Okay so this is the last chapter, an epilogue. This was my first story and my most popular one. I've enjoyed writing it so much and will miss it. Thanks to all who have reviewed (nice ones), favourited and followed.

Sorry I meant to post this yesterday but my internet crashed.

Chapter 20: Mama

"Kate" Rick starts as Kate is doing her morning routine with Tom. He's fed and changed now Kate is spending time with him before she goes to work. "I've got to go into the office for a meeting this morning. I can't take Tom."

"So?" Kate replies confused as to the problem. She's still rocking from side to side with her son in her arms.

"I can ring around and see if someone can take him?" Rick offers. Jim takes delight in looking after his grandson especially since he's cut back his hours and getting close to retirement. Martha similarly does, sometimes taking him to her acting studio.

"Don't. I'll take him." She can do it, the whole precinct love to dote on him.

"You'll do what?"

"I can take him to the precinct with me, he can either sit in the rocking seat or I'll hold him in the sash."


"Yeah" Kate shrugs her shoulders. "It's not like he's any trouble. He either eats, sleeps or smiles."

"I don't know how that happened, I was sure that he was going to take after me." Rick jokes.

"He took after his mother instead. Anyway, there's not much going on today. If anything happens then I'll come home for a few hours."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, I'm the boss and as long as he isn't disruptive then I'm happy." She says as she finally convinces her husband that she can do this. Her son is perched on her hip with head laid against her breast.

"Okay, I hope I'll be done before lunch so I can bring you some when I pick him up."

"Sure, if you're not done don't worry. It'll be nice, might cheer the office up."

"If you need me then I will answer my phone, I promise." Rick places a kiss to his son's head.

"Bye, bye." Kate says giving him a quick kiss. "I love you. Say bye, Tom." Tom just flaps his hand to mimic Kate's wave. They're been trying to get him to talk, he's nearly there but they've not heard a complete word yet. He recognises some, early to pick up.

"Bye, bye. Love you and talk later." Rick says as he waves goodbye then exits the loft.

"C'mon Tom, you're coming to work with your mother today. I hope it's not too boring for you." Tom just smiles at his mother. Kate straps him in the carry car seat while mentally checking that she's got everything. Not just for work but for her child too. "You ready bubba?" Tom smiles and claps in response, his eyes bright looking up at his mother. "Let's go then." Somehow Kate manages to carry her bag, briefcase, baby bag and car seat with Tom in.

It is a good drive to work when all the traffic lights go green quickly, no jams either. Not to mention her son babbling away to himself in the backseat. Every time she looks around she is able to see the loveable smile on his face that makes her day. She adores her son and can't imagine not having him in her life as well as his father. She also relishes the fact that at the precinct garage there is a space reserved for her.

Kate's relieved when a uniform offers to carry her bags for her, nothing like making the captain happy. Kate carries Tom in his car seat who continues to make random sounds. Everyone who sees them comes up to say hello and look at the growing boy. It isn't as if Tom has never been to the precinct but it has been a while and there's been a tough time of it since.

Tom loves the attention smiling at everyone so much so that he's out of the car seat and being held. Another uniformed officer is kind enough to take it to her office. Kate doesn't want to put her son down because he'll be off exploring the precinct, it's hard keeping up with him sometimes. He's nearly one but can walk well for his age, if he falls down he gets right back up.

It is nearly twenty minutes before she reaches her office having stopped to talk to or for Tom to babble at and make funny faces with what seemed like half of the precinct staff. She manages to take her coat off before going back to talk to Ryan and Espo with Tom still perched on her hip.

"Hey, guys." Beckett greets unaware that Espo is on the phone.

"Hey, Beckett and Tom, how come you've brought your minion?"

"Castle is busy and I felt like bringing him instead of ringing around in search of babysitter. He's quiet and so far just seems to have made a lot of people smile so I don't see the harm for a few hours."

"No, it's nice." Ryan says as Tom grabs his finger. Kate just hopes that he doesn't bite it.

Espo finishes his phone call and turns around "Yo, Cap, and mini Cap?"

"Yep, well done, Espo, Tom's here."

"Cool, where's Castle?"

"He's in a meeting so I brought Tom in."

"It makes a change from all the miserable faces."

"That is does. Anyway, what do you need?" Beckett asks her colleague.

"I just wanted to show you this." He said passing her an open folder. It's a bit of a struggle holding Tom as well who is still fascinated with Ryan's hand.

"Here, I'll hold him." Ryan says taking Tom from Kate.

"Thanks, Ryan."

Tom who now takes an interest in Ryan's tie as well, pulling it at first but Ryan tells him "No." That is Tom's least favourite word but at least he got the message. He's still fiddling with it but mainly making faces at Ryan. It is good that he's as welcoming and a people person like his father otherwise times like this wouldn't be as easy.

Kate scans the content of the folder including photos and records that were all helpful towards catching the killer. It was just the break that they had been looking for. "That's great, Espo. Did anything pop up on financials?"

"No but we found more accounts so there might be something in those. They'll be up soon."

