(a/n): Hey, hope you enjoyed the last chapter and here is the next one. I saw the insurgent teaser trailer (it was amazing and I can't wait to see it) and it made me want to finish this chapter. Its shorter than the others but they're all pretty long anyway. Hope you like it.

Chapter 6: Day of

I woke up wrapped in Tobias's arms. I smiled at the feeling of waking up with him next to me. To feel his warm breath tickling my neck and his warm arms securing me. I wanted to turn to see him, but I didn't want to wake him up.

"What time is it?" He mumbled into my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Morning." I told him, turning to see he was still half asleep. His hair had stared to grow back and I ran my hand through it, resting it on the back of his neck.

"I could get use to this." He pulled me closer to him, smiling as he nuzzled my neck. I agreed.

When we finally got out of bed, I didn't have any choice but to put the dress back on. Tobias suggested I could wear something of his, but I didn't want to walk home holding my trousers up.

"You know you're in Dauntless, right?" He told me, biting his cheek.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"And you're returning home this morning still in your party dress." He raised his eyebrows, blushing.

"What's the problem with that?" I crossed my arms across my chest.

He grinned. "Tris, I thought Christina explained rules to you?"

"Yes! But she didn't explain why these rules would affect me walking home!" I snapped. He pulled my arms away from my chest, holding my wrists.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He suggested.

"No it's alright. I'll meet you at breakfast." I kissed him lightly and then went into the bathroom to change. My skin still tingled from Tobias' touch and I smiled, wondering what it could be like in the future for us. To wake up every day with him next to me.

I quickly got dressed, pulling my hands through my hair since I didn't have a brush. Maybe I needed to start bringing stuff over here if I was staying often, I blushed at the thought.

When I was dressed I left Tobias' wanting to go home to get proper clothes on before breakfast. I carried my heels, my feet still aching from last night and hurried down the already busy hallways.

"Good night out?" Someone shouted and the people around him cheered and laughed. I raised an eyebrow but carried on walking.

"Four was quick getting you into bed, wasn't he?" A guy asked and I blushed, realising what Tobias was trying to warn me. The guy laughed with his friends and carried on walking. I quickened my pace, almost running down the hallway to my home. I ignored everyone's laughs and cheers, my cheeks heated.

I got the key out of my bag, quickly hurrying in and shutting the door behind me before I could hear any more laughs or cheers. Christina was sat on the sofa laughing.

"That was not funny!" I glared at her, crossing my arms over my chest. I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid dress.

"What did you expect with the Dauntless?" She pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh.

I stormed past her, into my bedroom where I quickly got dressed, chucking the dress at the back of the wardrobe. When I came back out, Christina was watching me with her eyebrows raised and a smirk on her face.

"Maybe you should start leaving clothes round Four's if you're going to be staying round there often." She shook her head, laughing.

"It was just–" I bit my lip knowing it wasn't the only time I slept round Tobias', but it was the first time I slept in his bed with him.

Christina laughed again. "All those times you never came back to the dormitories at night! You was with Four – our instructor! For an Abnegation you was really sneaky."

"We didn't do anything and he slept on the floor!" I told her but she was still shaking her head in amusement.

"It doesn't matter if you did anything or not, I'm just happy for you and Four. Me and Will did it last night." She added with a smile.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows, shocked that Christina even shared details like that with me.

"Yeah and you're really missing out, Tris." I blushed, shaking my head.

"Whatever. Do you want to go get breakfast?"

Christina giggled, but stood following me outside. We followed the crowds to the dining hall, I smiled when I saw Tobias, his back was facing me. Christina waved to Will and I could see his eyes light up when he saw her.

I sat down next to Tobias, whispering in his ear, "I think it would have been worse if you walked me home."

"I did try to warn you." He bit his cheek. "Was it really that bad?"

"People cheered and laughed, congratulating me." I blushed, avoiding his eye.

"I told her she should leave some stuff round yours so it doesn't happen again." Christina told Tobias and then winked at me as I blushed.

Tobias smiled at me. "That's a good idea."

"Did you do the walk of shame?" Lynn asked, sniggering. I turned to see she had her head rested on her hand, her eyes half-shut. All around the table everyone seemed to be half asleep, shoving each other to wake. Marlene had her head in her hands, rubbing at her temple but she seemed to sit closer to Uriah, who was half asleep and half eating.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked but looked around aiming the question at everyone.

"They all had too much to drink. They're hung-over." I nodded my head as Christina laughed, nudging Marlene slightly, who groaned.

"You didn't?" I asked Christina surprised.

"No... we left early." She winked as I blushed.

I ate my muffin, not wanting to bring that conversation up at the table, especially with Tobias next to me. Zeke nudged Uriah and he woke up finishing whatever was in his mouth.

"I can't believe I have to go to work." Marlene groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"At least you don't have to train all day." Uriah mumbled.

"I did tell you guys to slow down before I left." Christina reminded them.

