling her baby girl, the wink, and now calling her baby straight out with that seductive look, she wasn't sure what to think.
Again, Renée slapped herself as she stepped off to the side when Roman took the mic out of her hand. Their hands touching sent shivers down her spine and all she could do was stand there, with a million thoughts running through her mind. Luckily she came back to Earth when they handed her the mic back and finished up the interview with Seth Rollins taking the last word. As she climbed out of the ring and walked away, she was confused, nervous, and also giddy. As she made her way backstage, she tried to hard not to cry though as her emotions changed in an instant. How was it possible for her to have such strong feelings for a man who already has a family. She felt like a home wrecker even though she really wasn't doing anything. Roman had no idea how she felt and it's not like he felt the same way anyways.
Once The Shield got back into their private locker room, all three quickly showered even though they had to make another appearance on smackdown as well. It would be a while and they didn't want to wait, while being sweaty. They wore light clothes so it would be easier to change back into their gear once it was time.
"Why do you keep doing that man?'' Seth asked the Samoan as all three sat on the bench and relaxed a bit.
"Do what?''
"Flirt with Renée.'' Dean answered and smirked.
Roman sighed. He could never lie to his two stable mates. They were practically his brothers and he hated lying; but, he would have to unless they saw right through him. His situation was tough, even though he didn't give the impression that anything was wrong in his personal life. "You guys know it's just for the cameras. We're faces now, we have to be playful somehow.'' he shrugged. "Besides, Dean you flirt with her too.''
"Yeah but it doesn't mean anything. She's a close friend of mine and that's why we travel together and can mess around without it being awkward. With you, I'm not sure it's the same case.''
"What is that suppose to mean?'' Roman furrowed his eyebrows at the U.S. Champion.
"He means that, there might something more behind those flirtatious remarks. Don't ya think?'' Seth asked. "And don't lie to us Roman. We see right through you.''
Roman laughed nervously, knowing that it was coming. He really wasn't sure how to explain. "She's fucking beautiful man. Fuck!'' He tossed the towel he had in his hand across the room where it hit the wall and landed in a heap on the ground. "And that personality of hers. Oh God...the way she carries herself.'' Roman grunted and stood up, beginning to pace back and forth. He was freaking out now.
Dean shook his head. "We knew it. You like her.''
"Not exactly.'' Roman stopped in his tracks and looked at his stable mates as he bit his bottom lip.
"Oh c'mon man. Don't tell us that you love her. I swear I will punch you in the face.'' Seth stood up. "What are you thinking man? You haven't known her very long. You're have daught-"
"I know!" Roman snapped all of a sudden. "Feel free to punch me out because I fucking deserve it.'' Roman plopped down on a nearby chair and sighed.
Ever since Renée began to interview them, there was something about her that Roman liked. He wasn't sure if it was her personality, the looks...maybe it was a combination of it all. He had lived with a speck of guilt since that first time she interviewed them and now, it was even bigger. He loved the blonde while he had a fiancee and daughter at home, always waiting for him to come home to them. Things with his partner weren't really terrible. It was him rather than her. She hadn't changed and treated him very well, loving him and doing things for him. That's the main reason why he felt guilty. Here, he had a wonderful fiancée and he was in love with another women as well.
From his point of view though, he just didn't feel as strongly about his fiancée like he used to. Again, she wasn't what changed, it was him. When he kissed her, there was that lack of passion. When he arrived home, he would be excited to see her but not to the extent of not being able to be away from her. Nothing was the same for him and he wasn't sure what drove him away from her. Sure, partly it was because of his love for Renée but that wasn't totally it. He knew that he couldn't continue to string her along. He had taken her to the hall of fame two days ago and he regretted it; it made it seem like he was so happy with her and that wasn't the case. Not to mention when Renée interviewed him, he had to make sure he was composed and not do anything stupid. He at least remained calm when she told him how good he looked. He was surprised about that himself.
"Fucking hell, stop sweating itdude.'' Dean said in a careless way. He wasn't too fond about relationships so he always had lazy advice, if you can even call it that. "You still love that fiancée of yours don't you?''
"Yeah I do but I'm beginning to only love her as my daughter's mother. Not so much as my fiancée. Fuck! I feel like the biggest asshole in the world.''
"That's not true man. You can't help who you fall in love with. If things aren't the same with your fiancée, it must be for a reason.'' Seth placed a hand on Roman's broad shoulder.
"A blonde reason.'' Dean laughed but then stopped when Roman gave him a death glare. "Sorry, look man you have to end it with Jessica. You're making yourself miserable.''
"Wow. You actually gave great advice for once.'' Seth gasped dramatically.
"Fuck you.'' Dean flipped him off and they all laughed. Roman laughing less than the other two.
"My daughter though.'' Roman hung his head low. He loved his daughter and didn't want to punish her because he couldn't keep the family together. She was young and to not have her parents together would be horrible; on the flip side, how could he do that to his fiancée? She was nothing but good to him and he was going to break her heart. At the same time, he couldn't stay with her just for their daughter. It would be wrong and he would be living a life he was not enjoying, mostly. He really wasn't the same with his fiancée and it couldn't continue that way. What made things even worse was that he wasn't even sure that Renée felt the same way. How cocky could he be? Talking as if he was so sure the blonde loved him back when they aren't even together and he's taken. How pathetic. He thought to himself. Renee was not that type of girl and anyone could figure that out.
''Your daughter, it's going to be tough man but if you stay with Jessica and things aren't the same, you'll be getting into arguments and that wouldn't be good for her to be around. Plus, she is young but that's actually a good thing. She'll get used to it and once she's grown up, she'll understand what's happening.'' Rollins inputed.
"I guess you have a point. I have to talk to Jessica...and then Renee.'' Hopefully she feels the same about me. He thought. He hated to have to break Jessica's heart but he just couldn't do it anymore. He could live without Jessica...but he couldn't live without weird as that sounded since he never really saw Renee that much. When he didn't see her, he felt weird...incomplete he guessed you could say. He shook his head and rubbed his temples. This was not going to be easy.
Author's Note: This story won't be long but hope you enjoyed this first chapter :)