A teaser is released online for the coming movie. Viewers see Jack's view on a bright day walking past sun bleached walls. Quick cuts as Jack moves. Jack climbs steps to a rampart. In the distance is a vast army. Quick cut to black. Tyrion's voice: You are going to have to choose.

Meanwhile The Traveller's sister channel was unusually generous between episodes. The map now showed more detail into Dorne as well as Lys and southern Essos. It also showed detailed profiles of persons encountered to date. Most recently the party of Quentyn Martell. The prince's party, Ser Gerris, Ser Archibald and the rest were detailed into their relationship and history with the prince.

The episode begins with the audience watching men pack a wagon. Some wave shortly, while the others never turn around. They travel away on the crushed limestone road. Jack's view turns to a solemn Tyrion and stoic Mormont. Jack takes in the view in all directions. An open sea one way, hills and mountains the other and the barren road divides them.

"We can go with the Dornish, go back to Westeros," Tyrion says from out of view.

"We must go to the queen, offer our service to her," Ser Jorah argues.

"We have nothing to offer," Tyrion replies. "With the prince we were offering an alliance with Dorne, now we have a dwarf, a traitor and mysterious killer with no allegiances." He shrugs at Jack. Jack doesn't reply.

"How long will you last in Westeros? Will Dorne even take you now? They frown on dead princes," Jorah said. "We go to the queen and offer you up. A Lannister with intimate knowledge of the court and now loyal to our queen."

Tyrion went quiet in thought. After a moment he turned to Jack. "What do you say?"

"I don't want to go back to Dorne. I couldn't face it. I liked that kid and I killed him," Jack says. He holds up a hand to stop Tyrion's argument. "I killed him regardless. And you hit on something. I'm a killer. It is not what I want or try to do, but these lands seem to beg for it."

"And so...?" Tyrion asks.

"Let's go see the queen and her dragons," Jack replies.

Tyrion nods, "But now the how," he smiles. "To the south of us is Tolos. We can try to get a ship there, but it is a slaver city and the war will undoubt put tensions at high."

"I would rather avoid fighting for a while," Jack offers.

Jorah nods, "We walk between the Painted Mountains and the Black Cliffs. I would suggest we avoid the ruins of Bhorash. We have little supplies and will have to gather our food from the hills. Are you up to it little man?" he directs to Tyrion.

The realization of the hardship seems to dawn on Tyrion. "What choice do we have?"

First commercials begin. The first is an insurance company offering their new slogan "For the unexpected journey." The other commercials offer the safe and steady. Familiar vacations and products that never leave the viewer worrying.

Returning to the show is a vignette of misery. The trio are walking and climbing hills and large rocks. Tyrion looks miserable anytime he is shown. The walk clearly takes many days. Tyrion is often seen piggy backing on Ser Jorah. Quick shots of Jack asking if Tyrion is okay while looking over his own shoulder. Cuts of sleeping under a tarp, obviously provided by Jack, in a lean to fashion with a pitiful fire before the three men. Day time and Jack is slowly filling his canteen from a small stream.

A quick cut again and the three men climb a small hill that is sitting at the base of small mountains. As they crest the hill, the viewers take in an incredible sight. A walled city with a massive pyramid in the center. Smaller pyramids are scattered throughout as well, each a different color. Below the walls, and between Jack and the city, an army of thousands is camped. A river sits between the army and the city.

The three men crouch down and look the scene over. Cook fires, tethered horses, tents, spears and swords. A large apparatus toward the rear, that some viewers would recognize as a trebuchet. Of course there were also thousands of men and the slow humm of their collective voices.

"Friends?" Jack asks.

"Ghiscari. It's a siege," Mormont explains. "The slaver cities do not like that our queen has been breaking chains."

"So what now then?" Jack asks.

Silence from the other two. Tyrion is sitting on the ground rubbing his joints. Jorah is staring daggers at the army below. Jack sighs and rolls to his back, giving the viewers a look at the sky. One wouldn't know this was another world, as a gentle breeze is slowly pushing small clouds in the bright blue sky.

"Jack, do you have some gift of magic in one of your many pockets that might work?" Tyrion asks.

"Not with those numbers. And I couldn't fight that many on my best day," Jack replies.

