Tony, Clint and Bruce were from very long hoping for a day to just hang out to chill.

Then the day came as Steve was on some super secret shield mission, Thor was nowhere to be found (they thought it was something related to Jane) and Pepper and Natasha were gone to Los Angeles for some Stark industry business and also shopping.

They all were coming tommorow. So the three felt that it was the best time for their hang out.

From the morning they all were very excited. Clint was jumping up and down like a child who have had to much sweets. Tony and Bruce were still busy in the lab completing Tony's work on a new robot. Bruce was in the lab from yesterday night after their discussion for going on a trip and as for tony he came out of his lab after two days for their disscussion had some coffee and then dragged bruce inside, again to work on his project

Both of them came out of the lab at 1:00 in the afternoon, that too after Clint said that he would get a arrow in each of the stark's security keypad.

"You look like hell" commented Clint pointing towards Tony "go shower and that too very quickly"

And for the first time Tony actually just nodded and went towards his room.

"The same goes for you mister" he said to Bruce "and after that meet me in the kitchen with Tony."

Bruce quickly showered and went to Tony's room. Tony was still in the shower . "Hurry up Tony or Clint will chew up our asses. I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen.

"Yups. Be there in five" Tony replied.

When Tony arrived in the kitchen Bruce was sitting on one of the chairs drinking coffee and Clint was just bouncing here and there full of zeal. Next to Bruce was a coffee cup for which Tony thought was for himself.

Tony headed towards the table.

"What took u so long? Don't you understand the word quick..." Clint said still not sitting down.

"yeah .. yeah legolas now calm down and sit here."Clint sat as Tony continued "Now tell me what was so important that you made me come out of my lab?"

"You got to be kidding me... No wait you seriously forgot about hanging out together?" Clint said exasperatedly.

Bruce was looking from Clint to Tony like a tennis match was going on. He seriously was enjoying watching Clint chew Tony's head off.

"No Clint I very sincerely remember about it. But we aren't going anywhere now." Tony said taking a large gulp of his coffee "Now I have some work to complete we'll head out in the evening"

Clint looked sad but didn't argue sensing how serious Tony was.

Tony completed his coffee and headed back to the lab.

"Wow that was something new." Bruce said just as Tony walked off.

"Yeah. anyways what is he working on? He seemed pretty serious about it and didn't even joked once" Clint said concerned.

"I think he's working on something new or secretive. Because if he would be working on the last night's project he would have made me to go with him." Bruce said now intrested.

"Anyways I gotta go sleep its been more than 30 hrs since I last slept. I wonder how Tony does it all the time." Bruce said yawning and heading towards his room.

"Ok then, I'll be watching a movie in the common room if you need me." Clint said waving.

"J. what time is it?" Tony asked working on one of the most important projects in his life.

"Its 2:15 sir, may I know the cause of you asking the time its rather uncommon for you to do so." Jarvis said in his accented voice.

"Nothing much J. Me, Clint and Bruce are going for a boys night out. So please remind me at 6:00 to go and get ready." Tony said not even stopping from the work he was doing. " Now j, can you do me a favor and get the volume to full and don't let anyone enter."

"Sure thing sir. And sir.." Jarvis stopped as asking for permission to continue.

"yes J."

"I think miss Potts would love it and would be overjoyed to receive it, Sir"

"Thanks for the support Jarvis " Toy said looking towards the wall with a smile.


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