"You really should learn how to behave, Katara."

Katara growled underneath her breath as she threw separate articles of clothing towards Zuko.

"It can only get you in trouble."

"But you forget, my prince." Katara spat. "I am yours!"

With much emphasise she indicated the chain in her hair and the heavy gold band around her bicep engraved with the fire lords insignia.

"Does not mean that you can't be hurt by others of the royal family. Just means that commoners can't."

Katara shook her head and crossed the threshold to grab the sheets off of his bed, bundling them up in her arms.

"You have been here for as little as a week and yet you are still being defiant."

"I will never accept this place."

"It could be so much worse you know that right? You could be sleeping in the servant's quarters instead of your own room coming off of my own which guarantee's no one hurts you."

"Lucky me."

She stormed from the room carrying dirty sheets and clothes, kicking the door closed behind her.

The hall that Zuko's bedroom was placed on was long with dark chestnut floorboards and dark red wallpaper covered in long tapestries and several other doors belonging to libraries, living rooms and conference rooms.

Down one long staircase where numerous other slaves passed and the occasional guard she went before turning towards a small wooden door that seemed to disappear underground. Steep steps going downwards with the occasional landing opening to cramped rooms packed with soiled mattresses and thin blankets where some people still slept and laundries.

Katara slipped into one of the laundries closer to the end of the steps where only a few women occupied carrying baskets of their own and scrubbing.

"Hello Katara." Greeted an elderly woman who sat on the floor beside a wooden bucket full of steaming water.

"Good morning Yui."

They sat beside each other dropping numerous articles of clothing into the tubs and scrubbing them with thick bristled brushes until their hands were wrinkled and on occasion blistered.

"The queen of slaves is in this laundry, ladies."

Yui and Katara turned to face a young woman accompanied by several other women looking down on them.

She wore a far more basic uniform of a shapeless red skirt and wide shirt with iron clasps around her wrists printed with the number 438.

Katara rose with her basket, quickly dusting the knees of her skirt before trying to make her way past the women.

"No no, my princess." The woman sneered, shuffling sideways to block the path. "You stay until we say you go."

"Let her go, Zuki." Yui said, rising slowly and stumbling forwards.

"She thinks she is better than us because she is the Prince's little whore."

"I don't think I am better than you and I am not a whore!" Katara pitched in, looking up defiantly.

Zuki scoffed.

"You have so slept with the Prince!" Said a woman in the back.

"No I have not."

All the woman quickly chattered amongst themselves sounding like a hive of angry bees.

"Just because you are one of the royal families play things does not mean you are better than us."

"I have never even-"

"Be quiet and listen!" Zuki shouted, moving forwards. "