"We go around, stay north of the river and head east to just past the city. No doubt the river will also be patrolled, but we will find or make an opening," Jorah explained.

"Or we give up," Jack offers. "Maybe we need to take the hint. It has been a nightmare to get here."

"There is nowhere else to go, not for me at least," Tyrion says.

"Same," Ser Jorah grunts. "And I know a way into the city that will be unseen."

"Well lets hope we are lucky enough to get into the middle of this war," Jack mutters.

Commercials again.

The show comes back to a view of near dusk and large boulders ahead. Jack nimbly hops side to side to work his way over them. The viewers hear a sharp cry from behind Jack. Jack spins around and just barely catches the wrist of a falling Ser Jorah. He easily lifts him up to the top of the boulder he is standing on. Jorah sits in a slump and is breathing heavily.

"Do you ever tire?" Jorah asks through breaths.

"He does not," Tyrion's voice right behind Jack.

"That's not true. I do get tired, but mostly I get hungry," Jack says. "One of the reasons I'm not excited to get stuck in a city cut off from supplies."

"We will keep you fead, Jack," Tyrion chuckles. "Put me down, I need to stretch."

The viewers can only see Jack dipping to his left before straightening again. Tyrion walks into view before sitting next to Jorah. "Jack tell him about how you killed The Mountain. No, wait, tell him about north of The Wall."

"I've seen the dead walk. I fought them, but mostly ran away. I took a..wight, south to warn Westeros of the coming threat. They were more concerned with their wars and schemes," Jack says bitterly. "But, yes, I did kill the Mountain. We both fell into the Blackwater, he drowned and I did not."

"The Mountain was said to be the greatest fighter in Westeros. Cruel, but strong and fast," Mormont says.

"He was not the greatest warrior, clearly," Tyrion offers. "Jack is stronger than any man, faster and has an assortment of magics, making him the greatest warrior on two continents."

"And how did you come to have him in your employ dwarf?" Jorah asks sharply.

Tyrion smiles," He is not in my employ, we have just shared the same journey. His motivations are his own. And why the greatest warrior goes where he goes is only known to him."

"Enough about me," Jack grumbles. "I have stupidly not realized the name Mormont. I met the Commander of the Night's Watch. I liked him, and his name was also Mormont."

A long pause before Ser Jorah speaks. "My father, who I dishonored when I fled into exile. And yes, I am quite guilty of my crimes. I serve the queen because it is the greatest and most righteous act I can still do while alive." He then stands and begins walking again.

Tyrion shakes his head and smiles. "I suppose I must be put on your back once more," he directs to Jack.

Quick cut to night time. Jack's suit cameras have switched to night vision. He appears to be crouching and moving along some reeds. He looks to his right and the viewers can see a medium sized boat. Men are guiding it with poles while obviously trying to be quiet. Another man is on the opposite side with a torch, his arm extended to help him see. The torch bearer begins to walk towards Jack's side. Jack turns and waves Tyrion and Jorah down. They go from crouch to knees. The torch is waived in their direction, but no alarm is raised.

The boat silently passes them by. Jack stands and turns a circle. He whispers to the others that it's all clear.

"What is that on your face?" Jorah asks Jack.

"This? This lets me see in the dark," Jack replies.

"I can't see a thing, there isn't a star in the sky," Tyrion complains. "May I?"

A fumbling noise and the viewers watch as Jack helps Tyrion put on his night vision goggles. Tyrion turns his head in every direction. "Gods, it all looks green, but yes you can see everything."

Jorah unceremoniously pulls it off Tyrion's head and puts it on his own.

"Careful," Jack says harshly.

Jorah also looks in each direction. "Can you make ten thousand of these?"

Jack snatches the goggles back. "No, I can't make any."

"The warrior rarely forges his own sword," Tyrion notes.

"Yeah, something like that," Jack mutters as he puts the goggles back on.

He works his way forward among the reeds. The viewers watch through the green lens of night vision. Jack suddenly stops and the audience sees another torch ahead through the tall plants. Jack inches forward and the viewers see a small group of armed men. They are getting out of a small row boat. They talk briefly before all but one walks in the opposite direction of Jack. Jack turns to his companions who both give a nod.