"Fab, what about you, Ryan? Any luck with the computer?"

"Tech is trying to get back what was wiped, they seem hopeful so should have something by lunch."

"That's good, have you found his boss yet?"

"Nope, this guy was going to some lengths to hide his life from his wife."

"Okay, well try and see if where, what we think is, his pay cheque is coming from? It might give us some other leads."

"On it." Espo answers.

"Ryan, look into the wife. Something just doesn't seem right with her."

"I think she knows more than she's telling us but she won't be co-operative about it. I'll talk with some of their friends, the more police friendly ones."

"Thanks, and thanks." Kate says nodding at her son. "I'll take him now."

"No worries, just don't let Castle take him without letting us saying goodbye."

"I wouldn't think of it." Kate says smiling remembering last time how the boys were disappointed they didn't get to see Tom much.

Kate retreats to her office so that she can get some work done also. She puts Tom in his seat and sets up the hanging toy set that keeps him entertained for hours. She just needs a good hour at her work.

Forty five minutes later when Kate is trying to remember something she turns to look at her son as if he were going to give her some thought provoking idea. She leans so Tom can clasp her fingers.

"Mama." Tom says from where he's sat.

"Did you just say Mama?" Kate asks her son as if she was expecting a full response.

"Mama." Tom babbles as he claps then puts his arms out as if reaching for his mother.

"You did! Aha" Kate drops the pen she's still holding in her left hand to pick up her son.

"Mama, Mama, Mama." Tom repeats clearly impressed with the response his words are getting.

"Yes that's right, Mama." Kate snuggles into his neck then kisses his face. "I love you, Tom, Tom."

Ryan walks past Kate's office door seeing the interaction between mother and son.

"You alright boss?" Kate turns to look at her close friend.

"Yeah, brilliant in fact. Tom just said his first word. He said 'Mama'." Kate told him proudly while bringing her son to her chest before her arms begin to ache.

"Wow, that's great. Sarah Grace said Dada first."

"Tom is such a Mama's boy. Just like Sarah Grace is a daddy's girl." Kate says remembering all the occasions where Ryan's eldest has interacted with him.

"Hmm, yeah she is. She needs to stay that way too."

"She will, Kev."

"Give it fifteen years." He jokes, thinking of what horrors might arise.

"I like it when they're young. They pay attention to their parents."

"Not necessarily. So are you and Castle going for another one?"

"Another what?" Kate asks not quite grasping the meaning of Ryan's question.


"Ah, before now I wasn't sure, I didn't know if I was a good at being a parent. Then I have times like these and I'm reminded how much happiness being a mother has brought me so I would love to have another child. I just don't want to wait too long."

"You make a great mother, Kate. Tom is really lucky."

"Thank you. Sometimes I feel guilty because I'm not at home like Castle is but if I wasn't here then I'd be losing a part of me and I want him to see what it's like to have a parent who has a proper job."

"It's part of what makes you such a good captain. You're a parent, a mother who doesn't want to miss out on your child's life. When Peter's son was in hospital he was so appreciative that he could spend time with him whereas his wife's boss didn't let her."

"I made the mistake once where my life was work and I don't want anyone to make that one. Life is for living, we all need to work but we need to live a little. As cops we could be shot the next time we walk out this building so I don't warn anyone to take life for granted."

"Like I say, a fantastic captain and boss."

"Cheers, Kev. It means a lot to hear it." Ryan is about to speak when his phone rings.

"Sorry, I've got to get this."

"Hear that, Tom, Ryan thinks I'm a great mother and a fantastic boss."


"Yeah that's right, Tom, I'm your mama." Kate continues to interact with her son until she realises that she does actually need to get this paperwork done. She tries to put Tom back in his seat but he only grabs her hair then tugs on it. "Ow, Tom."


"Okay, let me get the sling and we can just sit here together." Kate picks the baby sling from the bag then manoeuvres herself and Tom so that they're both facing the desk. He needs another few inches before he can just sit on her lap. Tom laughs and claps.
"You like that, huh?" Tom slaps his hands on the desk. "I wish that is all I had to do to compete this paperwork." Tom reaches for the bear that is by Kate's right hand. "You want the bear? Then have it babe." Kate passes him it then Tom happily plays with the bear that was placed on her desk earlier.

Half an hour later Kate feels that Tom's movements lessen. She stops her paperwork so that she can hold her son in her arms. As soon as she sees his face, she knows he's tired. She gets up to walk around so that she can sing him to sleep. It only takes a few minutes before his breathing evens out. "You're a good boy, aren't you?" Awkwardly, Tom still has tight grasp of her hair. She tries tugging it but he won't let go. She decides just to wrap the sling around him once more this time he's facing her. "There we go, baby, sleep tight." Kate says as she kisses his head.

It's just after midday when her husband turns up. He stands at the door to see her resting back in her chair playing with Tom as he lays in her arm. For a moment it looks as if Tom is asleep.

"Sleeping on the job are we?" Rick asks.

"No, we're awake. It's been an exciting day." Kate replies. She stands to walk to sit on the sofa. Rick shuts the door and joins her on the sofa.

