Hiya! Tis is me, Midnight! And I have decided to make another story instead of update my others. Also, this story won't just be in Loke's prov the whole time, it will switch depending on what is happening that chapter. And for those wondering if there are going to be any pairings in this story, sorry to disappoint you, but no. I don't do that a lot though there will be minor Lucy/Loke in this. Please tell me if I should continue, I will highly appreciate it, so review, favorite, and follow! Farewell and Enjoy!

-Let there be midnight

Me No Own Fairy Tail

The Attic's Little Secret—

Thumps in the Dark

Loke rested his head on the smooth pane of the glass window, sighing as he watched the scenery flash by the car, not paying attention to what was in front of him. He averted his gaze to the red mop of hair in the driver's seat diagonal from him, humming to a song on the radio as they got nearer and nearer to their destination.

Erza had decided to drag him, Lucy, and Gray along to this summer vacation house that her parents for some reason bought, then let her take her friends down to it while they had their own vacation somewhere in the Bahamas. Lucky bastards, Loke wanted to go to the Bahamas, but he was forced to go to this house that has been abandoned for fifteen years or so years with no neighbors surrounding the place for at least ten miles. Lovely. The only upside to all of this really was the large lake that was apparently next to the house, but Loke doubted they would even get to swim in it since the weather was chilly. It was summer dammit! The weather should be blistering hot! Not some damn autumn weather! Loke want's a refund.

Loke glanced out the window once more and saw that they were now passing through a forest filled with pine trees that towered high above and obscured the cloudy sky from view. The path soon became gravelly as the road turned into rocks and a large mansion came into view.

The mansion was old but looked to be once beautiful with vines crawling up the walls and intertwining with each other, two large oak trees standing near the porch that had a seat swing with rusting metal bars that bent to make a pretty design. The grass was a dark green and over grown, growing through the cracks on the walkway that reached the house and the rose bushes had grown awfully long and needed a good trimming. The windows were dark with grim and hard to see through, some looking to be boarded off with wood while others loomed with darkness. The door was a large dark wooden oak door with a gargoyle knocker, the paint starting to chip. In the distance a little beside the mansion was a large lake, some of the trees hiding the dark waters from view.

"This is a mansion, Erza, not a house like you said it was." Gray said as he stood a little in his seat beside Loke to try and get a closer view of the large mansion. Erza shrugged as she parked the car.

"It's still a place that shelters people, is it not?" she asked as she opened the car door and got out, followed by Lucy and Gray, then by Loke whose only motivation to get out was the fact that he had been sitting down in the car far more than his butt would like him to.

Loke's eyes seemed transfixed on the house as he got his luggage out from the back and started to walk forward. The mansion seemed far more intimidating then viewed from the car, almost like it had come straight from a horror movie itself. Loke shuddered at that, cursing at himself for even thinking that.

"Hold up!" Erza called as she rushed forward with her mountain of luggage, somehow managing to balance a key in her mouth as she did so. She hopped up the three stone steps leading to the porch, letting go her luggage as she unlocked the door. The others piled in behind her, waiting for her to do so. It only took her a minute for the sound of the lock to click and the door to creak inwards eerily, showing them the darkness that laid inside.

"Alright, this did come straight from a horror movie, great." Loke muttered to himself as he was the last one to file on in, looking around the room to try and see what he could through the darkness that blanketed the rest of the house. Erza closed the door and fiddled for a light, finally managing to find it and turn the switch on.

The crystal chandelier above them flickered a few times before lights remained on, dust heavy in the air. In front of them was a wooden staircase with an old woven red carpet with dull gold designs going up and heading into the darkness with the banister a dark mahogany wood that had designs carved and curvy spindles. Off to the side was a wooden table lent against the flowered wall paper. In the middle was a dark reddish lamp with two candles on both sides. Two pictures were on it, but they were laid face down, dust covering the back in a layer. Leading into a different hallway was the same colored rug on the stairs, seemingly ending in darkness.

"This place gives me the creeps." Lucy muttered to Loke, eyeing their surroundings. Loke nodded his head.

"You aren't the only one that thinks that." he muttered back.

"There are rooms upstairs so I'll let you guys pick them out while I find the kitchen and start putting food in it." Erza said, grabbing three large plastic bags from within the confines of her luggage and carrying it off to find the kitchen. Loke, Lucy, and Gray all shared a hesitant look before they grabbed their own bags and started to ascend the creepy looking stairs, Gray being pushed to the front much to his displeasure.

"Why were we forced to come here again?" Gray asked grumpily as he fiddled for a switch at the top of the stairs, finding it and turning it on, lights lighting up all the way to the end of the hallway. Gray didn't give them time to answer him as he chose the first door on the right and went right in, closing it behind him. Lucy raised an eyebrow slightly at Loke while he just shrugged in responds.

"Hey, it leaves more alone time for us." he said suggestively. Lucy groaned and chose the door on the right, slamming it in Loke's face before he even had the chance in coming in. He chuckled to himself as he stood out in the hallway alone; staring at the door Lucy had just gone through, then making his way to the end of the hallway were he found the second to last door and entering, closing the door behind him.