Jack quietly moves forward on the unsuspecting boat guard. He suddenly pounces on the man from behind. Jack covers his mouth with his right hand while gripping the man in a headlock with his left arm. He tightens his arm squeeze for several seconds before the man goes limp. Jack lowers him to the ground.

"He's still breathing," Tyrion whispers as he catches up.

"You should have cut his throat," Jorah says.

"I don't know these people. Just get in the boat," Jack says harshly.

The other two do just that. Jack pushes the boat into the water before jumping in. He not so gingerly moves Jorah toward the back. "I'm rowing, so we get there before the sunrise."

Jack starts to row with a sudden jolt, forcing Tyrion to steady himself. He continues to pull hard, rocking the wooden boat up and down. Tyrion has his limbs spread out to keep steady.

A quick cut and the men wordlessly climb out of the boat. It is still very much nighttime. Jack looks down for a moment to look at the muddy sand below his boots. He looks around at his surroundings. Jack and the audience sees the large pyramid in the seemingly near distance.

"You seem to be temperamental," Tyrion says.

"Well maybe I've never had to work so hard to put myself in a bad situation," Jack replies.

The men begin walking toward the city. A quick succession of cuts as the men evaded being discovered. Torch wielding patrols inland and oar boats with spotters on the river. Clearly Jack's night vision was the clear advantage. The final cut put the men along the wall of the city on a narrow pass with a drop to the river below. "Keep going," Jorahh whispered from behind.

"Where are we going?" Jack asks as he side steps forward. Jorah does not answer and Jack continues to move. He looks down to Tyrion at his side. The small man looks terrified. Jack puts a steadying hand on his shoulder.

"There," Jorah practically shouts.

The clouds had parted just enough to let some moonlight shine down. The viewers strain with Jack to see what Jorah was looking at. Suddenly a gush of water came out of the wall.

"There," Jorah says with confidence.

"What?" Jack asks.

"The sewers," Jorah says happily.

Jack turns to Tyrion, who shuts his eyes and leans back against the wall. "I swear I did not know."

Jack pauses for a moment. "Fine." He grabs Tyrion by the shirt and leaps diagonally upward. His left hand catches a ledge as a small waterfall of muck pours just in front of the viewers. They watch as a shadow passes through and past the waterfall. Jack then pulls himself up as the sewage pours over him. Tyrion is already up there and leaning against a wall and retching.

Jack turns to watch Jorah walk sideway against the wall to reach below them. Jack begins to reach for the man, but he has to pause to suppress vomiting himself. Many viewers find themselves sympathy gagging. Finally, Jack reaches down and helps Jorah up. Jorah straightens himself, seemingly unperturbed by the sewage pouring over his feet.

"I suggest we get this over with," Tyrion says. He looks wobbly on his feet, but he begins to walk ahead with Jorah silently following. Jack activates his shoulder lights and steps ahead of the other two. The show cuts to commercials.

The commercials cover cleaning products and personal hygiene. Many viewers discuss with each other, and online, how disgusting that sewar must more fanatical fans begin discussing the siege and the army Jack witnessed. They are already online, picking apart still images.

The show returns with daylight pouring through metal bars. Jack pushes on the grate and several of the bars break. He slowly lowers them against the brick walls of the sewer. Jack pulls himself up into bright daylight, temporarily blinding the viewers. He turns and pulls Tyrion out of the hole, before once more, helping Jorah up as well.

The three shuffle over toward the shadows of a stone structure and sit on the ground. Looking around, the viewers see the smaller buildings huddled together among the great and smaller pyramids. There are few people about, but those they see appear to be of slightly darker skin than those of the Westerosi.

"What now?" Jack asks. "I don't think we are suitable for royalty right now."

"No, we need to get bathed, new clothes and real food," Tyrion explains. "Jorah I'm counting on you for this." Tyrion hands over a purse of coins. "Don't forget..." he points to his own face.

Wordlessly Jorah undoes his outer clothing and armor. He uses a cloth to wrap around most of his face and hides a dagger in his waistband. He shockingly doesn't look too ridiculous, in what the viewers assume is a very warm climate.

"Want me to come with?" Jack asks.

"No, watch the dwarf, he's our most valuable offering," Jorah replies. He sets off without saying another word.

"Well then," Jack sighs. He starts flicking bits of material off his clothes. "Are we really going to get to see this queen, get in her good graces?"