"Shhhh." Lynn hissed.

"That just shows how illogical drinking is." Will said putting an arm around Christina.

"Smart ass." Lynn muttered and then left the dinning hall. I wanted to ask her how she got on with Tilly, but I thought it was best to leave her giving her mood.

"Anyway," Christina sang, "what's going on between you two?" She asked Marlene and Uriah, nudging them awake before asking them again.

"Nothing." Marlene mumbled but blushed. Uriah smiled next to her, clearly something was going on.

"Really? You're practically sitting on his lap." Christina raised an eyebrow.

Marlene rested her head on Uriah's shoulder. "So?" She had her eyes closed but was smiling.

"About time." Christina said and Marlene rolled her eyes. "Anyway…" Christina began and then her mouth dropped open, looking behind me. I turned around, finding Peter was standing behind me, a fake smile on his face and his eyes burned into me.

"Yes?" I questioned, confused to what Peter was doing.

"Hey, Tris, it's been a while." His tone was forced but he was smiling, a forced smile.


"So, how's it been going with the stiffs?" He smirked this time. "Bet it's good to be home around people like you, well Max and Eric want me and you to team up together." He mumbled, clearly not happy with the idea, neither was I.

"Why?" Tobias shuffled next to me, but he kept quiet.

Peter shrugged. "You're needed. If you're really Dauntless and not a stiff then you would join us."

I bit my lip at Peter's forced tone, he was forced into saying this and I wondered what was in it for him. "Sorry, but I'm not interested."

"Rather be the stiff you're and go around protecting everyone then being brave? Dauntless? Are you sure you chose the right faction, we all knew you couldn't handle training." His eyes narrowed.

"And we all knew exactly who came first." I snapped.

Peter laughed. "You only came first because you were busy hooking up with our instructor." He looked over at Tobias. "I don't know what you see in her, she's as plain as you can get."

"I suggest you leave." Tobias warned in clear careful tone, I placed a hand on his leg, trying to calm him down.

Peter laughed. "With pleasure, but Tris one way or another you will be joining us and you won't have a choice." He left after that, leaving everyone staring at me in confusion and shock.

I looked to Tobias. "First Eric and now Peter?"

"Later." He whispered and I nodded my head.

"What was that about?" Christina asked looking between everyone and then at Peter, who was talking to Eric across the room.

"Peter has been talking to Eric and Max a lot lately, dunno why, but he's certainly the favorite." Uriah mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"They really want you Tris." Christina raised her eyebrows, the thought shocking her. It shocked me, I didn't understand why they wanted me desperately, I feared they knew about my divergence. Would they get me to join and then fake my death? Make it look like I died for Dauntless instead of killing myself?

"Well," Christina began seeing how I wanted to change the conversation, "I was going to ask if you girls wanted to go out tonight."

"After work my bed will be calling me." Marlene said, her head buried in her hands again.

"I think we're spending the day together?" I questioned, looking at Tobias, knowing we had a lot to talk about. Eric was one thing but Peter was another.

"Its fine, I have something to take care of later." Tobias smiled slightly and squeezed my hand under the table. I narrowed my eyes, what did he have to take care of?

"Great! We can go shopping and go check out the rest of the pit that we haven't seen!" Christina smiled.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

"We need to get going." Will told Christina, who sighed and finished of her muffin.

"Yeah I better as well." Uriah mumbled but kissed Marlene, gaining a cheer from Christina.

"I knew it!" She hugged Marlene as she giggled.

"Yeah, a whole day without Tris." Marlene groaned, pouting. I bit my lip as I watched them leave, Marlene and Uriah leaning on each other for support and Christina and Will laughing but helping them.

"What do you have to take care of?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at Tobias.

"Nothing to worry about." He smiled and rubbed his neck, almost a reaction to what he was thinking. I smiled slightly, knowing where he was going. I didn't want to stop him but I wanted to help him somehow.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. I think I'm just going to do it alone this time." He smiled and I squeezed his hand. I didn't know how to help him with his fears, I understood why he wanted to concur them, but to keep going back in wasn't something that could help. He needed to face them in reality, but I hoped he never got the chance to face most of them.

"You know we could always climb the Ferris wheel again." I nudged him slightly, laughing at his stricken face.

"No. Never again." He nudged me back.

We left after that, going back to Tobias' where no cameras could follow us or hear what we was going to be talking about. I bit my lip, wondering whether they would leave me alone until I joined. If they knew about me, then I didn't want to lead them to Tobias.

I put my hair up into a pony tail as Tobias shut his door. His brows were furrowed and he was biting his cheek, I could see how worried he is.

"Peter was forced into asking you." He said.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes, that much was obvious.

"But why Peter? He's still in training, why do they trust him so much, already?" I sat on his bed, rubbing my sweaty hands on my trousers.

"Maybe because he's willing to kill anyone." Tobias flinched, remembering when Peter, Al and Drew had tried to push me over the chasm – Tobias had stopped them.