In the middle of the room was a king size bed with a blue and green knitted quilt along with what seemed to be a billion pillows. In one corner of the room was a bluish plush armchair with a round end table next to it, a candle sitting upon it with an old worn out looking leather journal. On the wall with the door was a tall dresser with built in mirror and a large circle green knitted rug taking up the space between the end of the bed and dresser.

He walked to where the bed was and dumped his stuff on it, his attention turning to the leather journal on the end table near the arm chair. Just like everything in this house, the journal was covering in layers of dust, making the leather look lighter than what it was. Interested on what was inside, walking over and taking the rough material in his hands. Tossing it a little, Loke blew to get the dust away, a cloud of it floating in front of him and making him sneeze until he batted it away from his nose. Once the dust was no longer assaulting his nose, he unclasped the buckle of the journal and flipped to the front page.

'June 12th, 1998

I have found the perfect specimen to start the experiment I have so desired to start. I have never found anything as suitable as him, even though he is just a babe, but still, he's just perfect, but soon he will be far more than perfect. He will exceed my expectations, I just know it. There's no doubt in my mind.

Well, I must go for I have to start the experiment, though I know the real experimenting won't be till later years.


Loke furrowed his eyebrows at what he just read, but didn't have much time to ponder it as Erza called him and the others down, wishing for some help. Hesitantly, he set the journal back down on the end table and exited his room, casting one last longing eye towards it before he continued down the hallway. He will read more of the journal later, for now he better get down before Erza punishes him for coming too late.

He was soon in the kitchen with Gray and Lucy while Erza stood in front of them, putting some cans in the cabinets.

"We are missing some things so while me and Lucy go to the store, I want you two—" she looked pointedly at both Loke and Gray. "—to finish putting the food in the cabinets and fridge, then clean the kitchen then the whole house. The cleaning supplies are in the trash bag labeled cleaning, and once you are done with that, put them under the sink, understand?" she gave them a sharp look for which they gulped slightly in fear at before they saluted as if they were in the military and she was their general. Erza smiled sweetly as she finished putting the cans up, looked at Lucy and grabbed her car keys from where they were on the counter. "Let's go." And with that, both girls left. Once they heard Erza's car leaving, Gray and Loke let out a breath of relief, before they shared a look.

"She's going to be the end of us one day." Gray mumbled, going over to a trash bag and starting to sort the food on the counter before he set them in the cabinets, Loke doing the same with the other.

"She's going to be the end of everyone one day." Loke corrected, Gray nodding as he chuckled a little.

"True, true." he replied in amusement.

The two of them worked in silence, organizing the food until they heard a loud thump on the floor above, the light shaking a little and the cans in the cabinet shivering. Gray and Loke snapped their heads to the other, sharing a look with eyes that read confusion and some hint of panic.

"Gray," Loke started out a bit slowly, hand freezing from where he was putting up a bag of chips, Gray's hand freezing with a jar of peanut butter. "Please tell me you heard what I've heard." he asked, his voice trembling a little. Gray gave a tiny nod, setting the peanut butter on the counter as they turned to face each other.

"We're not going crazy, are we?" Gray asked even though there was a hopeful tone in his voice. Loke shaking his head a bit.

"I rather us go crazy than for that sound to be real when we are the only ones here." he said. "This is how every horror movie starts. With the thump in the old abandoned mansion with teenagers there for the summer." Loke whispered fearfully, eyes going to stare at the ceiling above him as if afraid that another thump was going to follow.

"Loke, shut up before I shove this peanut butter down your throat. It's probably nothing anyway. It could be the wind." Gray tried to reason, turning back to do his work. Loke didn't look convinced by this as he took a step closer to his raven haired friend.

"I don't think so…" he said cautiously. Gray opened his mouth to say something else when they heard another thump, Gray's voice dying in his throat. But this time the thump wasn't above them. It sounded to be in the living room which just happened to be right next to the kitchen. And what made it worst, the lights were off in the living room so they could see nothing. Gray whirled around, grabbing the nearest weapon he had which just so happened to be a loaf of bread, but he didn't seem to mind while Loke just stared into the darkness that was the living room, trying his hardest to see any shape or form beyond it, but all he could see were the darkened shapes of the furniture that occupied it.

They stayed still for what seemed like hours, trying their hardest to hear any other noise that could alert them to their intruder, but none came. Finally, Loke had gathered the guts to go over to where the light switch was for the living room, turning it on. Like the entre hallway, the large crystal-like chandelier flicked on and off for about a minute before it remained on, shining its golden light on the dusty furniture below.

No intruder was there, the only thing out of place was one of the end table beside an orange and red plush chair lying on its side, a candle broken in half on the ground.

Gray and Loke shared a look with each other before they turned around silently and began to work once more, tensed as they waited to hear another noise that might alert them to whatever caused the end table to fall on its side. They couldn't wait till Erza and Lucy got home, at least Erza would kill the intruder if she found them.