Tyrion is slow to reply. "It does not feel like it, does it? Three sewer stained refugees, one a dwarf, another a traitor and whatever in the seven hells you are or loyal to."

"Remember, I tried to help. Your fellow countrymen turned me into a killer," Jack replied.

"Odd, since you are so good at it," Tyrion replies.

"If only Westeros had been fighting to make the best wine, I could have learned that," Jack says.

Tyrion laughs, "Gods don't remind me. I have not had a drink in ages."

Jack catches something out of view and turns to see Ser Jorah accompanied by a group of boys carrying buckets. "I guess this is for us," Jack observes.

Tyrion, slowly standing speaks to him, "Jack McCallen, we do need to once and for all discuss your purpose here, your people and history."

"If I tell you the truth you will not believe it," Jack says solemnly. He then turns to their company. A quick cut of the boys splashing Jack and Tyrion follows. The boys especially find dousing Tyrion hilarious. They chatter in an unrecognizable language. Jorah hands over some coins to the boys and barks some words to them, presumably to leave.

"Not the bath I had hoped for," Tyrion sputters.

"You would not have been allowed in a bath house as you were," Jorah replies. "Come, there is one near enough."

Quick cut the three men being herded by servants into separate rooms with drawn curtains. Each room has a large wooden tub in the center. The room itself is painted stone walls with open windows above letting in the light. There is a wooden backless bench to one side and many rugs both hanging and layered on the floor. Jack turns and an older woman is gesturing to him to proceed in some manner. Jack is clearly hesitant.

He eventually seems to make a decision as it is apparent he is undressing. Children begin to stream in carrying steaming buckets of hot water and pour them into the tub. Jack freezes at their entrance. The older woman begins chattering at him and gestures toward his body. Jack continues with a very slow undress.

The view for the show now jumbles as Jack takes clothes and their accompanying cameras toward the bench. The viewers get a sideways glance at Jack's backside. Jack lowers himself into the tub. The older woman walks back into view and produces several colored bottles. They sit on a tray that hooks to the bath. The woman says something to Jack and exits the room.

Jack opens the bottles and starts smelling them. "Soap, I think," he says to himself. "Smelly oil maybe," he says of another. He pours some of the first two into the bath water. The third shorter blue bottle seems to contain some powder, as Jack pours it in. "Salt, I think." He begins washing himself with a cloth that must have been in the bath.

The woman comes in with a younger woman and they walk toward Jack's clothes. Jack shrinks into the tub as they pass. The image jumbles as they grab the clothes. "Jorah, tell them to wash my suit carefully, just a quick rinse will do," Jack yells.

"My clothes are being burned. We can get you new black clothing Jack," Tyrion yells from the other room.

"Shut up Tyrion. Jorah wash only, and do not take anything out. There's lots of dangerous things in my pockets," Jack yells as the image bounces.

"Jack, first rule of a bath house is to not leave any valuables in your clothing," Tyrion shouts.

"Shut the hell up," Jack shouts. "Jorah, light rinse, no touching. Jorah?"

Cut to commercials about personal hygiene.

The show returns with more jumbling video and Jack mid heated conversation. "Ask them for dry rice, that was not supposed to be soaked," he says. The viewers cannot see the object or who he's talking to.

The view seems to be normalizing but is double visioned. Jack is obviously back in his suit as he opens the arm panel with his information device. "Calibrating cameras," he says as he drags a plus symbol on the screen. The double image coalesces into normal view. He then taps in a corner and the screen switches to words and bars of different lengths. "Everything desperately needs charging," Jack observes to himself. He and the audience catch Tyrion on the corner of their view. He has new clothes, they are plain but look much lighter and locally suited. The small man is studying Jack's device. Jack ignores him and fishes out his manual charger. He uncovers a port on his chest and plugs a cord into it. Jack closes his PDA and begins winding the charger.

Tyrion looks at the ground and then up at Jack "These instruments, your clothes, I have never seen anything even similar. Jorah?" Tyrion asks.

From out of view, "What does it matter?" Jorah mutters.

"It matters because I believe our friend here is a scout. A superb fighter equipped for any eventuality, but for what purpose and where is he from?" Tyrion asks while staring at Jack. "West of Westeros perhaps, an unknown people and kingdom. Perhaps they have sent their best scout to assess our lands. And look how he has found us."