"Why, what happened?"

"He said his first word. He said 'Mama'."

"And I missed it?"

"Yep, maybe he should spend more time here. He learns a lot." Kate jokes.

"Well we need to work on him saying 'Dada' otherwise it is all I'm going to hear."

"Ha, when he misses his mama. I can see that." Kate pauses for a moment wondering whether now is the right time. She looks between her husband and son then there's no doubt in her mind. "Let's go to the park for lunch. I think we could all do with some time out of here." Kate said as there were some conversations not meant for the precinct.

"Sure, let me grab his stuff and we'll go." Rick said as he picked up the baby bag.

"By the way, we've got to come back so that the boys can say bye as well."

"Where are they?"

"They're trying to find the wife who has mysteriously disappeared."

"Hmm, interesting. Do you think she did it?"

"No, I don't think so but there's something not quite right."

"Really?" Rick asks as he pushes the button for the lift.

"Yes but it is lunch time and no more case talk."

"Yes ma'am." Rick says as the doors of the lift close.

The couple stroll through the park with their son walking between them holding each of their hands, looking for a bench where they can have their lunch, talking about Rick's meeting and the outcome. As a family they had nice times in the park, walking around, feeding the ducks and such like.

Eventually they found a bench with Rick led them too.

"Hey, Rick." Kate began once both adults were comfortably sat with Tom sitting on Kate's legs. "Ryan and I were talking about some things earlier and it got me wondering. Well I've been thinking about it for the past few weeks but was trying to get myself around it."

"Hey, you can tell me anything." Castle assured putting his hand on her knee.

"I know. Anyway, he saw me going all mummy on Tom after Tom said his first word, eventually he asked if we were going to have another.

"A few weeks ago I was late and when I realised it I was really late. I know my body isn't back to normal but it was enough to alarm me. The next day I wasn't late anymore, must have been stress or just my body...you know. All that time I was thinking whether I was ready, whether we were ready. I finally came to the conclusion that we are. Well I think I was the only one who was a bit behind.

"I was sort of disappointed when I realised I wasn't pregnant and then the case with those kids happened. It broke me; I wondered what if it had been us? The parents who lost their kids.

"Then when I see Tom and think how much joy and love he's brought to our lives. Then you went on your book tour for the next three weekends and I kept saying to myself that I'd bring it up after. I know you're gone this weekend too but after Tom said 'Mama' today I couldn't leave it any longer."

"Are you asking me what I think you're asking?"

"Rick, do you want to have another baby?"

"You want us to have another delightful Caskett baby?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I'm so glad you said that." Rick said as he leant over to kiss his wife before being smacked on the chin by his son. "Ow." Kate chuckled at that.

"I love being Tom's mama, he's just so amazing. I hope he or she is just as well behaved as Tom is. We're incredibly lucky."

"That we are, Kate." Kate snuggles into her husband's side with Tom still held tightly in her arms.

"Maybe it'll be twins and we'll get the three children Simon Doyle said that we'd have." Rick joked.

"Castle, you try carrying a baby then see how hard that can be. Don't go with two."

"C'mon. Kate, wouldn't it be fun."

"Castle, you were there when I had Tom. If we were to have twins then I'd have to give birth twice. I'll be nearly forty by the time he or she is born as well and it was bad last time."

"If it happens then it happens but otherwise one little munchkin will be great."

"Good. I can't wait." Kate says, glad to have finally convinced her husband to let the twins idea die. The couple kiss with their son in the middle clapping and laughing.

It's that evening when the three of them in the bath relaxing when Rick is trying to teach his son to say Dada. The ducks are floating around the bath and Tom keeps splashing at them whenever they float past. He tried sinking them at first but when they kept coming back up her resorted to just splashing

"Dada, say Dada, Tom." Rick instructs.

"Mama, mama." Tom says.

"No, say Dada." Rick repeats.


"Dada" Rick continues to try to tell his son what to say.


"Rick, I think Mama is all you're going to hear for the next few weeks."

"So much like your mother, aren't you, Tom?"

"Dada" Tom says

"Did you just say Dada?" Rick asks his son.

"Da, Mama." Tom replies going back to his first word.

"Ha, you've got to admit it, Castle, he's pretty good."

"Mama, Mama, ma, ma."

"Yes, Tom, Mama. That's a good boy." Kate says, finding it funny how he's gone straight back to saying Ma.

"Dada, Tom, say Dada."


"Sorry, babe, you're gonna have to work on that." Kate tells her husband.

"Yeah, yeah, at least he's said his first word." Rick realises in all of this it has been a big day, all those babbles have formed Mama, Dada may just take another few weeks.

"Hmm, maybe the next one will say Dada first." Kate suggests.

"They had better do."

"Mama." Tom says clapping at the same time in the process splashing his parents.

"I love you, both of you. Both of my Castle men." Kate says holding Tom close to her chest while snuggling in to her husband.

And it is done. I'll try to do another story that keeps these characters alive.


Please read my other stories too :) Thank you. I published Reconnect yesterday.