Hey guys! So this is my first fanfiction, well I did have like a 2 chapter Rosario Vampire fic a while ago, but i abandoned that ship because I was like 12 and had no idea what the hell I was doing, so this is my first serious fanfiction and i'd really like to try and keep at this! This idea has been with me for a while because as I'm a huge music enthusiast I listen to it 24/7 and I have a lot of music that reminds me of Rwby and the respective ships :) I can't say for sure if i'll be able to keep this going because I'm not a very good writer but I decided to try and have a go at it, and if anyone is interested in maybe beta-ing this that'd be lovely. Oh and if anyone has any idea on what instrument Wiess would play that'd awesome if you could suggest it to me because currently I have Ruby on Guitar and Vocals, Yang as the Drummer, Blake as a bassist, and maybeeee Weiss as a keyboard player and some extra instruments like Violin for a more diverse type of rock music. Well, if you like it leave a review and help me out kay~!

-Dani, Aka Snow-White-and-Little-Red

"Yaaaaang!" Ruby shouted as she ran towards her sister.

"Ruby?" Yang questioned as she looked around her locker door and towards the girl running towards her. Well more like struggling towards her as the Beacon High hallways aren't the most spacious in the world, and it didn't help that Ruby was a very small, very short teenage girl.

"Yang! Help!" Ruby shouted as she neared her sister, trusting her to help pull her out of the swarm of students she was currently drowning in.

"Upsie daisy lil sis!" Yang said cheerily as she yanked her out of the crowed and into the safety of the less-crowded locker section.

"Ahhhhh" Ruby sighed as she dusted her jacket and jeans off, trying to get what ever it is weird teenagers carried on their disgusting bodies off her clothing.

"And this is why you should have stayed in the safety of the year you're supposed to be in." Yang reminded her as she pinched her cheeks.

"But freshmen are so...gross." Ruby shuddered at the though of gross 14 and 15 year olds with sagging pants and shouting "swag" and "yolo".

"Ruby, I hate to break it to you, but you're supposed to be a freshmen." Yang said as she tapped her sister on the cheek and then put her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah but I'm super awesome and skipped two grades!" Ruby grinned proudly.

"Yeah yeah, i bow down to you my Liège" Yang said sarcastically and pretended to bow down to Ruby.

"Haha" Ruby and Yang both giggled.

"Okay but seriously, this is important." Ruby said, suddenly getting serious.

"Yeah, whats up Rubes?" Yang asked as she closed her locker and leaned her back against it.

"Well, do you remember when we though it'd be really cool to join a band?" Ruby asked.

"Umm, yeah when we were like 7 why? Did you suddenly find someone who wants a 15-year-old Guitar player slash singer slash genius and a 17-year-old female drummer." Yang said laughing slightly.

"No, but that's where my new idea comes in!" She squealed excitedly. "We're going to start our own band and recruit members!"

"What." Yang deadpanned.

"Yeah! I made cool flyers and everything!" She said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her sister. "Look!"

"...Well they certainly are...interesting." Yang said as she scratched the back of her head.

The flyers simply read: "Open Auditions, looking for musicians, any instrument or Vocals. Auditions are to be held in Beacon High School Auditorium April 24/25/26. Musical genre preference: Rock!" and had a few cute little drawings of musical notes and instruments that Ruby drew.

"Yang, I really want to do this. Will you please join, there's no way I can do it without the best female drummer in all of Vale!" Ruby said, hoping fully that flattery would persuade Yang into agreeing, and luckily for Ruby it defiantly did. "

Hey young lady, it's "Best Drummer in the whole damn world!" how dare you just confine my talents into female and just in vale!" Yang said teasingly, a grin appearing on her face.

"So you'll do it?" Ruby asked pleadingly, accompanied by her sweet puppy dog eyes.

Yang sighed "Fine, I'll do it, but just to prove to all those assholes out there that women can kick ass at the drums!" Yang said proudly as she pulled a pair of drumsticks out of her back pocket and thrust them into the air, thus causing Ruby and herself to burst out in a fit of laughter.

However, their joy was cut short as the warning bell resounded throughout the halls. "Shit, gotta run little sis, if I'm late again "Professor" Port" she said with air quotes as the teachers at the school preferred to be called so even though they were just high school teachers "Is going to write me up and send me to detention."

"Alright, see you after school." They hugged and went their separate ways.

'Man this is so awesome!' Ruby though as she skipped down the hall, on to her class.

So that's about it :3 It was about as terrible as I imagined.