"I'm not here to scout your lands. There is no army to follow me," Jack says slowly and deliberately.

"Then your whole story Jack," Tyrion demands.

"When we have time I will tell you everything, and as I've said, you will not believe me," Jack replies.

"Kiss or kill the dwarf, but I want to be on with it," Jorah grumbles. He begins to walk toward the largest pyramid. The show offers the words 'The Great Pyramid of Meereen.' Jack follows without looking to see if Tyrion follows.

The roads ahead were more crowded. Merchants and animals milled about as people sold wares under the walls of lesser pyramids. Ahead to the left a patrol of guards walked toward Jack's group. They wear black studded leather and carry tall shields. Long spears are carried on their backs and short swords on their hips. The audience notices Jorah turn his face away and quickly wrap a cloth over his head.

"Unsullied," Tyrion's voice from behind Jack. Jack turns and the short man nods toward the soldiers. "Loyal to the queen and no doubt they have orders about Ser Jorah. This may be the end of his usefulness."

"Not yet," Jack whispers. "He still knows more about where we are than we do."

The trio walk through the crowds to reach the front of the great pyramid. A small group waits out front of large iron gates. "When the queen is here many petitioners gather for the Queen's Justice," Jorah whispers while covering his face.

"This isn't going to work," Tyrion offers gloomily.

"Of course it will," Jack argues. "If we were turned away we would not be in more trouble." Tyrion smiles wryly.

As the three men approach they see more of the unsullied and non soldiers addressing the people gathered. They are all speaking the local unrecognizable dialect. Some of the petitioners are let in, others are turned away. Finally Jack and his companions are next. The two larger men hold their place and let Tyrion proceed ahead.

Tyrion approaches one of the men that had been speaking to the visitors. "Whomever may be in command, until our queen returns, will be pleased to know that Tyrion Lannister is here." He emphasizes his last name.

The man he speaks to has olive skin, dark hair and a short oiled beard. The man himself is fairly short as well. He is also obviously unimpressed by Tyrion's words.

"I am Tyrion Lannister, former hand of the king of Westeros. I am now a loyal subject of our queen, Daenerys Targaryen. I am here to offer her my services. These are my personal guards" Tyrion concludes. The man he speaks to is unmoved if only for a slightly annoyed look. Finally he calls over to a boy, whispers to him and sends him running. The boy begins to ascend the many steps that lead up into the entrance of the pyramid.

Tyrion walks toward his companions, "I guess we wait." He sits simself on the ground and leans on the wall stretching his legs.

"Say what you will, this is a pretty awesome pyramid," Jack offers. He, and the viewers, take it all in. The stones are layered in different colors and reach an incredible height.

"There was a great harpy statue at its peak before the queen removed it," Jorah whispers.

"Built by slaves," Tyrion says loudly. "Are there no pyramids where you come from Jack?"

"No, not where I come from," Jack replies flatly.

The boy from earlier is seen running down the steps to the gate. He breathlessly reaches the official at the gate and whispers to the official at the gate. The man looks over Jack and his companions for a moment before gesturing them looks surprised as he gathers himself up.

The three men walk into the courtyard. Several guards escort them. The man stops and turns to the trio, "weapons," he says in perfect english. The three men look at each other and reach to their own persons. Jorah turns over his sword and a boot knife. Tyrion produces a dagger from somewhere. Jack takes out his long, black utility knife and hands it over. Their guide looks skeptical at him. "No sword," Jack offers and spins around. The group continues and Tyrion gives Jack a small knowing smile.

As they ascend the steps Tyrion calls out, "Wait how many of these steps are we taking?"

"To the top," their host smiles.

"Jack," Tyrion calls out.

Jack walks over and takes a knee. "Remember this, every time you are suspicious of me." Jack helps Tyrion onto his back. Jack looks at the amused host and gestures onward.

Cut to commercial.

The network announces the show's website has more details of Meereen, including a map and history. The few viewers that jump on the sight see a drawn version of the city with interactive points. The city, to no surprise, was founded and elevated on slavery. Interestingly, the city models itself after the besieging city of Ghis. The show also gives a stern warning about graphic violence in the last portion of the episode.

