Hey guys! Holy shit this took me a really long time to write. My original version of this got destroyed because my computer turned off right in the middle of it, and it exited out of my writing, and right after that I had to take State tests, and more recently i've been trying to get ready for end of the year Exams, in short high school is really kicking my ass. Who ever decided 180 days of school was a great idea is dumb and I hate them. Well, this was shortly finished a few minutes ago, and I've had maybe 2 hours of sleep in the past 2 days because apparently my brain thought it was okay for me to stay up for the entire 24 hour livestream they did this weekend, and then not sleep again because hey who needs sleep anyway! So this goes out to Jen! Who will hopefully never read this because it's really terrible and she wanted to draw fan art for it BUT NO DONT DO THAT MY WRITING IS HORRID PLEASE STICK TO THE BLUE EYES WHITE RIBBON. But check out Jen on tumblr at .com becase she it a really good artist and is really kind and REALLY AWESOME AND I LOVE HER. Okay yeah, hope you enjoy this chapter because I have no idea what I was going for because i've written this like months apart from each half. I like don't even remember what I was going for anymore. Hopefully with summer coming up I'll be able to improve my writing and this story, just 13 more days and I'M FREEEE~! Good luck to anyone else in the same boat as I am :3

"Don't. You. Dare. Take one more step." The voice resounded behind Ruby, stopping her dead in her tracks. "Good, you can at least follow simple instructions. Now, turn and face me." Ruby did as told, the tone of her voice not leaving any room for argument.

'I'm so going to die' Ruby though as she hesitantly turned around.

When Ruby turned around she was greeted by the sight of a girl around her age, with a very pissed off frown on her face. Her Icy Blue eyes were narrowed as they analyzed Ruby, her lips tightly pressed together as she observed her "stalker", and her arms crossed protectively over her chest. Ruby notice the girls white hair again, slightly pulled to the side, it seemed so familiar, Ruby just couldn't place it. Other than her hair, Ruby noted she wore a white dress stopping just above her knees, a narrow black belt around the waist, a long sleeved black jacket with a red inside over top of it, and a pair of boots that came half way up her calf. She appeared to be almost flawless, however a slightly pink scar over her left eye stood out against her pale complexion.

The girl before her was not what Ruby was expecting when she heard her singing. Ruby had pictured a weak, frail looking girl. The only thing Ruby saw was pure anger and irritation wrapped neatly up in a short, prude looking teenage girl, although to be fair, Ruby did kind of creep up on her, in an obviously abandoned portion of the school, most likely wanting to be alone, Ruby would be upset too if she were in her shoes.

"Who are you and what are you doing here." She demanded, glaring straight into Ruby's silver eyes. It made Ruby uneasy.

"Well, uh, um, You see" Ruby Stammered "I was a- I'm here to- I was just" Ruby tried to explain herself, crazy hand movements and all, but couldn't form a coherent explanation. Her cold stare was making Ruby unable to think properly, only wondering what on earth the girl was thinking about.

"Well? Can you not speak properly, you dunce?" She spat, voice raw with anger.

"I was, uh, h-here to practice..." Ruby replied meekly, and lowered her eyes to the ground, afraid of further upsetting the girl.

"Practice what? Your stalking, because that's the only thing I saw you doing!" She fumed.

"I WAS NOT STALKING YOU!" Ruby snapped her head darting up, obviously offended. Quickly realizing what she'd done, her face exploded with heat and her eyes were once again glued to the floor.

The girl was extremely upset before, now she was furious 'How dare this child speak to me in such a tone!' She fumed internally.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" She asked, patience thinning.

Ruby lifted her head to look at the girl once more, and shifting uncomfortably under her stare. Ruby still couldn't quite remember where this feeling of familiarity came from.

"N-no." She mumbled.

"You Dolt! Do you even watch the news? Have you ever read news article?" She whined "Does the name 'Schnee' mean anything to you!? Hmm? As in the Schnee Oil and Gas refineries!?" She shouted, voice rising with each question.

The pieces finally came together in Ruby's mind, where else would she get white hair from? They are literally the only family in this city with a Pure White color scheme.

"ohhhhhhhhhhh" Ruby finally said, "Thats why you seemed so familiar! Your name is….Weiss, right? The only child of Mr and Mrs Schnee?"

"Well wouldn't you know, you aren't completely brain dead." She replied sarcastically with a not-so-subtle roll of her eyes. "Yes that'd be me you dolt."

Ruby was a little scared now, knowing this girls social status, she could practically have her removed from the earth without anyone questioning it. Well her sister and father might.

The Schnee's were known nationwide as one of the most wealth Oil and Gas companies in the Country, and they pretty much owned all of Vale, and more, due to it being such a prosperous city for mineral drilling. However, it also meant that they were involved in a lot of labor force controversy and was one of the reasons Ruby recognized her. Her family was the main center of racial discrimination in the working class. They appeared to be cruel towards their Faunus employees, and to the race in general , and have been under question of it for many years, but nothing is really certain to the public's knowledge.

"Well, uh, I'm sorry?" Ruby apologized, even though she felt she really had no reason to.

"You better be you creepy brat. Speaking of which, arent you a little young to be out and about? Don't freshmen have lunch this period?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Ehhh, yeah I think? I'm not a freshmen though so I wouldn't know?" She laughed weakly, she was always getting asked about being a freshmen, even though she never truly was one, she was moved up right before the school year started.

"What? You only look about 15? Are you still a middle schooler? Here to visit?" She asked harshly, mocking Ruby's young nature.

Ruby became slightly irritated at her tone, "Yeah well, I'm a Junior, Same as you, I skipped a few grades." She retorted, failing at trying to not sound as offended as she was.

"Oh wow, so you're notbrain dead? Could've fooled me." She scoffed.

Now Ruby was pissed.

"Why don't you just leave then!" She snapped. "Why are you even still here!"

"I was here first, so in theory, you should be the one to leave." Weiss snapped back.

"I've come here every single day for the past year, I'm not leaving just because some- some princess wants me to. Just go use the new music room, the dirt and dust here doesn't suit you anyway, wouldn't want you to get dirty now would we? " Ruby replied snidely. Ruby wasn't usually one to stand up for herself so soundly, but this was the only place she felt safe. Secure. Maybe that's why Weiss was here too? Maybe they were the same kind of person.

Weiss's face hardened, seething with anger under her collected facade. "Very well, It's unbecoming to fight with a child anyway." Weiss replied some-what calmly, and started off down the hallway.

Ruby's sudden guilt didn't help as she trudged into the music room, pressed her back to the cold metal door, and slid to the sighed and lightly tapped her head against the door.

"Home sweet home."