"He's doing there dirty work." Tobias said and sat down next to me.

"Do you think they know?" I whispered.

"If they did you already would be dead, they wouldn't care how everyone saw it." I shivered remembering when they brought up Al's body from the chasm.

"Then why?" It didn't make any sense, if they didn't know that I was divergent then why would they be so interested, why would they want me so desperately.

"They're up to something. I've noticed that Jeanine and Erudite have been coming to Dauntless Headquarters a lot, the same for Eric and Max." If Jeanine was involved then she was looking for the divergence, it all led back to that and I could never escape it.

"Why would they be seeing each other?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but Jeanine has been wanting to take over for a while now, she seems to think she owns all of the factions."

"Do you think she's behind it then, the reason to why they want me?"

"Possibly." I watched as he bit his cheek again, thinking deeply.

"So it's not just Eric, Max and Peter we need to keep an eye on – Jeanine as well."

"Yes. You need to avoid all of them as much as possible, if you see them walking towards you, walk the other way." I nodded my head not wanting to be anywhere near any of them, who knew what could happen with the four of them working together.

"They're going to find out eventually." I ran a hand over my head, I was afraid of my divergence. I wasn't afraid of being divergent, just the results of being divergent. Any second someone could find out, any second I could end up at the bottom of the chasm.

Tobias sat down next to me, putting an arm around me. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"You wouldn't have a choice."

"There's always a choice, if you or I are discovered, then were leave." His voice was confident, like he had thought about leaving a lot.

"Become factionless?"

He shrugged. "No rules, no threats and no factions."

I rested my head on his shoulder, hoping the day we had to flee Dauntless wouldn't come. I hoped my divergence and his divergence would be buried as a secret forever.

Tobias pulled me down into the bed behind me, just holding me, kissing the top of my forehead as we both thought about what our future could be. Dauntless. Factionless. Divergent.

We spent the day at Tobias', just the two of us. It was the perfect day of, talking about everything from Dauntless to our past. He was distant on telling me about his childhood, I understood why, but I was still glad to hear something. As we spoke, he played with my hand, swirling patterns and trailing his fingers from my fingertips to my arms. Each touch left goosebumps in its path.

"Have you ever wanted to have a family in the future?" I asked him out of curiosity and then blushed. I was laying on his chest, looking up at him. After his dad and losing his mom, I wasn't sure if he wanted a life that he didn't have as a child.

He thought about it for a moment. "Yes. One day."

"Well I'm sure whoever she is will be lucky." I said, smiling. Our future wasn't guaranteed, I knew that, and so did he, but if I did get discovered then I would want him to carry on living his life.

"Yes, whoever she is but not as lucky as he will be." He said and then smiled.

I buried my head into his chest, hiding my smile. That future was a lot happier than being factionless.

Tobias left later in the afternoon and before meeting Christina, I decided to go see Tori. Apart from Tobias, she was the only other person I trusted about my divergence, since she knew from the start and she could have easily handed me over. She sighed seeing me enter her tattoo shop, clearly knowing why I was here.

"Tea?" She asked, walking towards the back of the store. I followed her. She closed the door after I entered the back room, and then made tea for me and her.

"Did Eric and Max ever take an interest in George?" I asked, biting my lip.

Tori sat the cups on the table and then we sat down, she replied, "Yes, when he showed signs of divergence, they came to watch his tests."

I watched my tea, watched as the steam filled the air between us. "That's what you said last time, but they keep asking me to join them."

"And you think it's because they discovered you're divergent." Tori said but whispered 'divergent' quietly.

"What other reason would there be?" I questioned, I wasn't the best of fighters or I wasn't good enough to be a leader. I didn't want to be a leader.

"If they knew about your divergence then you would already be dead." She took a sip from her tea.

"Peter wanted me dead two weeks ago and now he is forced into asking me to join them. It's like when Eric kept asking Four and he kept turning them down, but now it seems different." I shook my head and then drank my tea.

"I've known Four for a couple of years and I know they wanted him for reasons that I'm sure you know – his fears, as well as his skills."

"Then why me? I had seven fears and I'm not great in skills, unless it's throwing knives!" I sighed in aggravation.

"You came first, right? So maybe that's why. Something is changing around here, I see more blues emerging with the blacks. Erudite are here to often." Tori pursed her lips.

I left Tori's soon after that, meeting Christina to spend some time together. I smiled, trying to enjoy our time together, but I was constantly looking out for Eric, Max or Peter, waiting for them to scream 'divergent!' at me. No one came. I knew something bigger was going on, but I also knew it was something to do with divergence.

(a/n):That's that chapter. I hoped you liked it and please do tell me what you think. I wasn't really sure what the problem was going to be for this story but now I have an amazing idea that is just going to be so emotional and amazing. I can't wait to get into it, but that won't happen for a few years in the story:). A clue for the next chapter: Tris's mom leaves a little something for her, what is it?