The show returns with Jack and company ascending the last few stairs into a great hall. The walls are made of purple marble and stretch up to a high ceiling. Pillars are evenly placed throughout. A dark bench stands at the end of the hall. It is currently unoccupied. There is an older man with white hair and armor standing midway. He has several of the same uniformed soldiers that had been patrolling. There are also several servants that bring Jack and his companions goblets of some liquid.

The white haired man suddenly strides swiftly forward with his hand on the hilt of a sword on his hip. He steps past Jack without acknowledgement. Jack spins to see the white haired man snatches Jorah's face covering off of him. "You were told not to come back Mormont," the older man says.

"I will always serve the queen," Jorah says. "And I am not empty handed."

The guards quickly move on Jorah with spears pointed at him. Jack turns to Tyrion, who holds up hands for Jack to wait. "Barristan the Bold, it is a great honor to meet you," Tyrion declares loudly.

"Lannister," Barristan says without looking. "You think bringing a kinslayer is some sort of gift to our queen?" He asks Jorah. "I don't know which of you is keeping worse company."

"Ser Barristan, despite the stories I am no kinslayer," Tyrion pleads. "I did not kill my nephew or father, though I can only prove one."

"It matters little, but the fewer Lannisters the better for my queen," Barristan says, turning slightly in Tyrion's direction.

"You should have never been dismissed from the King's Guard. I would not have allowed it had I been there, I swear it on the old gods and the new," Tyrion states.

"Yes, you became Hand a little late for that. I did hear that your defense of King's Landing against Stannis was commendable," Barrsistan concedes.

"My services are yours and the queen's. At the very least I can tell you the current state of Westeros. And Dorne would like to ally itself with her grace," Tyrion says.

"And this one?" Barristan asks, finally acknowledging Jack.

"Jack McCallen, perhaps you've heard his name. He slew The Mountain, among other ventures. His people are unknown, but he is arguably the greatest fighter on both continents," Tyrion finishes.

Barristan turns to Jack in full. He is older, but seems fit. He is close to Jack's height. His armor is obviously well cared for. "Another warrior with secrets," Barristan observes. "I had my fill of that from this one," he says, gesturing to Jorah. "But let us see how useful you can be," he says toward Tyrion.

"However I can help," Tyrion offers.

Barristan shouts a name and servants rush in tables and chairs. "I will be speaking to a Yunkish emissary about establishing peace. Likely our last effort and no doubt doomed at the start," Barristan states.

"What do they want?" Tyrion asks.

"For now, they want Hizdahr zo Loraq to be placed back in charge of the city. I had our queen's husband arrested for conspiring against her," Barristan explains.

"Husband?" Jorah asks faintly.

"You hadn't heard?" Barristan asks with a wry smile. "It was a marriage of convenience for peace in the city."

"It did not last," Tyrion observes and takes a long swallow from his goblet.

"No, it did not," Barristan agrees. "And now the queen is away to parts unknown on dragon back and the city is under siege. When this meeting likely fails, it will be war. Still, we must try."

The servants finish with the tables. They set out candles, pitchers and platters of meats and dried fruits. Most of them retreat from the hall while others wait apparently to be of use. The man that led Jack and his companions in, walks up to Barristan and whispers in his ear. Barristan nods and lets out a sigh. "This may be a farce afterall. You two are not to sit with us and do not speak," Barristan says toward Jack and Jorah.

Jack stands with his back against a pillar facing the tables. Jorah, looking defeated, slinks around to the other side of an adjacent pillar and slumps to the floor. A congregation of people soon enter. It is not difficult for the viewers to pick out the leaders from their slaves. The clothing is finer and gold laced for the Yunkish slave masters. The slaves hurriedly pull out chairs and pour the drinks for their masters. One man, though, stands out considerably. He is very large with a great red beard and braided red hair. His face is scarred and his armor has nicks and scratches obviously from battle.

"Thank you for coming, may we find peace in this late hour," Barristan says before sitting.

"Simple, return Hizdahr zo Loraq to the rightful rule of this city," a Yunkish man, with hair pulled tight to his forehead, says.

"He conspired against the queen and will remain a prisoner until her return," Barristan says in a matter of fact tone.

"Your queen is dead," the Yunkish man replies lazily. "You are far from home and now seek council from this," he gestures to Tyrion with a chuckle.

"I am Tyrion Lannister, of House Lannister and former hand of the king. I now serve the rightful, and very much alive, queen of Westeros," Tyrion replies.

"This is not Westeros," the Yunkish man observes. "We were happy before your queen arrived and brought death and ruin."

"Were the slaves?" Tyrion asks. The red bearded man chuckles.

Clearly frustrated the Yunkish slave master downs his goblet and lets it fall from his hand and roll across the floor. A skinny slave runs after it, polishes the goblet, refills it and hands it to his master. "You know what we want," he directs toward Barristan.

"Short of your man being returned to power, let us come to an agreement," Barristan offers.

"We have siege weapons and numbers, you've seen them" the red bearded man speaks in a deep gravelly voice. "I do not know why we are even here."

"Tyrion, this is Bloodbeard, sellsword commander of The Company of the Cat," Barristan informs.

"I don't care to speak to that," Bloodbeard rumbles and sloppily pours his drink down his throat. "We have added thousands of more men, while you added a dwarf," he laughs to himself.

"He is not wrong Ser Barristan. Take your Westerosi friends and go home. Take the Unsullied, we will provide you ships and gold. You will be a powerful lord, maybe even a king if you wish," the Yunkish man offers.

"The Queen," Barristan emphasizes the title, "would not happy to lose her city, or her subjects to slavery."

"Slavery?" Bloodbeard roars his question. "Why do you care? What is the difference between a slave and your small folk? You take what you can in this life. Slave masters, kings and lords take what they can. Warriors take what we can. Slaves and small folk are weak and want to be ruled."

To emphasize the point, Bloodbeard suddenly grabs the hand of a serving boy and slams the hand on the table. He grabs a cutting knife and swiftly cuts off several fingers. The boy screams and clutches his ruined hand with the other after Bloodbeard releases him. Bloodbeard laughs and grabs his cup.

"Jack, no," Tyrion shouts.

It's too late. Jack launches across the hall and grabs Bloodbeard who's back is turned to him. Jack lifts and thrusts the man toward the pillar he had been leaning against. Bloodbeard is off the ground clawing at Jack's hand squeezing his throat.

"Jack, this is a negotiation. You will stop immediately," Tyrion barks in his harshest voice.

Jack turns to look at him and the audience notes that guards have piled in and are pointing spears at Jack. Barristan is standing and being handed his sword by a servant. He looks furious.

Jack turns to Bloodbeard who is turning as red as his beard. Spittle is dripping down his chin, Jack waits a moment before letting go suddenly and letting the man fall. Bloodbeard is gasping for breath as Jack turns back to the others.

"Out," Barristan commands. "You as well Jorah."

Jack slowly walks out of the room. The guards wall themselves between him and the others. Jack and Jorah stop in a narrow hall outside of the greater one. They are being stared at by the expressionless guards.

The show skips ahead and Jack is leaning against a wall. The guards appear to not have moved at all. Doors suddenly swing open and the Yunkish group step out, The main emissary glares at Jack as he passes. Bloodbeard follows, and he grins at Jack and points at him. "You are strong. Hopefully you have a name. I want to be more famous after I kill you."

Tyrion follows a moment later. He looks angry. "You are an absolute fool Jack McCallen."

"What was I supposed to do?" Jack asks.

"Nothing," Tyrion replied sharply. "You played into their hands. Impetuous and stupid. And no I cannot salvage yours or Jorah's presence here. You are both to leave."

"You're staying?" Jack asks.

"Yes," Tyrion simply replies.

A pause before Jack speaks again. "What are we supposed to do? Where are we supposed to go?"

"Jack, you are the strongest man alive. You will be fine," Tyrion replies.

"This is what you want, isn't it? How hard did you fight for us to stay?" Jack asks in a confrontational tone.

"Jack, you are a man of secrets with no allegiances to anyone I know of. And you can be reckless. Barristan asks if I absolutely trust you and I said I do not," Tyion says sharply.

More guards enter the hall. Another pause as Jack stares at Tyrion. He wordlessly turns and begins walking. Cut ahead to Jack and Jorah leaving the pyramid. It is dusk as Jack looks back once more at the massive pyramid. He then follows Jorah as the two walk into the throngs of people speaking to one another in words the viewers do not know.